Kamiiida daiichi General hospital - Nagoya

2.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kamiiida daiichi General hospital

住所 :

2 Chome-70 Kamiiida Kitamachi, Kita Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 462-0802, Japan

電話 : 📞 +899
Postal code : 462-0802
Webサイト : http://www.kamiiida-hp.jp/index.html

2 Chome-70 Kamiiida Kitamachi, Kita Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 462-0802, Japan
ゆみ on Google

整形外科の受付の人態度悪すぎる。整形外科は待ち時間が多いので、待合にいるときにあの人の対応が聞こえて来て嫌になった。椅子も少ないし。もう少し対応の良い人いないんですか? 内科の火曜日の一般内科?の男性医師の態度が高圧的なので火曜日以外に行くか、他所に行くといいと思いました。お金貰ってる以上は病院のイメージが自分の態度で上下することを忘れなきよう。この病院は全員とは言わないが、ほとんど接客やマナー研修をしてないのでしょうね。
The attitude of the orthopedic receptionist is too bad. Orthopedics has a lot of waiting time, so when I was in the waiting room, I heard that person's response and I was disgusted. There are few chairs. Is there anyone who is a little better at dealing with you? Internal Medicine Tuesday General Internal Medicine? The attitude of the male doctor is so high-pressure that I thought it would be good to go outside of Tuesday or go elsewhere. As long as you get the money, don't forget that the image of the hospital goes up and down depending on your attitude. I don't say that this hospital is everyone, but I think they don't do much customer service or etiquette training.
Yucco on Google

乳がん検診のマンモグラフィや超音波検査は、こちらを強くお勧めします!私は乳腺が密で、マンモグラフィはどこで受けても激痛だったのですが、こちらで受けたところ、痛みはゼロではないですが、1番軽かったです。 診察は乳腺外科で女性の雄谷先生に診ていただきました。名古屋市の乳がん検診を他院で受けたところ、要精密検査となり、こちらで乳腺エコーと再度マンモグラフィを受けました。他院からの紹介状には画像が入れてもらってなかったので。 先生はマンモグラフィの結果、エコーの結果の画像とともに、とても丁寧に説明をしてくださり、心配は無いと教えてくださいました。 「おまたせしてすみませんね」と親切にも言ってくださって、患者の私のことを思い遣ってもらってるのが、ありがたかったです。 マンモグラフィの県の時に、ケープのような検査着が用意されていて、検査中の恥ずかしさが軽減されたのも、とても良かったです。乳腺センターという独立したスペースになっていたところも良かったです。待ち時間はとても短かったのですが、雑誌のLEEや、暮らしの手帳があったので、退屈しませんでした。 11時の予約で12時5分には会計まで終わっていたので、病院の待ち時間としては、とても短かったと思います。 看護師の方、検査技師の方、事務の方たちも、みなさん手際がよく、流れるように手続きを進めてくれました。 次にマンモグラフィ、乳腺エコーを受ける時もこちらでお世話になろうと決めましたし、乳腺や乳がんの不安を感じている人に、こちらをお勧めしたいと思いました。 病院の外来入り口、駐車場ともに車椅子マークの対応がされておりました。
Mammography and ultrasound for breast cancer screening are highly recommended! I had a dense mammary gland and severe pain no matter where I received mammography, but when I received it, the pain was not zero, but it was the lightest. Medical examination was a visit to a female doctor Mr. Otani in breast surgery. When I received breast cancer screening in Nagoya City at another hospital, it became a detailed examination, and I received an echo of the breast and mammography again. Because I did not have the picture put in the letter of introduction from the other hospital. The teacher gave me a very detailed explanation of the results of the mammography and the echo results, and told me that I was not worried. He kindly said, "I'm sorry I would like you to come back again," and I was thankful for having the patient think about me. At the time of the mammography prefecture, it was also very good that a cape-like test clothes was prepared and the embarrassment during the test was alleviated. It was good that it was an independent space called the mammary gland center. The waiting time was very short, but I was not bored because there were LEE of magazines and a notebook for living. Since I had finished accounting at 12:05 at the reservation of 11 o'clock, I think that it was very short as the waiting time of the hospital. The nurses, the laboratory technicians, and the clerks all proceeded with procedures so that everyone had a good flow. Next time I received mammography and mammary gland echo, I decided to take care of it here, and I wanted to recommend this to people who are anxious about mammary gland and breast cancer. Both the hospital entrance and the parking lot were equipped with wheelchair marks.
eppi nagoya on Google

