コナミスポーツクラブ 東岸和田

3.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact コナミスポーツクラブ 東岸和田

住所 :

Kamimatsucho, Kishiwada, 〒596-0827 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8799
Webサイト : https://information.konamisportsclub.jp/ksc/004032/
街 : Osaka

Kamimatsucho, Kishiwada, 〒596-0827 Osaka,Japan
sada yama on Google

The impression I had made before is that the member's manners are good and the staff's response is also good. However, if the equipment in the free area is enhanced, it will be 5 stars. In the future, if you raise the category and improve your freelance, it will be the best gym around here.
6556関西の on Google

スタッフの質は最悪です。 それを認識していない、店長は多分アホです。 スタッフの態度が一部本当に悪い方がいます。バイトだと思いますが、若い男性の方の態度が悪いです。 また、フロントは若い女性、年配の老けた女性ともに態度が悪いですね。 特に年配の老けた女性は、おばさんのくせに態度が悪い。 所詮バイトと、フロントの女性なのでそこまで期待はしませんが、立場をわきまえて仕事をして欲しいですね。
The quality of the staff is the worst. Not aware of that, the store manager is probably stupid. Some of the staff have really bad attitudes. I think it's a part-time job, but the attitude of young men is bad. Also, the front desk has a bad attitude for both young and old women. Especially elderly women have a bad attitude even though they are aunts. After all, I'm a part-time job and a woman at the front desk, so I don't expect that much, but I want you to understand your position and work.
Eizo Iwamoto on Google

I use it to maintain my physical strength.
熊取谷知広 on Google

フリーウエイトエリアもありますが、基本マシンとスタジオ中心。 最近マシンを総入れ替えしたようですが、フリーエリアは据え置き。 ベンチ台を増やすとか、スクワット台を新設するとか、もうちょっとフリーウエイト客の要望も聴いて欲しいな。 5年通って結局最近増えてきたエニタイムフィットネスに移籍してしまいました。 従業員の方々はとても親切なので、マシン&スタジオ重視の人にはいいかも。
There is a free weight area, but the basic machines and studios are the main focus. It seems that all the machines have been replaced recently, but the free area remains unchanged. I would like to hear more requests from free weight customers, such as increasing the number of benches, or establishing a squat stand. After five years I ended up transferring to the ever-increasing Anytime Fitness. Employees are very kind, so it might be good for those who emphasize machine and studio.
papa mama on Google

I used baby swimming. I feel the content and price are not right. The content is the same every time so the kids don't seem to have fun. Half time is free time called a walk. I don't know what to do because there are no toys in the pool. Much of the mom's voice that the old days were more fun was consulted at the reception. It may be good if you expect to get used to water, but it may be unsatisfactory if you want fun.
adgjmptw wtpmjgda on Google

Some of the weighted guys are annoying, the countryside
マジャール起子 on Google

駐車料金は確かに他のコナミに比べて高いです。プールで一時間泳いで、お風呂に入って合計2時間くらい使っていますので一回確実に100円かかります。もう一つプログラムに入ったら3時間以上使うので200円払います。 でも、近隣の施設に比べてプールやジム、スタジオ、お風呂が空いているのが魅力。お風呂も露天風呂ありでゆったりできます。コロナ禍での対応がコナミ和泉府中に比べてしっかりしているのもいい。落ち着いて運動やお風呂が楽しめるなら多少の駐車料金を払ってもいいと思います。 私はすいている時間を選んでいっているせいか、ここに行くととっても幸せです。 追記:11月末で近隣のイトマンが閉鎖されました。元イトマンの人がプールに来たので混み始めています。うーん、元イトマンの人も困るけど私たちも困るなあ。泳ぎたいのは一緒なので仕方ないかぁ。うーん、お互いすいてる方がよかったんだろうけどなぁ。
Parking fees are certainly higher than other Konami. I swim in the pool for an hour, take a bath and spend a total of about 2 hours, so it definitely costs 100 yen each time. If I enter another program, I will use it for 3 hours or more, so I will pay 200 yen. However, it is attractive that the pool, gym, studio, and bath are vacant compared to the neighboring facilities. There is also an open-air bath so you can relax. It is also good that the response to the corona sickness is stronger than that of Konami Izumi Fuchu. If you can calm down and enjoy exercising and taking a bath, you can pay a small parking fee. I'm very happy to go here, probably because I'm choosing my free time. Postscript: The neighboring Itoman was closed at the end of November. A former Itoman came to the pool and it's starting to get crowded. Well, former Itoman people are in trouble, but we are also in trouble. I want to swim together, so I can't help it. Well, I think it would have been better to have each other.
Mayumi Tanatugu on Google

コロナ禍で色々と変わりましたが、早く元に戻ってほしいものです。 掃除の担当さんがいなくなったので、清掃が行き届いていないのが、残念です。
It has changed a lot due to the corona disaster, but I would like it to return to its original state as soon as possible. It's a pity that the cleaning isn't done well because the person in charge of cleaning is gone.

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