炭火焼肉 晋

4.3/5 に基づく 3 レビュー

Contact 炭火焼肉 晋

住所 :

Kamiaokinishi, Kawaguchi, 〒333-0845 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +889
街 : Saitama

Kamiaokinishi, Kawaguchi, 〒333-0845 Saitama,Japan
あ〜しゃん on Google

濡れ泡美 on Google

This is Jin's shop, which came to Japan from the Korean Autonomous Region of China. The service is good, the food is delicious and the price is not so high. Even if I gave 3 bottles, it was 11000 yen. If you register on LINE, you can receive kimchi services. There is an excellent item in the reticle. The minus point is that there is no P.
ミランダ・Youtubeで旅行動画を投稿してます on Google

2021年の情報です。 8月は終日休業と表示されていました。
Information for 2021. August was displayed as closed all day.

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