
2.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 三上整形外科医院

住所 :

Kamiitabashi, Itabashi City, 〒174-0076 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89777
街 : Tokyo

Kamiitabashi, Itabashi City, 〒174-0076 Tokyo,Japan
ソメイヨシノ染 on Google

右腕が上がらなくなり受診しました。。職場同僚など周りは五十肩だろう、との話。 MRIを撮ってみると上腕二頭筋腱断裂かと記憶してます。 数回通ってその度に腕の上部に注射。4、5分後「この注射は直ぐ効くので上げてみて」と言われたが痛くて水平までも届かない。「おかしいな?」と首をひねって不思議がりながら言って終了。 受診する度に同じことが2、3回続いた。 毎日可能な範囲で腕を動かす運動をして下さい、と言われたので、朝昼晩床につきながら、起きていながら運動を続けた。しかし、注射も効果無く 腕は上げると痛くて上がらない。 3週間、4週間と通ったがこの医者受診する度に曰く 「運動してますか?してないんじゃないの?ちゃんと運動しなきゃ治りませんよ」
I got a consultation as the right arm did not come up. . It is story that work colleagues and others are frozen shoulder. I shoot MRI and I remember that it is a biceps tendon rupture. Injection several times at the top of the arm each time passing. After 4 or 5 minutes "This injection is effective so please try raising up", but it hurts but it does not reach the horizontal. "It is strange?" Twists his head and ends with a wonder. Every time I visited the hospital the same thing lasted a couple of times. As I was told that exercising to move the arm every day possible, I continued exercising while I was awake while I was on the floor in the morning day and night. However, the injection also has no effect I have a pain when raising my arms. I went by 3 weeks, 4 weeks but every time I see this doctor "You are not exercising, are not you? You will not get better if you do exercise properly"
Mariko AOKI on Google

地元のおばあちゃんたちのお勧めで、こちらの病院に通い始めました。先生は、とても親身に診察してくださり、母はMRIで先生の専門とは異なる病気まで見つけていただき、専門医に紹介してくださいました。 混んでいるのは、高齢の患者さんが多く、親身に診察しているからだと思います。人気の病院なので、待つことも多々あります。 院内に、X線とMRIがあるので、安心です。 受付の方の評判が良くないようですが、どこもそんなもんじゃないでしょうか?看護師さんとレントゲン技師の方はいつもとても感じよく、高齢者にも優しい対応はとても好感がもてる病院です。
At the recommendation of local grandmas, I started going to this hospital. The teacher was very kind to me, and my mother used MRI to find out about illnesses that were different from my specialty, and introduced me to a specialist. I think the reason why it is crowded is that there are many elderly patients and they are being examined closely. It's a popular hospital, so I often have to wait. You can rest assured that there are X-rays and MRI in the hospital. It seems that the receptionist does not have a good reputation, but isn't that the case everywhere? The nurses and X-ray technicians are always very comfortable, and the hospital is very friendly to the elderly.
shijimi _ on Google

ご老人のリハビリ客がたくさんいらっしゃるため、受付開始の30分前くらいから並んでやっと1時間待ち、開院時間に行けば3時間ほど待つのが当たり前のため、社会人には辛いです。 事故の治療で利用しましたが、診察時は大抵同じ内容のストレッチの指示と可動範囲の確認があるのみであまり親身とは言えません。 また院長のプライドが高く、自分のカルテ記載漏れを認めず声を荒げて「喧嘩を売っているのか!!」と怒鳴り散らかします。 また、「他の患者よりも親身に治療に当たってきた」と恩着せがましく行ってきましたが、逆に言えば他の患者は私以下の治療しかしていない、患者への治療に平等性が欠けていると宣言したものです。 患者の治療より自身の実績を優先するため、しっかりと治療する場合別の病院をお勧めします。 二度と通院しません。
Since there are many elderly rehabilitation customers, it is natural to wait for about 1 hour in line from about 30 minutes before the reception starts, and about 3 hours if you go to the hospital opening time, so it is hard for working people. I used it to treat an accident, but at the time of the examination, I usually only receive the same stretching instructions and confirmation of the range of movement, so I can't say that I am very friendly. In addition, the director's pride is high, and he does not admit that he has missed the medical record and shouts, "Are you selling fights !!" In addition, I have been graciously saying, "I have treated more closely than other patients," but conversely, other patients have only treated less than me, and there is equality in treatment for patients. It was declared missing. Since your performance is prioritized over the treatment of the patient, we recommend another hospital for proper treatment. I will never go to the hospital again.
ままかりままかり on Google

Unusually, we have MRI, so you can make an accurate diagnosis. The teacher will also teach you how to rehabilitate at home with prevention of recurrence in mind rather than treatment. The waiting time is long, but I will not wait until the second time when the medical treatment policy is decided because I will be able to rehabilitate first.
ラッキーヒル on Google

