
4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 炭火焼肉松林苑上本郷店

住所 :

Kamihongo, Matsudo, 〒271-0064 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8799
Webサイト : https://www.shorinen.com/shorinen/
Opening hours :
Saturday 3PM–1AM
Sunday 11:30AM–12AM
Monday Closed
Tuesday 5PM–1AM
Wednesday 5PM–1AM
Thursday 5PM–1AM
Friday 5PM–1AM
街 : 〒1F Chiba

Kamihongo, Matsudo, 〒271-0064 Chiba,Japan
Matsukura Yuki (matsubokkuri) on Google

コスパ良い。2人でお腹いっぱい食べて9000円でした。アルコールは頼んでいません。基本的にハズレは無く、美味しいお肉でした。 八柱にあるぼたんは、売れ筋だけしか美味しくありませんが、こちらは頼んだお肉全てが良かったです。他のレビューではホールの店員が微妙と書いてありますが、納得です。しかしながら、カウンターから厨房のスタッフを見ていると厨房の人たちの目つきは真剣でこだわりを感じました。 日曜夜に予約なしで行きました、ギリギリカウンターが空いているとのことで着席しました。周りを見ると空いているテーブルは多数でした。駐車場も空きがいくつかありました。 今度からこちらに通うことにすると思います。
Cospa is good. It was 9000 yen when two people ate a full stomach. I do not ask for alcohol. There was basically no loss and it was delicious meat. The peony in Hachijo is delicious only for selling, but all the meat I ordered was good. In other reviews, the clerk in the hall says it's subtle, but that's convincing. However, when looking at the kitchen staff from the counter, the eyes of the kitchen people were serious and particular. I went without a reservation on Sunday night, and sat down because the last minute counter was vacant. Looking around, there were many empty tables. There were some empty parking lots. I think I'll go here again.
ぱぴこ on Google

十数年通っているお店ですが10数年働いているスタッフさん達の接客態度が悪すぎ。 特に背が低くてちょっと小太りの男の子の接客が本当に悪いです。 味は良いし長らく通うほどには愛用しているお店ですが、長く勤めている人も含めあまり接客が良くないのがとても残念です。 店長さんらしき人の対応や態度はすごく素敵なので、一般的なホールスタッフの対応が悪いのが本当に残念でなりません。 サイドメニューも美味しいものが多く、この辺で焼肉屋さんといったらここ!と言う感じなのですが、仕入れに影響があって出せないメニューがあることはオーダーを取る段階で顧客に伝えるのが普通だと思います。 一生懸命接客してくれるスタッフも少なからずおりますが(眼鏡をかけた坊主の男の子の接客が良かった)、全体的なスタッフの接客態度が本当に悪いので改善してほしいと心から思っています。 これからも長く愛用していきたいのでどうかお店の方がこのレビューをご覧になってくださったならスタッフの接客対応の改善のためにマナー講師など招いて対応して頂けたらと思います。
The shop has been around for more than 10 years, but the customer service attitude of the staff who have been working for more than 10 years is too bad. Especially the short and slightly fat boys are really bad at serving customers. The taste is good and I have been using it for a long time, but it is a pity that the customer service is not so good, including those who have been working for a long time. The response and attitude of the person who seems to be the store manager is very nice, so I'm really sorry that the general hall staff is not responding well. Many of the side menus are delicious, and if you're talking about a yakiniku restaurant around here, this is the place! However, I think it is normal to tell customers at the stage of taking an order that there are menus that cannot be served due to the influence on purchasing. There are quite a few staff members who serve customers very hard (the customer service of the boy with glasses was good), but the overall customer service attitude of the staff is really bad, so I sincerely hope that they will improve. I would like to continue using it for a long time, so if the shop staff sees this review, I would like to invite a manners instructor to improve the customer service of the staff.
D,HITSU on Google

