Densaku-ya - Katsushika City

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Densaku-ya

住所 :

YBCビル 1階4号 5 Chome-28-12 Kameari, Katsushika City, Tokyo 125-0061, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88989
Postal code : 125-0061
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–12AM
Sunday Closed
Monday 11AM–12AM
Tuesday 11AM–12AM
Wednesday 11AM–12AM
Thursday 11AM–12AM
Friday 11AM–12AM

YBCビル 1階4号 5 Chome-28-12 Kameari, Katsushika City, Tokyo 125-0061, Japan
raa kitamu on Google

刺し身、焼き魚、短角牛とかの定食が食べれる店! 生フルーツジュース美味しかった? 他にも岩手のジュースみたいなのありました。単品のメニューも食べたいのがいっぱい。 今は、昼しかやってないみたい。電話してから行った方がいいとおもいます。
A restaurant where you can eat sashimi, grilled fish, shorthorn beef and other set meals! Raw fruit juice was delicious ? There was also something like Iwate juice. There are many things I want to eat as a single item menu. It seems that I only do it at noon now. I think it's better to go after calling.
卯紗 on Google

オープン当初、よく閉店間際に行ってましたが、まだお店があってよかった(笑) 新鮮で美味しい。ランチならたまに行けそうなのでまたいこうかな。
At the time of opening, I used to go close to the store, but it was nice to have a store (laughs) Fresh and delicious. I can go there once in a while for lunch, so I will go back again.
mizunagi mk2 on Google

岩手出身の店主さんがやってる岩手の食材豊富な海鮮居酒屋 どんこのたたきオススメ 磯でよく釣れるアイナメみたいな奴を東北ではどんこと呼んでいるがこれが脂乗ってて白身で美味い ぶつ切りに肝が和えられて出てくるので醤油とわさびで食ってみるんだ マジで美味い 藤勇の醤油を用意しているあたりもガチ 刺し身醤油でこれ以上の醤油は無い どんこの写真は忘れた
A seafood izakaya with abundant Iwate ingredients run by a shopkeeper from Iwate Donko Tataki Recommended In Tohoku, people like fat greenlings that can be caught on the shore are often called, but they are fat and white and delicious. It comes out with the liver mixed in chopped pieces, so try eating it with soy sauce and wasabi. Seriously delicious The area where Fujiyu's soy sauce is prepared is also apt No more soy sauce with sashimi soy sauce I forgot this photo
伸彦竹川 on Google

東北の美味しい魚介類に日本酒が揃っているお店。 スタッフの対応も良く居心地のいいお店ですね? ノンビリと美味しい食事をして飲んで気分良く帰れますね?
A shop where you can find delicious seafood from Tohoku and sake. It's a cozy restaurant with good staff support ? You can have a delicious meal and drink and go home ?
hiroyuki e on Google

I think the concept of the restaurant and the fact that you can drink for lunch are good, but the price is higher than I expected and the taste is not good.
ヨホ on Google

I visited for lunch. It was delicious. Also, the sashimi set meal is large, and the sweet soy sauce is also delicious. It was so delicious that I forgot to add wasabi. I will visit you again.
横瀬まさつぐ on Google

ノリの良い快活な女性店員の接客が気持ちよい。 食事が美味しいこともさることながら 親しみやすさを感じさせる 店員の接客に、 また食べに来よう♪ 誰を連れてこようか?と 一人だけでなく 誰かと一緒に来たくなる雰囲気が花丸だぁ〜(笑) 仕事で3回目 か 4回目に来た時、 11時の開店時間が過ぎているのに、シャッターが降りていて開いていなかった。 また食べられると楽しみにしてたのに。 ガックリ。 表示の告知がないこと に 私的なことがあって店は休みなのだろう。 と 諦めて店をあとにした。 でも諦めきれず(笑) 仕事の休憩時間中 昼時とは違い 2時過ぎに来たらシャッターはあがり 店は開いていた。 あれぇッ! と 店内に入ったら ガス屋さんがいた。 ガス工事であいていなかったのカナ?と お店の方にたずねたら、 今日は2時からの営業 です。 インスタには載せてあったのですが、 外にはなかったですか?と にべもないといない としか思えない 返答に愉しみにしていた分だけ、 悲しかった。 それでも 仕事が終わった後 来たら その日の 銀シャリ 定食の一つ マグロの刺身 &さわら 西京焼き定食 を 食べられて、大満足(笑)
The cheerful and cheerful female clerk's customer service is pleasant. Not only is the food delicious Feel the friendliness For customer service of the clerk Let's come to eat again ♪ Who should I bring? When Hanamaru has an atmosphere that makes you want to come with someone, not just one person (laughs). When I come to work for the third or fourth time, Even though the opening time at 11 o'clock had passed, the shutter was down and it wasn't open. I was looking forward to eating it again. I'm disappointed. That there is no notice of display The store may be closed due to personal reasons. When I gave up and left the store. But I couldn't give up (laughs) During work breaks Different from noon If you come after 2 o'clock, the shutter will be released The store was open. That's it! When Once inside the store There was a gas shop. Kana who wasn't in the gas work? When If you ask the shop, Open from 2 o'clock today is. It was posted on Instagram, but Wasn't it outside? When I can only think that there is nothing As much as I was happy with the reply I was sad. Nevertheless If you come after work One of the Gin Shari set meals of the day Tuna sashimi & Spanish mackerel Saikyo-yaki set meal of I'm very happy to be eaten (laughs)
OORer mintreds on Google

ランチタイムにゆっくりとランチしました。 宮古海鮮丼はご飯の上のお刺身をいただいた後に小瓶に入っためかぶ、ネギトロ、イクラを丼に。そこからはレンゲスプーンでご飯と一緒に掻き込むシステム。 小瓶のイクラは当然のように小皿にこぼれてるし。食べながらワクワクするよ〜。 ふわふわの卵焼きも美味しかったです。 お味噌汁もお魚のお出汁がきいてるし、どこまでも満足できる美味しさです。 通りから小道に入るので、Googleマップで行かれる方は見落とさないでね。
I had lunch slowly at lunch time. Miyako Kaisendon is a bowl of sashimi on rice, then put in a small bottle with mekabu, negitoro, and salmon roe. From there, a system that uses a ranger spoon to squeeze in with rice. The salmon roe in the vial is naturally spilled on the small plate. I'm excited while eating. The fluffy omelet was also delicious. The miso soup is also made from fish soup, and it's delicious enough to satisfy you. If you go by Google Maps, don't overlook it as you will enter the path from the street.

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