
3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact おおの診療所

住所 :

Kameari, Katsushika City, 〒125-0061 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–12PM
Sunday 10AM–4PM
Monday 9AM–12PM
Tuesday 9AM–12PM
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 9AM–12PM
Friday 9AM–12PM
街 : Tokyo

Kameari, Katsushika City, 〒125-0061 Tokyo,Japan
石井ゆみ on Google

叔母がお世話になってます。 とにかく凄腕先生です。 何十年もお世話になっております。 何度も助けられております。これからも宜しくお願い申し上げます?
My aunt is indebted to me. Anyway, he is a great teacher. I have been indebted to you for decades. I have been helped many times. Thank you for your continued support ?
すーかな on Google

There were countless spots on the tongue, there were taste disorders and numbness of the tongue, I visited the department of internal medicine of the Kameari Owa clinic doing holiday medical treatment. When I told the symptoms, "My tongue is not internal medicine, I am at a loss for coming home." I was told with a strong tone. Next, despite being coming as a holiday medical treatment, I was told about "Do not change the hospital at all" and he did not see the tongue at all and the inquiry was over. It was said that "It is a waste of time." There was my mistake my tongue did not know as internal medicine, but I could not believe that I could not see my tongue at all. I will never go there again.
かりかり on Google

先生は気さくな方で患者からの信頼も厚いです。 良い病院だと思いますが、とにかく待ちます。予約制ではないので、開院と同時に待合室は満席。少し出遅れると11時頃に再来院を勧められ、ひどい時は午後になります。なので、体がダルくて立っているのもツラい時はどうかな?と思います。
The teacher is kind and has a lot of trust from the patient. I think it's a good hospital, but I'll wait. Since the reservation system is not available, the waiting room is full at the time of opening the hospital. If you are a little late, you are recommended to return to the hospital around 11 o'clock, and in the worst case it is in the afternoon. So, I wonder if it's hard to stand up because your body is dull.
ヨッチャンよっちゃん on Google

Just meeting with the director will make you feel better on the way home...it's a mysterious feeling that has been taken care of for a long time. The other teachers, nurses, and receptionists are all wonderful. Thank you for your family
ちぃかお on Google

When I went in the morning today, I was told that the afternoon examination was over. Though it is until 18:00 on Saturday, isn't it unusual? Aunt! ! The director general and the nurses are good people, but the receptionist is irritated by the response of some people. Patients also seem to be considerably reduced compared to the past. The people at the reception who used to work in the past did not keep the patient waiting, and I think that they were thinking about the patient and acting properly. What on earth are some people at the reception desk now? Are you willing to work? I think so. It's impossible to take 30 minutes to 1 hour for accounting, while accounting is 5 to 10 minutes for medical examination, which is slow (lol) anyway. It's really funny.
PPP KKK on Google