父が背骨の圧迫骨折できいました。現在見てくれているここの先生はいいかたですが、初めに対応した若い先生は、多分臨時の先生だと思うけど、上から目線で、質問と違うことを言おうとすると無視、叱りつけるなどひどい態度でした。 評価の低い他のたくさんの方が書いているのも、ほぼ、先生たちの態度ですよね。 具合わるく、不安な時に優しく対応してもらいたいという、患者の当然のニーズに応えられないというのは、企業としてやっぱりダメでしょう。 トップにいる人が、医師、看護婦、受付他のスタッフに、「患者ときちんと向き合って、忙しくても優しく対応する様に」と日々言っていればこうはならないはず。 ただ、ちゃんとしたスタッフもたくさん居ますので、本当に頑張っている人のためにもダメスタッフの教育をきちんとするべきだと思います。
My father had a compression fracture of his spine. The teacher here who is currently watching is nice, but the young teacher who responded at the beginning is probably a temporary teacher, but from the top, if you try to say something different from the question, you will ignore it, scold it, etc. was. It's almost the attitude of the teachers that many other people with low ratings write. As a company, it is no good to be unable to meet the patient's natural needs, such as being comfortable and having them respond gently when they are uneasy. This should not be the case if the person at the top tells doctors, nurses, receptionists, and other staff every day to "face the patient properly and treat him gently even if he is busy." However, there are a lot of decent staff, so I think we should properly educate the bad staff even for those who are really working hard.
土方歳三本人 on Google

2度ほどお世話になったことがある。 1度目は近所の鰻屋で熱い、本当に熱いお茶を受け取り損ねて足にぶっかけ火傷して、鰻を食べ終えるまで我慢したけど辛抱たまらず飛び込んで、もう足を切断してほしいと頼んだらボルタレンという薬もらったら痛みが和らいだので切断せずに済んだので星4個。? 2度目はコレまた鰻を食べようと今は無き名店川鉦に行く直前に強烈な腹痛に見舞われトイレを借りに病院に入ったらトイレ内で失神??? 結果、胆石で緊急入院。 初日に死にそうな人ばかりいる部屋に寝かされ高額な個室に転居せざるを得なくなったので星3個。 でも、助けてくれてありがとう?‍♂️?‍♂️
I have been indebted twice. The first time I missed the hot, really hot tea at a nearby eel shop and got burned on my leg, I put up with it until I finished eating the eel, but I jumped in without patience, and when I asked for amputation, it was called Voltaren. When I got the medicine, the pain was relieved, so I didn't have to cut it, so I got 4 stars. ? The second time I tried to eat eel again, I had a severe abdominal pain just before going to the now-defunct famous store Kawaho, and when I entered the hospital to rent a toilet, I fainted in the toilet ??? As a result, he was urgently hospitalized with gallstones. I had to move to an expensive private room because I was put to sleep in a room with only people who were about to die on the first day, so I got 3 stars. But thank you for your help ?‍♂️?‍♂️
びしゅう on Google

