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Contact 富沢自動車鈑金塗装

住所 :

Kamiokutomi, Sayama, 〒350-1333 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +898
街 : Saitama

Kamiokutomi, Sayama, 〒350-1333 Saitama,Japan
tamasuke coro on Google

おじさい、おばさん、お兄ちゃん 気さくでついつい話し込んでしまう。修理もバッチリ。
Grandfather, aunt, brother She talks casually. Repair is also perfect.
朝比奈悠羽 on Google

当日の緊急に対応して頂き、ありがとうございます。 オートバックス行って交換出来ないって事で板金屋さん探してました。 三、四件電話対応で断られ、唯一引き受けてくれることになって本当に感謝です。 家から近いので、また来ます。
Thank you for your emergency response on the day. I went to AUTOBACS and was looking for a sheet metal shop because I couldn't exchange it. I'm really grateful that I was the only one to accept the call after three or four calls. I will come again because it is close to my house.
Inoue Takahide on Google

とても親切です。 対応が早く素晴らしいですよ
Very kind. Correspondence is quick and wonderful
misaki sekimoto on Google

擦った傷をどうすれば良いかと急に来てしまったのにもかかわらず、とても親切に対応していただきました 塗料はその場で作って貰えて、お値段もとても安かったです! また何かあったら、絶対に相談したいです 皆さんに是非おすすめしたいです?
Even though I suddenly came to ask what to do with the scratches I rubbed, they were very kind to me. The paint was made on the spot and the price was very cheap! If anything happens again, I definitely want to talk to you. I would definitely recommend it to everyone ?
ドンドコドン田吾作 on Google

是非お勧めのお店です。 一度出すとリピーターに 必ずなります。?
This is a recommended shop. Once issued, it will be a repeater It will definitely be. ?
星野鉄郎 on Google

I have been indebted to the continuation and repairs for almost 10 years. As long as you say so unreasonable, I think that you will be kind and willing to consult.
山崎正 on Google

狭山市の清掃センターの前で、凄く分かりやすくて良い場所です! 社長もセガレさんも気さくで、とても良い人たちです! 料金も格安で仕事は完璧?✌️
In front of the cleaning center in Sayama City, it is a very easy-to-understand and good place! Both the president and Mr. Segare are friendly and very good people! The price is cheap and the work is perfect ?✌️
神藤みつお on Google

とても親切で、急にお願いしたのにも関わらず早急に親身に対応して頂き感謝してます。 技術も素晴らしい自動車屋さんで今後も、何かあった時はお願いしたいと思います。
I am very kind and thank you for your kindness and kindness as soon as possible despite my urgent request. I am a car shop with excellent technology, and I would like to ask if something happens in the future.

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