Akebonoyu - Kawasaki

3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Akebonoyu

住所 :

5-12 Daimachi, Kawasaki Ward, Kawasaki, Kanagawa 210-0814, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88889
Postal code : 210-0814
Webサイト : http://www.kawasaki1010.com/now/koten/daishi/akebonoyu.htm

5-12 Daimachi, Kawasaki Ward, Kawasaki, Kanagawa 210-0814, Japan
深澤潤一 on Google

修繕のためのお金はないようです。オーナーの老夫婦以外、仕事をしてくれる人がいないようです。 こちらもあと何年持つのか、寂しい感じです。
There seems to be no money for repairs. There seems to be no one to work except the old couple of the owner. It feels lonely how many years will I have.
Ceêentos on Google

Hot water temperature is around 42 degrees. The times have changed. In the public bath industry, 42 degrees is definitely a lukewarm water. But for most people, it is now classified as "hot water." We looked at word of mouth and expected slightly hot 45-46 degrees hot water, but are slightly disappointed. There are three standing showers, and in the past you can see a lot of people. Considering the condition of the customers, the condition of the bathroom interior, and the management of the elderly couple, I did not think that we could open for a long time. We recommend that you visit as soon as possible before precious public baths are lost again from Kawasaki.
あっとあっと(あっとat) on Google

川崎区内の銭湯でも、 温度が高めの銭湯だと感じました。 お風呂の体感温度は43~45℃でした。 年配のご夫婦だけで営業してるみたいなので ぜひ頑張って頂きたいと思いました。
Even in public baths in Kawasaki Ward I felt that it was a public bath with a high temperature. The sensible temperature of the bath was 43-45 ℃. It seems that only elderly couples are open I would like you to do your best.
弘幸 on Google

Recently, the number has decreased, and you pay for the number. It's a little disappointing because there is no electric bath.
ゆに on Google

最近は、ぬるい風呂が 流行っているので、ここは熱めに感じたけれど、42度くらいでしょうか?YouTubeなどで、湯温50度(!!)で入浴して免疫を活性化してる お医者さんの方法を見て少し頑張って 私もチャレンジ!水風呂と交互に入っていたら、長湯になってしまったけど、次の日には、顔色も良くスッキリしてたので、たまに 通いたいと思いました。ほんとにレトロな雰囲気です。
Recently, lukewarm baths are popular, so I felt hot here, but is it around 42 degrees? On YouTube etc., take a bath at a hot water temperature of 50 degrees (!!) to activate immunity. See the doctor's method and do your best to challenge myself! If I took a bath alternately, it would be a long bath, but the next day, my complexion was refreshing, so I wanted to go there once in a while. It's a really retro atmosphere.
H, Matsuyama on Google

Immediately after getting off the Taimachi bus stop. Many people said that the hot water was hot, but in the cold months of February, I thought this was just right. In particular, I think that it is the best temperature for "hot and cold replacement bath" while putting cold water in the basin. The elderly husband and wife were also silent, and had a good atmosphere as a "bathroom" in downtown.
ken ken on Google

As it was in the Showa period, the bathroom tub is written as Kerorin, which is full of retro feeling. Nowadays, the old massage machines, which have few people who can fix them, are still in operation.
加藤秀彦 on Google

僕は小学4の時銭湯に行って見たいなと思って入りに行きました。 そしていざ湯船に浸かってみると暑かったので 水をたして入って上がったら銭湯の管理人の 感じの悪い爺さんとおばさんに 「お前のせいで銭湯がぬるいと大事 お客さんが帰ってしまったじゃないか !!!!!!!」 とすごく怒られました。 その後それがトラウマになって二度と 行きたくなくなりました。 今は銭湯に行きたいときは昭和町にある 日の出湯に行くようになりました。 子供と行く時は絶対に 日の出湯を おすすめします。
I went to the public bath when I was in elementary school 4 because I wanted to see it. And when I dipped in the bathtub, it was hot When you enter with water and go up, the manager of the public bath To the unpleasant old man and aunt "It's important that the public bath is lukewarm because of you The customer has returned !! !! !! !! !! !! !! " I was very angry. After that it became traumatic and never again I don't want to go. Now when I want to go to a public bath, it's in Showa-cho I started to go to Hinodeyu. Absolutely when going with children Hinodeyu I recommend it.

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