最近、発熱外来で受診させて頂きましたが、全く納得出来ません。 コロナの感染疑いで受診するなら、他院を勧めます。 抗原検査のみです。その為、感染の可否の判断は貰えません。 抗原検査だけなんで、陰性とは言い切れないと。 で、何故か、CTをいきなり撮られます。 コロナの症状は見られませんと。 それでも、是も否も無しです。 じゃあ何で撮る? 金儲けしたいのでしょう。 あと、後出しで、初診加算の説明されて、結果、藁をも掴む気持ちで、何とかコロナ感染か否かをハッキリさせたい患者に対して、その可否も分からぬまま、9,910円持ってかれました。えぇ、しのぎですねぇ。 PCR検査やらないって言わんと先に。 CT撮るって言わんと。 金取りすぎ。
Recently, I had a medical examination at a fever outpatient department, but I am not completely convinced. If you are suspected of having a corona infection, we recommend another hospital. Only antigen test. Therefore, it is not possible to judge whether or not the infection is possible. It cannot be said that it is negative because it is only an antigen test. So, for some reason, I can take a CT suddenly. I don't see any symptoms of corona. Still, there is no right or wrong. Then why do you shoot? You want to make money. Also, in a later post, I was explained about the addition of the first visit, and as a result, for patients who want to somehow clarify whether or not they have corona infection with the feeling of grasping the straw, I have 9,910 yen without knowing whether or not it is possible. It was done. Yeah, it's a match. Before saying that I wouldn't do a PCR test. I told you to take a CT. Too much money.
Y. A on Google

僕はハッキリとは記憶してないけど9年くらい前、10年は経ってないと思う。その頃仕事で片目の眼球の直ぐ下をぶつけてしまって眼科に行ったら当日 即 入院を診断した医師から言われた。病名は網膜剥離、その日から病室を用意してもらえて、入院は医師的に退院できたのは1ヵ月くらい?退院しても定期的に通院するという条件で、その1ヵ月は地獄だった。入院中は暇だからネットで自身の網膜剥離についてエゴサーチしまくって、ネットには網膜剥離になったら失明するとすら書かれていた。片目を失うくらいなら死ぬことも考えた。退院してからは手術した片目の視界に見える下辺りに液体がユラユラして見えてたりで「俺ってもうこんな目で生きてくの?」と思って、本当に失明する?と。先生に聞いたら「このユラユラは今だけでその内蒸発するから」と言われて安心した。 数ヵ月後には液体も無くなって、でも今から数ヵ月前までは片目に眼球の上にレンズがあるのを剥がしてる訳だから左右の視界が遠近法みたいにアンバランスに見えるのは当然だけどそれでも失明どころか見えくなる事もなく生活出来てきた。 今は気のせい?と思えるのか、でも昨日よりは眼鏡をかけてだけど左右の視界が遜色なく見えるようになってるのをテレビを観ていて改めて感じた。これは神様からのプレゼントかな?と今は思ってる。 網膜剥離になられた人、今も入院して完治に努めてる人がいたら諦めないで下さい、健常者と同じとは言わないけど網膜剥離になったからといって悲観する事はないですよ! この総合上飯田第一病院には目を治してくれる名医が居ます!希望は持ち続けて下さい!今スゴく感謝してます! 僕の目を治していただいた先生、ありがとうございました。今は何とか生活は出来てます、本当に細かいもの 文字とかは少しボヤけてしまいますが失明しないで済んでるのは僕の手術をしていただいた先生や看護師、スタッフの方々のお陰と思ってます。 スタッフの皆様、これからもお仕事頑張って下さい、患者さんの力になってあげて下さい。僕は先生 方に治していただいた目で残りの人生を生きていきます。
I don't remember clearly, but I think it's been about 9 years ago and 10 years ago. At that time, when I went to an ophthalmologist because I hit just below the eyeball of one eye at work, the doctor who diagnosed hospitalization immediately told me. The name of the disease is retinal detachment, and from that day on, I was asked to prepare a hospital room, and I was able to be hospitalized as a doctor for about a month? It was hell for a month, provided that I would go to the hospital regularly even if I was discharged. Since I was free during hospitalization, I searched online for my own retinal detachment, and even wrote on the internet that I would lose my eyesight if I had retinal detachment. I thought I would die if I lost one eye. After I was discharged from the hospital, I could see the liquid swaying in the lower part of the field of vision of the one eye that had been operated on. When. When I asked the teacher, I was relieved to hear that "this swaying is evaporating only now." After a few months, the liquid disappeared, but from now until a few months ago, the lens on the eyeball was peeled off in one eye, so it is natural that the left and right vision looks unbalanced like perspective, but still blindness. On the contrary, I was able to live without becoming visible. Is it because of your mind now? But when I watched TV, I felt that I could see the left and right fields of vision even though I wore glasses from yesterday. Is this a gift from God? I'm thinking now. If you have a retinal detachment, or if you are still hospitalized and trying to get rid of it, don't give up. I'm not the same as a healthy person, but I'm not pessimistic about having a retinal detachment! This Kamiiida Daiichi Hospital has a well-known doctor who can cure your eyes! Keep hope! Thank you so much now! Thank you to the teacher who healed my eyes. I've managed to make a living now, and the really small characters are a little blurry, but I think it's thanks to the teachers, nurses, and staff who had my surgery that I didn't lose my eyesight. .. All the staff, please continue to work hard and help the patients. I will live the rest of my life with the eyes of the teachers.
松井結子 on Google

