牛星 亀戸店

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 牛星 亀戸店

住所 :

Kameido, Koto City, 〒136-0071 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88798
街 : Tokyo

Kameido, Koto City, 〒136-0071 Tokyo,Japan
m on Google

日曜日に訪問致しました。 口コミから予約は必要だと思い、当日予約にはなりましたが席を確保頂き、無事に訪問することができました。 まずは爆盛ナムルを頼み、それをアテに酒を飲む! 三種のナムルですが、どれも美味しくテイクアウトしたいぐらい。。 その後、肉もちょいちょい頼み、どれも美味しくいただきました^ ^ 飲んでよく食べる方ですが、1人3000円有れば満足するかと思います!
I visited on Sunday. I thought that it was necessary to make a reservation from the word of mouth, so I made a reservation on the day, but I got a seat and was able to visit safely. First, ask Nakuru Bakumori and use it as a drink. There are three kinds of namul, but all of them are delicious and I want to take them out. .. After that, I asked for meat a little bit, and all of them were delicious ^ ^ He drinks and eats a lot, but I think if he costs 3000 yen per person, he will be satisfied!
power armor jazzy on Google

肉の質がかなり高い。 にも関わらず安いしカジュアルで入りやすい神な店。 忘年会で利用させて頂きましたが、連れも皆同じ事を言っていました。
The quality of the meat is quite high. Despite this, it is a cheap, casual and easy-to-enter god shop. I used it at the year-end party, but all my companions said the same thing.
m o on Google

日曜日、開店と同時16:30に入店。 オープン待ちが3組、入店30分後には二階席まで満席だったかな。 問屋の焼肉屋ということで、とにかくコスパは最強。 お腹いっぱい食べて2,000円/人だった。 カルビは他店のようにただの油ではなく、しっかりサシが入っているが食べてみるとしっかり食べ応えあり。 1品ずつの量が多いため、2人で上タン塩/牛星ロース/牛星カルビ/牛すじ焼き/ライス中/チョレギサラダ/カクテキまでしか食べられる。 店内も全然油っぽくないので、居心地良い。 次は、サガリ/ホルモンが食べたい。
On Sunday, the store opened at 16:30 at the same time. Three sets waiting for the opening, and 30 minutes after entering the store, was it full to the second floor? Anyway cospa is the strongest because it is a wholesale restaurant. I ate a full stomach and was 2,000 yen / person. Calvi is not a mere oil like other stores, but it has a sashi firmly, but if you try it, it will eat well. Because there is a large amount of each item, it is only possible for two people to eat only upper salt / beef sterling / beef sterling / beef simmered / in rice / choregi salad / white rice. As it is not oily at all in the shop, it is cozy. Next, I want to eat Sagari / hormone.
廣田勇樹 on Google

This store has been visited many times before (^^)d I don't remember how it first came (^^; It seems that there are several other stores. The shop is excellent in cost performance! It's cheap and delicious ? Meat lovers are irresistible (lol) When you come to the store, you must order "Namuru platter", "Kimchi", "Nakaogari kalbi", " It's probably Ushiboshi Calbi, Thick Sliced ​​Beef Tongue, Kamino Mino, and Ushiboshi Sagari. I'll order different ones depending on my mood, but the above is recommended. I ate it before taking a picture and fixed it, but there is a little more volume (lol) There is enough volume to say that this price is good so please order when you come to the store (lol) There is nothing to say about meat Please be careful when ordering rice here, as it is also stated on the menu, but it is larger than the general amount, so it is better to order oversized size and share it with everyone However, I think the part-time job here will be a better store if it is educated because I have a little knowledge of the product and the low awareness of customer service. Thank you always. Thank you.
Kstech on Google

以前から気になっていたお店でしたがいつも満席の為諦めていました。 しかし意を決して予約を取り来店。 結果予約を取ってでも行くべきお店でした。 お肉の室は総じて良く適度なサシで柔らかくホルモンも鮮度良く美味しかったです。
It was a store that I had been worried about before, but I always gave up because it was full. However, I never make a reservation and come to the store. As a result, it was a place to go even if I made a reservation. The meat room was generally good, moderate sashimi, soft, and the hormones were fresh and delicious.
ma C- on Google

コストパフォーマンスが良い。 高い金を出せばココより美味い焼肉屋はあるが、値段と味を考えると早々無い。 キムチやナムルも美味しい、もやしのナムルは普通盛りが他の大盛り相当だが意外にもペロリと行ける。 肉質も良くのでハズレは無い。 ホルモンもあるが、近場の名店ホルモンと比較は可愛そうだが悪くない。 レバーも厚みがあり鮮度もある。 希少部位もあるが、基本メニューでも十分である。 何時も繁盛しているだけある。 店員さんの対応も申し分無い。
Good cost performance. There are yakiniku restaurants that are better than Coco if you pay a lot of money, but considering the price and taste, there aren't any. Kimchi and namul are also delicious, and bean sprout namul is equivalent to other large servings, but surprisingly you can go with it. The meat quality is also good, so there is no loss. There are hormones, but it looks cute compared to the hormones from famous stores nearby, but it's not bad. The lever is also thick and fresh. There are rare parts, but the basic menu is sufficient. It's always thriving. The clerk's response is also perfect.
l ll on Google

Cost performance best!!
Manish Maharjan on Google

Very good quality meat in cheap price try the large size rice.

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