Kamiishisebone Honesoshosho Clinic - Sano

1.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kamiishisebone Honesoshosho Clinic

住所 :

1332-3 Takahagicho, Sano, Tochigi 327-0821, Japan

電話 : 📞 +887
Postal code : 327-0821
Webサイト : http://kamiishi-c.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–12PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 9AM–12PM
Tuesday 9AM–12PM
Wednesday 9AM–12PM
Thursday 9AM–12PM
Friday 9AM–12PM

1332-3 Takahagicho, Sano, Tochigi 327-0821, Japan
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It doesn't suit me.
U Y on Google

The doctor yelled ... Such a doctor will never go again for the first time!
亀田文江 on Google

腰の痛みで行ったら イライラしながら椎間板が完全に潰れてて 治りようがないと言われたけど 別の所へ行ったら 原因が別で 痛みも治まりました?
When I went to a lower back pain, I was annoyed and I was told that my intervertebral disc was completely crushed and I couldn't heal it.
YK K on Google

The facilities were clean, the receptionist and the X-ray technician felt good, and the teacher's explanation was polite. I thought I would ask here again next time.
あゆみず on Google

子供の腰痛で、痛みがなくても痛み止めを飲み続けろと言われました。痛み止めって、痛くなくても飲まなきゃいけない薬なんでしょうかね。もう行きたくありません。 追記です。 それだけでなく、背が低いのを見て、他の方のコメントにも頷けるくらい断定的に子供の成長が遅い、筋肉の発達が遅いのだから、普通の子と同じ運動量についていけないと言われました。私達両親ともにだいぶ小がらなんですが…。 そのくせ、これから部活をやりたいなら必死で筋トレとストレッチをやれ、と言われました。 身体を大きくする努力は食生活でも筋トレでもやっています。他の子に負けないくらい活躍しているし努力している子にむかって言う言葉ではありません。 部活動出来ないと言われていると感じました。 他の先生にかかったら全く別のことを言われました。
My child's back pain told me to keep taking painkillers without pain. A painkiller is a drug that you have to take if you don't feel pain. I do not want to go anymore. P.S. Not only that, but also seeing the shortness, it is said that the growth of the child is so slow that the children's growth is slow enough to see in the comments of other people, and the muscle development is slow, so it can not keep the same amount of exercise as an ordinary child. The We both parents are quite small but ... If you want to do club activities from now on, I was told that I should do muscle training and stretching desperately. Efforts to make the body bigger are done by diet and muscle training. It is not a term that says to go to a child who is working and working hard enough to beat other children. I felt that I was told that I could not do club activities. Another teacher told me something completely different.
徳川家康 on Google

I had a medical examination, but the teachers and nurses also gave me a polite explanation, which was helpful. It is also recommended by a teacher who is famous for treating osteoporosis.
ほのま on Google

対応がひどい病院です。 腰を動かすと痛いため病院に行ったのに 痛いなら動かなきゃいいじゃんと病院にとって本末転倒なことを言われました。 何のための病院かわからなくなります。 診察することもなく、話するだけで決め付け 溜息も多い、嫌味ばかり言う先生です。 施設自体は綺麗だし、看護師、事務の方もいい人ばかりですが、トップがあれだと行きたくなくなります。
It is a terrible hospital. I went to the hospital because it hurts when I move my hips I was told that the hospital would have to move if it hurts. I don't know what the hospital is for. No need to see a doctor, just talk A teacher who sighs a lot and says only sarcasm. The facility itself is beautiful, and there are only good nurses and clerical workers, but if the top is that, I don't want to go.
乃木坂ゆばたん on Google

先生が無愛想 腰痛で行ったらレントゲン撮って塗り薬処方されて終わり。 ものすごく痛いから痛み止め打って欲しいって言ったら無理と言われた
The teacher is unfriendly When I went with back pain, I took an X-ray and was prescribed an ointment. It hurts so much that I was told that I couldn't do it if I asked him to stop the pain

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