オホーツクダイニング 銀星

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact オホーツクダイニング 銀星

住所 :

Kameari, Katsushika City, 〒125-0061 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Webサイト : https://ginboshi.owst.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Sunday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Monday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Tuesday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Wednesday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Thursday Closed
Friday 11:30AM–2:30PM
街 : Tokyo

Kameari, Katsushika City, 〒125-0061 Tokyo,Japan
珈琲詩人789 on Google

I had lunch. 1,000 to 1,300 yen with an obanzai. Seasoning is good and delicious.
なな姉R on Google

マスターも、お母さんも人当たりが良くて、めっちゃ楽しいです。 もちろん、料理も美味しい。 「行きつけ」って言えるくらい通いたい。
Both the master and the mother are very friendly and very fun. Of course, the food is delicious. I want to go as much as I can say "go".
Ygrweha Nawmu on Google

ランチで利用。 価格はどれも1000円。 おかずはバイキング、ドリンク付き。 8種類あるメニューから選びます。 北海道産のたれがかかった豚丼を注文しました。 5枚ほどしっかりしたお肉が乗っていてい美味しかったです! おかずはバイキングのため、お腹いっぱい食べることができます。 店員さんが優しく、お店にいるお子さんがウロウロしてかわいいです。
Use at lunch. The price is 1000 yen each. Side dishes include buffet and drinks. Choose from 8 different menus. I ordered a fried pork bowl from Hokkaido. About five pieces of solid meat were on board and it was delicious! The side dishes are a buffet, so you can eat full. The clerk is kind and the children in the shop are cute.
Kawamura So on Google

知り合いに連れられてランチに行きました。 思っていたよりもボリュームもあり、めっちゃ美味しかったです! 近くに寄った際はまたぜひ来たいお店です。
I went to lunch with an acquaintance. It was more voluminous than I expected and it was really delicious! This is a shop that you definitely want to visit when you come near.
Shopper Mystery on Google

I am happy that the sashimi is fresh and thickly sliced. What should be noted is how to serve sake, which comes out with a round plate under the sake basin that you often see, pouring sake vigorously there, and the sake that exceeds the basin is also a plate. There are more than two go, and sake lovers make a leap. The price is reasonable and it is definitely a good shop.
井上朋子 on Google

いつも、美味しい料理&お米!ご飯が、これまた美味しい!!ありがとうございます〜 本日は、ランチで伺いました!ジンギスカン定食(900円)にしましたー!熱々湯気が、お肉柔らかいし野菜はシャキシャキ! 付け合せも、工夫を凝らしてあり丁寧さを感じます!そして美味! 店内は清潔感あるし、いつもキレイにされているので安心して子連れでも入りやすくありがたいお店です。 ご主人も奥様も、皆様温かな接客で、とても気持ち良く過ごさせて頂いています! また、行きまーす!
Always delicious food & rice! The rice is delicious again! !! thank you~ I visited for lunch today! I made a Genghis Khan set meal (900 yen)! The hot steam, the meat is tender and the vegetables are crispy! The garnish is also elaborate and I feel polite! And delicious! The inside of the shop is clean and always clean, so it's easy to enter even with children. Both my husband and wife are very comfortable with the warm hospitality! Let's go again!
りむるん。 on Google

日替わり定食900円で厚切りの刺身やジューシーな肉が出てくるためとってもお得です! 前菜、みそ汁も季節のものが出てくるため美味しい。 写真は刺身定食1100円ですが、ネタがとても良いのでオススメです♪ 常連さんも多くいるため、亀有に来たときはぜひ訪問してみてください。 店員さんの女性も優しくてとても素敵です! by リピーター
The daily set meal is 900 yen, and thick slices of sashimi and juicy meat are served, so it's a great deal! Appetizers and miso soup are also delicious because they come out seasonally. The photo shows a sashimi set meal of 1100 yen, but I recommend it because the ingredients are very good. There are many regulars, so please visit when you come to Kameari. The female clerk is also kind and very nice! by repeater
Ray 。 on Google

前から気になっていたお店だったので、亀有に用事があるついでに立ち寄り。ランチ利用。 口コミで写真を見た時は量少なめかな?等と思っていましたが、全くそんな事はなく、大きな鶏ザンギと美味しい白米で満足かつ満腹になりました。 写真手前にある切り昆布となめこの料理も凄い美味しかった〜。家に常備してちびちび食べたいレベル。 私以外のお客様は全員常連さんのようで若干ソワソワしてしまいましたが、お店にゆるりと流れる時間も好きです。また伺います。
It was a shop that I had been interested in for a long time, so I stopped by when I had something to do with Kameari. Use for lunch. When I see the photo by word of mouth, is it a small amount? I thought, but that was not the case at all, and I was satisfied and full with the big chicken Zangi and delicious white rice. The cut kelp and nameko mushrooms in the foreground of the photo were also very delicious. A level that you want to keep at home and eat a little bit. All the customers other than me seemed to be regulars, and I was a little sloppy, but I also like the time that flows slowly to the store. I will visit you again.

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