以前、急に腰が痛くなり、地元でおすすめの整形外科を聞いたらこちらという事で行きました。 お年寄りに大人気で受付時間の8:30に行った時にすでに10人ほど並んでいる。待合室で座れないまま1時間以上待たされました。やっと診察室に呼ばれて行ったところ、とても高圧的な態度の先生でした。問診票をみただけで、実際の身体は確認せずにMRIを撮る様に言われ、「こんなにMRIが早く予約できる所は中々ないんだよ、私のおかげなんだからね」と言われ「?」と思いながら、今度は2時間ほど待ちMRIを撮り、再度診察へ。仕事中の姿勢が原因と言われましたが、それは問診票にすでに記入していたことでした。それと子供の時に歯の矯正をしていたことを指摘され、「歯の矯正をすると身体のラインが変わるから、整形外科と平行して治療するのが常識なのにそんな事も知らないの?」と怒られました。当時子供だったのに知るわけないでしょ。その後、「私がリハビリの指示を出してあげるから」「処方箋を出してあげるから」「家でやるストレッチを教えてあげるから」と先生のおかげであることを都度都度強調されて診察が終わりました。その後直ぐには良くならず何度か通院しましたが、改善させない事に苛立ち、「ストレッチの回数が少ないんだ」⇨支持された回数やってた。       「歯の矯正をした時に整形外科に行かなかったのが良くなかったんだ」⇨子供の頃のことを大人になって言われても? などと責められる事ばかり言われました。通院することが辛くなってしまったので、他の形成外科に変えました。治るのに時間が掛かりましたが、今は普通の生活に戻れています。お年寄りの方々があの先生をありがたがっているのが不思議です。待ち時間が長い事、待ってる間座れない可能性が高い事、先生に高圧的な態度でも落ち込まない強いハートの方は行っても良いかもしれません。
Before, I suddenly had a backache, and when I heard about a recommended orthopedic surgery in my area, I went there. It is very popular with the elderly, and when we went to the reception time at 8:30, about 10 people were already in line. I had to wait for more than an hour without being able to sit in the waiting room. When I was finally called to the doctor's office, he was a teacher with a very high-pressure attitude. Just by looking at the questionnaire, I was told to take an MRI without checking the actual body, and said, "There aren't many places where you can make an MRI reservation so quickly, because of me." While thinking, this time I waited for about 2 hours, took an MRI, and went to see the doctor again. I was told that my posture at work was the cause, which I had already filled out on the questionnaire. It was also pointed out that he had orthodontic teeth when he was a child, and he said, "Because orthopedic treatment changes the body line, it is common sense to treat in parallel with orthopedics, but do you know that?" I was angry. You didn't know that you were a kid at the time. After that, the doctor emphasized that "I will give you rehabilitation instructions," "I will give you a prescription," and "I will teach you how to stretch at home," and the examination was over. It was. Immediately after that, it didn't improve and I went to the hospital several times, but I was frustrated that I couldn't improve it. "It wasn't good that I didn't go to orthopedics when I had my teeth straightened." ⇨ Even if I was told that I was an adult when I was a kid, I was always blamed for things like ?. It became difficult to go to the hospital, so I changed to another plastic surgery. It took me a while to heal, but now I'm back to normal life. It is strange that the elderly people are grateful for the teacher. If you have a long waiting time, there is a high possibility that you will not be able to sit while waiting, and you have a strong heart that does not make you depressed even with a high-pressure attitude toward the teacher, you may go.
玉手箱 on Google

平日午前9時過ぎに行き、すでにお年寄りで満員状態、立ちっぱなしで4時間待った。 14時前まで診察一度もなし。 レントゲンを看護師の指示で撮っただけ。 一見だったので後回しにされていた様子だった。 予約自体なさそうなのに、後からくるお年寄りたちにどんどん抜かされ、誇張なく4時間です。 ずっと待ち合いの外で立ちっぱなしなのに受け付けに、 まだですか?と聞いても無視するかのような態度でした。 普通、立ち続けている人がいたらせめて声掛けませんか? あとでクチコミみると受付が酷い、とあり、 ああ、あの人ね、と分かった。 一人は感じの良い方だが、もう一人は電話応対も高慢、客あしらいも高慢、非常に不愉快な思いをしたし、 二度と行かない、と心に決めた。 近所だったしMRIがあることで行ったけど、こんな不愉快な病院二度と行かないです。
I went after 9 am on weekdays and was already full with the elderly and waited for 4 hours while standing. No medical examination until 14:00. I just took the roentgen at the instruction of the nurse. At first glance, it seemed that he had been put off. Even though it seems that there is no reservation itself, it is 4 hours without exaggeration because it is being overtaken by the elderly people who come later. Even though I've been standing outside the meeting all the time Again? Even if I heard that, it seemed like I would ignore it. Wouldn't it be nice to have someone standing up and talk to you? Later, when I looked at the reviews, the reception was terrible. Oh, I knew that person. One is a nice person, but the other is proud of the telephone response, the pride of the customer service, and I felt very unpleasant. I decided not to go again. I went to the neighborhood because I had an MRI, but I will never go to such an unpleasant hospital again.
tana go on Google

星をひとつも付けたくありません。 他の方も書かれていましたがかなり高慢な態度です。 説明もかなり足りず、説明を求めると嫌な顔をされます。 受付も医者もどちらも感じが悪く、信じられないぐらい悪い空気の病院です。 空気が悪すぎて逆に面白いので是非かかってみて下さい。後悔できます。
I don't want to add any stars. Others have written it, but it's a pretty proud attitude. The explanation is not enough, and when I ask for an explanation, I get an unpleasant face. Both the receptionist and the doctor feel uncomfortable and it is an incredibly bad air hospital. The air is so bad that it's interesting, so please try it. I can regret it.
NAO M on Google

丁寧に的確に治療してくれる。薬は多いと感じる時もあるが、メインの薬を和らげるための胃薬は、無くても大丈夫だったので2回目からはお断りしたら、すんなりOKで押しつけられることはなかった。 いつも待ち時間2〜3時間は覚悟しなくてはならないが、それだけ良い病院と言うことでもあると思う。他にもっと空いてる整形外科はあるが、診察レベルを考えると、待ち時間が長くてもこの病院に来る。
It treats you carefully and accurately. Sometimes I feel that there are a lot of medicines, but I didn't have to have the stomach medicine to relieve the main medicine, so if I declined from the second time, I couldn't be pressed smoothly. You always have to be prepared for a couple of hours waiting, but I think it's a good hospital. There are other orthopedic surgeons available, but given the level of consultation, I come to this hospital even if I have to wait a long time.

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