眼科にかかりました 白内障の両目手術です 不安でしたが ベテラン先生と優しいスタッフさんに恵まれ無事終わりました。 両日とも12.3人の方が手術を受けられたそうです。今は面会禁止です 早くコロナなくなればいいですね。
I went to ophthalmology Binocular surgery for cataract I was worried I was blessed with a veteran teacher and friendly staff, and it ended safely. It seems that 12.3 people had surgery on both days. Visiting is prohibited now I hope the corona disappears as soon as possible.
Relloyりーろい on Google

北区近辺でMRI等大きな検査だと大体ここ紹介されます。 (主治医曰く事務処理、連絡がスムーズらしい) 施設は上飯田駅裏の下町情緒が残る細道沿いで 兎に角「狭い・混雑」ってのが昔からの印象ですね。 駅から徒歩ですぐなのは交通の便良いと思います。 横に立駐あるけど兎に角狭いですね。 よっぽど必要に迫られない限り利用したくない立地。 病院前に少しだけ車が寄せれるスペースあるけど そこで身障者なり乗り降りしてるみたい。 但し交通量多いうえに普通の車もタクシーもバンバン停めるので この辺何とかしてほしいなぁと思う。 病院内は古くて狭い、昔からある拠点病院的な佇まい。 身障者なので受け付けも会計もスムーズだったけど ここでイライラ募らせる外来患者多いだろうなってのは 何となくピリピリした空気で察した。 (自分も受付済ませて2時間くらい放置プレイ) どんな用事にしろ、例え検査1時間で予約してても 最低半日かかると考えてたほうが良いですね。 MRI検査は南病棟?へ通行証渡されて3F?連絡通路から向かい。 コロナの影響あってか北外来と違いシーンとしてた。
It is generally introduced here that it is a big examination such as MRI in the vicinity of Kita Ward. (The doctor in charge says that the paperwork and contact are smooth) The facility is along a narrow path that retains the atmosphere of downtown behind Kami-Iida Station. It's a long-standing impression that the corner is "narrow and crowded". I think it is convenient for transportation to be just a short walk from the station. It's stationed next to it, but it's narrow. A location that you do not want to use unless you really need it. There is a little space in front of the hospital where cars can come It seems that people with disabilities are getting on and off there. However, there is a lot of traffic and ordinary cars and taxis can be parked bang bang. I want you to do something about this. The inside of the hospital is old and small, and it looks like an old base hospital. I was physically handicapped, so reception and accounting were smooth. The reason why there are many outpatients who are frustrated here I guessed it with a tingling air. (I have already accepted it and left it for about 2 hours) No matter what you do, even if you make a reservation for one hour of inspection You should think that it will take at least half a day. Is the MRI examination in the South Ward? Passed to 3rd floor? Opposite from the connecting passage. It was a scene unlike the North Outpatient, probably because of the influence of Corona.

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