磯川緑地公園 せせらぎ広場

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 磯川緑地公園 せせらぎ広場

住所 :

Kamigo, Kaminokawa, Kawachi District, 〒329-0604 Tochigi,Japan

街 : Tochigi

Kamigo, Kaminokawa, Kawachi District, 〒329-0604 Tochigi,Japan
藤生憲昭 on Google

You can see various birds.

You can walk happily
藤生憲昭 on Google

It's great because there are many natural birds.
m Kotatumikan on Google

it is quiet. A carp from the river is coming. I wish I had some breadcrumbs.
K Kim on Google

To get rid of lack of exercise, you can walk just the right distance.
8. 8. on Google

小学生2人、犬の散歩がてらに初めてこちらの公園を満喫してきました。静かな森で、小川の水が透き通って魚が 気持ちよさそうに泳いでいるのを横に見ながら散歩ができ、マイナスイオンもたっぷりでてました。 心が穏やかになれる場所です。片道たぶん 5.6キロは あるかと思います。板で出来ている渡り道は、滑りやすいので 走ったりは?ダメ 夏場でも 森の中はヒンヤリして気持ちよかったです。
Two elementary school students enjoyed this park for the first time while walking their dogs. In a quiet forest, I could take a walk while watching the fish swimming comfortably through the clear water of the stream, and there were plenty of negative ions. It is a place where you can calm your mind. I think there is probably 5.6 kilometers one way. The crossover made of boards is slippery, so you can't run ? Even in the summer, it was nice to feel in the woods.
ぺっぺまりな on Google

散歩コース最高!大したことないだろと、バカにしてましたが、 真横にキレイな川!鳥の鳴き声! 鯉がパクパクw 1.4キロあっという間なので往復しました!
The best walking course! I was stupid that it wasn't a big deal, A beautiful river right next to it! Bird barks! Carp is packed w It was 1.4 kilometers in a blink of an eye, so I went back and forth!
山内広樹 on Google

クチコミ観て行ってきました。時期的に緑が無く寂しい感じでしたが、鯉や小さな魚達は元気に泳いでました。もう少し暖かくなれば緑に囲まれ気持ち良い木道になるのでしょうね。その木道は所々傷みがあり継ぎ目が段差になっているところや足場の板が反りボルト部が抜けてしまって浮いている所が有りました。でも少しずつ修繕してくれているようなので、事故が発生する前に直してくれると願っています。 ご年配の方や子供連れの家族など居たので、ほのぼのした感じで良かったです?
I went to see the word-of-mouth communication. I felt lonely because there was no green in the season, but the carp and small fish swam well. If it gets a little warmer, it will be surrounded by greenery and become a comfortable wooden path. There were places where the wooden path was damaged and the seams were stepped, and there were places where the scaffolding board was warped and the bolts were pulled out and floated. However, it seems that they are repairing it little by little, so I hope they will fix it before the accident occurs. There were elderly people and families with children, so it was nice to have a warm feeling ?

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