埼玉トヨペット株式会社 本社

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 埼玉トヨペット株式会社 本社

住所 :

Kamiochiai, Chuo Ward, 〒338-0001 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8889
Webサイト : https://www.saitama-toyopet.co.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9:30AM–6:15PM
Sunday Closed
Monday Closed
Tuesday 9:30AM–6:15PM
Wednesday 9:30AM–6:15PM
Thursday 9:30AM–6:15PM
Friday 9:30AM–6:15PM
街 : Saitama

Kamiochiai, Chuo Ward, 〒338-0001 Saitama,Japan
alexbear on Google

There are hot men.
hayaki nagumo on Google

It ’s a very nice atmosphere.
大坪直人 on Google

It is kind and polite.
sugihara yosuke on Google

When I was in trouble, I called a few car dealers, but there are many shops that are vague or say something awkwardly, so this shop is kind to me and you can make suggestions and suggestions are very good. . I thought it was "a dealer,".
Kodama Station on Google

I wonder if there are many low-ranking people who forcibly bought a car model that does not fit their height due to a system such as Halbite. The sticker here is stuck on the glass. Especially, the driving of minivans is terrible. It is recognized that all cars with the Saitama Toyopet sticker on the rear glass are dangerous driving cars.
8 8 on Google

非常識すぎて論外 なんのお店か興味も湧かないが、とりあえず運転マナーを身につけてほしい。 街中でこの会社の車をよく見かけるが、見かけるたびに何かしら悪さしててもはや笑う。 ・あおり運転 ・急な車線変更でぶつかる寸前 ・前方の車を待たず交通ルール無視で追い抜き ・携帯を触りながら運転 ・火のついたタバコを窓から出して運転 ・タバコのポイ捨て などなど。 とくに火のついたタバコなどの、法律では決まってないが、灰が飛んで危ないとか、周りの人に迷惑とか「少し考えれば分かること」をやってしまうあたり程度が知れる。 会社の仕事を社員に教えるまえに、社会のモラルや交通ルールのお勉強をお願いしたい。
Too insane to be out of the question I am not interested in what kind of shop, but I would like you to learn driving manners for the time being. I often see cars of this company in the city, but whenever I see them, I laugh at something wrong. ・Tilt operation ・On the verge of a sudden lane change ・Overtaking by ignoring traffic rules without waiting for the car ahead ・Driving while touching your cell phone ・Drive a lit cigarette out the window ・Tobacco littering etc. Although it is not specified by law, such as burning cigarettes, it is known that ash will fly and it will be dangerous, and that people around you will do things that you can understand by thinking a little. I would like you to study social morals and traffic rules before teaching employees about the work of the company.
TTHRKD on Google

安心出来るディーラーさんです。 クルマもケータイも何でも相談してみてください。
It is a dealer who can feel at ease. Please feel free to contact us about anything, whether it's a car or a mobile phone.
岸憲正 on Google

I was able to calmly see the car in a cafe-like space

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