絶対ここの診療を受けるべきではありません!とにかく扱いが酷いです。発熱相談センターに紹介されてここに電話を掛けたんですが、「来院するのであれば、今すぐじゃないとダメです」と高圧的な態度。体調が悪いので、せめて午後にして欲しいと言ったのですが「午後は混むから今すぐ来い」と威圧的な看護婦の返事。 凄く辛かったのですが、病気を推し無理して来院しました。頭痛がひどく立ってるのもやっとの状態。現場に到着して受付に行くと相当な人だかり。電話では混んでない今の内に来い、と言う話だっのに、この有様 はなんなのか!受付に呼ばれて保健所とアンケートへの記入。するとその後、耳を疑うことを言われる。「暫く病院の外でお待ちください」は?風邪で苦しんでる人間を冬の木枯らし吹きすさぶ外に立たせるとか、一体何の罰ゲーム!?15分ほど待たされ挙句に案内されてのは奥にある非常口の通路。非常に風通しが良くて外よりも遥かに寒い場所でした。一応椅子が用意されましたが、背凭れのない小さな丸椅子。もう患者の扱い方が雑すぎて普通にモノ扱い。そしてその寒い場所で診察をされましたが、もう頭痛と吐き気で滅茶苦茶苦しかったです。 それら、おおの医院の酷い対応のせいで、風邪が振り返し症状が悪化してしまったのは言うまでもありません!ほんと酷い目にあいました。 後からネットで調べて見ると発熱外来を行なっている病院は他にも全然ありました。 発熱相談センターは、少なくとも、こういう悪質医院を絶対紹介すべきではないと思います。
You should never get medical treatment here! Anyway, the handling is terrible. I was introduced to the fever consultation center and called here, but he said, "If you want to come to the hospital, you have to do it right now." I wasn't feeling well, so I asked him to do it in the afternoon, but the intimidating nurse replied, "It's crowded in the afternoon, so come now." It was very painful, but I was forced to come to the hospital because of my illness. I'm barely able to get a bad headache. When you arrive at the scene and go to the reception, there are quite a lot of people. I was told that I should come to the present when it is not crowded on the phone, but what is this situation! Called by the receptionist to fill out the health center and questionnaire. Then he is told to doubt his ears. What about "Please wait outside the hospital for a while"? What a punishment game, such as letting a person suffering from a cold stand outside the winter tree withering and blowing! ?? After waiting for about 15 minutes, I was guided to the emergency exit passage in the back. It was a very airy place and much colder than the outside. A chair was prepared for the time being, but it is a small round chair with no backrest. The way patients are treated is too rough and they are treated normally. I was examined in that cold place, but I was already sick with headaches and nausea. It goes without saying that the colds turned around and the symptoms worsened because of the terrible treatment of those clinics! I had a really bad time. When I looked it up online later, there were no other hospitals that had a fever outpatient clinic. I don't think the fever counseling center should at least introduce such a malicious clinic.
t on Google

受付の男が最低。 高圧的で自分が偉いと勘違いしている。 病人や高齢者のことを考えられてない発言ばかりで見ていて非常に不愉快であった。 もっと優しく接するのが地域医療をする側の態度ではないか。周りの人も誰一人として注意する気配すらなし。職場環境が悪いのかもしれない。 高圧的な態度を改める必要がある。 院長も高圧的だから、受付の男も勘違いしてるのかもしれないが、とんだ勘違いだ。
The receptionist is the worst. It's high pressure and I misunderstand that I'm great. It was very unpleasant to see all the unthinkable remarks about the sick and the elderly. Isn't it the attitude of the community medical care side to treat them more kindly? No one around me even seems to be careful. The work environment may be bad. It is necessary to change the high-pressure attitude. Since the director is also high-pressure, the receptionist may have misunderstood, but it is a misunderstanding.
m jfk on Google

亀有おおの診療所は昔ながら・ツンデレ・手厚い!!!この言葉に尽きると思います。昔ならではの口調は強いけど心は優しい先生&スタッフが苦手な人は合わないと思いますが、下町ならではの優しさがありとても大好きな病院で、なかなかこんな素敵な病院ないと思います。 1回お世話になっただけで受付・看護師さんが顔を覚えて下さっていたり、院長はちょい怖だけど凄い心配してくださって色々検査してくれるし、検査してくれる人は優しいしで愛多き病院です。 丁寧であるゆえにマチち時間長い時もありますが…(^^; 心温まる病院だと思います!
Kameari Oh's clinic is old-fashioned, tsundere, and generous! !! !! I think it's all about these words. I don't think that people who are not good at teachers and staff who have a strong tone but are kind to the heart are not suitable, but I think that it is a hospital that I love very much because of the kindness unique to downtown, and it is not quite such a wonderful hospital. The receptionist / nurse remembers my face just by taking care of me once, and the director is a little scared but very worried and will inspect various things, and the person who inspects is kind and loved There are many hospitals. Because it is polite, it sometimes takes a long time, but ... (^^; I think it's a heartwarming hospital!

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