肉質が良く、タレは甘めでコクのあるタレで自分の好みです。お値段はそれなりですがお腹いっぱい食べれる価格。 スープも美味しいですよ。
The meat quality is good, and the sauce is sweet and rich, which is my favorite. The price is reasonable, but it's a price that you can eat full. The soup is also delicious.
有威 on Google

The calm interior. There are counter seats. Kimchi is a gem of the preparation that has been carefully selected. It goes without saying that the meat is good. All the side menus are delicious. It's always a treat.
Rさん on Google

人気店のようで、行ってみたいと思い、夜に訪問。 感動するような味ではなく、普通のお味。 混んでいるので、店員さんが なかなか来ず、呼び鈴もない。
It seems to be a popular shop, so I wanted to go there, so I visited at night. It's not a touching taste, but a normal taste. It's crowded, so the clerk It's hard to come and there is no doorbell.
amii ami on Google

日曜のみランチ営業をしていたので訪問。 ランチに関しては口コミがほとんどないようですが、ランチメニューはありません〜 全体的に単価が高め。 肉は和牛のようなので、値段相応かなとも思います。 一人前の肉の量はそんなに多くなく、薄切り6枚くらい。肉自体の味はしっかりしていて脂もおいしかったです。 注文時にタレか塩か選べるようあですが、タレを選んでもテーブルにあるタレをつけた方がおいしく感じました。 一方、サイドメニューは…うーむ。という感じ。 チヂミはまさかのかなり薄めで、ピザスライサーで切るという斬新さ。薄くてモチモチしてましたが、具も少なくてイマイチ。 ソースもしょっぱいので、テーブルに備え付けのにんにくタレの方がよいです。 ビビンバは、具はたっぷりで見た目おいしそうなのですが、コチュジャンなど味を決めるものが入っていないので優し〜い味でした… ひき肉が入っているのですが、甘くて優しい味わい。。。想像の味とはちょっと違いました。個人的にはコチュジャンが欲しかったですが、お子さんも多いという配慮であればキムチやタレを好みで足すのがよいと思いました。 量はかなりあるので締めに分けて食べるにはいいかな? キムチはとてもおいしかったです! オイキムチはキムチではなくて、ただの漬物という感じでしたが〜! ちょっと高くても美味しい和牛が食べたいときはいいのかもですね!
I visited because it was open for lunch only on Sundays. There seems to be almost no word of mouth about lunch, but there is no lunch menu ~ The unit price is high overall. The meat is like Japanese beef, so I think it's worth the price. The amount of meat for one person is not so large, about 6 slices. The taste of the meat itself was solid and the fat was delicious. It seems that you can choose sauce or salt when ordering, but even if you choose sauce, it was better to add the sauce on the table. On the other hand, the side menu is ... hmm. It feels like. Chijimi is really thin, and it's novel that you cut it with a pizza slicer. It was thin and chewy, but there were few ingredients and it was not good. The sauce is also salty, so it's better to have the garlic sauce on the table. Bibimbap has plenty of ingredients and looks delicious, but it tasted kind because it didn't contain gochujang or other flavor-determining ingredients ... It contains minced meat, but it has a sweet and gentle taste. .. .. It was a little different from the taste I imagined. Personally, I wanted gochujang, but I thought it would be better to add kimchi and sauce as you like, considering that there are many children. The amount is quite large, so is it okay to eat it in separate portions? Kimchi was very delicious! Oi kimchi wasn't kimchi, it was just pickles! It may be good when you want to eat delicious Wagyu beef even if it is a little expensive!
Shohei. O on Google

Good Japanese bbq, meat was good in general but a little high price range in general.
Blanka Kobayashi on Google

It was our first visit but definitely not last. The meat was super delicious, soft and juicy. Very generous portions of Sanchu, salad and negi. The soup was also very delicious. We finished off with desserts and really enjoyed ourselves. Details on servings and precautions also very good! Highly recommend it. Do not miss

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