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Contact 鎌田城跡

住所 :

Kamada, Itō, 〒414-0054 Shizuoka,Japan

街 : Shizuoka

Kamada, Itō, 〒414-0054 Shizuoka,Japan
竹下半兵衛 on Google

There are remains such as Horikiri and Yokobori. The view is good.
あしひろ on Google

Earthworks and moats remain in the main enclosure. It feels great as a hike.
masa I on Google

The road is bad, and it is especially slippery after rain, so you need to be careful. You need to be careful with your shoes because you have to walk in the middle of the river.
秀久仙石 on Google

Forced breakthrough from the dam side! ️Honmaru was taken ~ ✌️ Remaining batsgun such as moat and earthworks‼ ️ You can see the dam at the foot of the mountain ❗ You can also see the direction of Sagami Bay ❗
sakappa on Google

うなぎ屋さんの脇に案内板があり、その奥に登城口があります。 登城口には、ぼろぼろになったスカイラインが置いてありました。
There is an information board beside the eel shop, and the entrance to the castle is behind it. At the entrance to the castle, there was a shabby skyline.
happyねこち on Google

2021/03/14 鎌田城跡ハイキングコース詳細(奥野ダムからの往復) 所要時間:往復1時間30分程度 駐車場:奥野ダム管理棟P 駐車場から県道12号まで戻り少し右に下った工事車両のある敷地から入る(入り口に城跡の看板あり)、歩きにくい沢沿いを登りつめると尾根道にでる。しばらく進むと八代田との分岐、城址方向に進むと崩壊した神社がある。すぐ右横に海方向の展望地あり、更に神社の裏手には奥野ダムを一望できる大展望地がある。帰路は元来たコースをたどる。 ☆この日の様子 快晴!奥野ダムPからスタートし往復コースではなく城址帰路は分岐から八代田方向へ下り万葉の小道、ダム公園を通過、ダムPに戻る周遊コースを歩いてみた。(3時間弱程度)このコースはおすすめしない、なぜなら万葉の小径は衰退が激しく上りの舗装路歩き、さびれてるぅ~。沢沿いの斜面には不法投棄のゴミが多くテンションがますます下がる。ダム公園から駐車場のダム壁横の階段の最後のぼりがとどめ、やたらつら~い!ダムPから往復コースの方がおすすめ。城址にある神社の崩壊はハンパなく気の毒な感じだったよ。ダムの展望地はなかなかのよい眺めなので訪れて欲しい。
2021/03/14 Kamada Castle Ruins Hiking Course Details (Round Trip from Okuno Dam) Time required: Round trip 1 hour 30 minutes Parking Lot: Okuno Dam Administration Building P From the parking lot, return to Prefectural Road No. 12 and enter from the site where the construction vehicle is located (there is a signboard for the castle ruins at the entrance). After a while, there is a branch with Yayoda, and a shrine that collapsed in the direction of the castle ruins. Immediately to the right is the sea-oriented observatory, and behind the shrine is a large observatory overlooking the Okuno Dam. The return route follows the original course. ☆ State of this day Sunny! Starting from Okuno Dam P, instead of a round-trip course, the castle ruins return route went down from the branch toward Yashiroda, passed through the Manyo no Komichi, Dam Park, and walked the tour course back to Dam P. (A little less than 3 hours) I don't recommend this course, because the small diameter of Manyo is declining sharply and walking up the paved road, it's deserted. There is a lot of illegally dumped garbage on the slopes along the river, and the tension drops even more. From the dam park, the last climb of the stairs next to the dam wall in the parking lot stops, and it's hard! The round-trip course from Dam P is recommended. The collapse of the shrine on the ruins of the castle was a pity without any humor. The view of the dam is quite nice, so please visit it.
馬渕英貴 on Google

伊豆急南伊東駅から徒歩で登城できます。登城口を探すのに苦労しましたが山道に入ると道ははっきりしています。 標高311メートルの山頂には郭、堀切が良く残っています。また相模湾を見下ろします。
You can climb the castle on foot from Izukyu Minami-Itou Station. I had a hard time finding the entrance to the castle, but when I entered the mountain road, the road was clear. Guo and Horikiri are well left on the mountaintop at an altitude of 311 meters. It also overlooks Sagami Bay.
北条の足軽 on Google

最初に沢登りと急坂です シッカリした靴で訪れましょう 平安時代末期には鎌田氏が治めていて源氏に味方したそうです 戦国時代前期には伊東氏が早雲対策で城を整備したと思われるらしい 早雲によって焼き討ち廃城とも北条の城として滅亡まで続いたとも言われ、謎の多い城跡です 車の方は松川湖に停めます 公園側ではなくトンネルに近いダムの方が良いです、結構停められます 大通りまで出たら少し降ってウナギ屋さんの手前の案内板から登城開始です、案内板の縄張り図とハイキングマップは必ず写真に撮りましょう 壊れた放置車両の横から山歩きです 標高差は180mと結構ハード つづら折りの道の先に鎌田城への案内がありますが道が無い! 道ではなく小川の石の上を沢登りです、雨後は行けるのかな? その後も各所にある案内表示通りに登って行くと堀切らしき場所と一文字土塁が出て来ました この先は何となく堅堀や土塁などが見受けられます 本丸には壊れた神社、一応拝んで周囲を歩きます、東側に進むと伊東の町が下に見えます、展望台の案内を進むと段曲輪らしき場所が展望地 右下に松川湖と左側には伊豆最高峰、天城の万二郎岳と万三郎岳が見えます 私はこのまま突き抜けて城の東側の万葉の小径に降りようと思い先に進みました、途中の鉄塔で右側にチョットした階段と真っ直ぐに踏み跡があり、真っ直ぐ進んだら見事に迷子になりました、斜面の木を掴みながら藪を進んで何とか別荘地に出て戻れました 冒険するより同じ道を戻り分岐から滝を見に行けば良かったなと後悔 皆さんも気を付けて下さいね
First is Sawanobori and steep slope Let's visit with crisp shoes At the end of the Heian period, Mr. Kamada ruled and he sided with Genji. It seems that Mr. Ito built the castle as a countermeasure against early clouds in the early Warring States period. It is said that both the abandoned castle and the castle of Hojo continued to be destroyed by Siege of Mount Hiei, and it is a mysterious castle ruin. The car parks at Lake Matsukawa It's better to have a dam near the tunnel instead of the park side, it can be parked quite a bit When you reach the main street, it will fall a little and you will start climbing the castle from the information board in front of the eel shop. Be sure to take a picture of the territory map and hiking map of the information board. It is a mountain walk from the side of the broken abandoned vehicle The altitude difference is 180m, which is quite hard. There is a guide to Kamada Castle at the end of the zigzag road, but there is no road! It's not a road but a mountain climb on the stone of a stream, can I go after the rain? After that, when I climbed up the guide signs in various places, a place that seems to be Horikiri and one letter earthworks came out. Somehow you can see hard moats and earthworks in the future. There is a broken shrine in the main enclosure, I worship and walk around, if you go to the east side you can see the town of Ito below, if you follow the guide of the observatory, you will see a place that looks like a stepped ring You can see Lake Matsukawa on the lower right and Mt. Manjiro and Mt. Mansaburo of Amagi, the highest peak of Izu on the left. I pierced through it as it was and went ahead to go down to the small diameter of Manyo on the east side of the castle. I managed to get back to the villa by going through the bushes while grabbing the trees on the slope. I regret that I should have gone back on the same road and went to see the waterfall from the branch rather than adventuring Please be careful, too.

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