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Contact 林道月崎1号線突き当たり

住所 :

Kakinokidai, Ichihara, 〒290-0548 Chiba,Japan

街 : 〒1F Chiba

Kakinokidai, Ichihara, 〒290-0548 Chiba,Japan
恰好だけライダー on Google

他では中々見る事の出来ない隧道を抜けた先にある小さな空地。 トイレや自動販売機等はありませんので訪れる際は周辺施設で準備を済ませておいたほうがトラブルが少ないと思います。 四輪車での来訪の際にはここまで来ないと転回はほぼ不可能だと思ってください、道中はある程度運転に慣れた方でないと車でお見合い状態になった場合にかなり苦労するかもしれません。 二輪車ならさほど苦労する事なくここまで来れるとは思いますが、複数台での通行は対面通行時の苦労を考えるとやはりあまりお勧め出来ません。
A small open space at the end of a tunnel that cannot be seen anywhere else. There are no toilets or vending machines, so when you visit, it is better to prepare at the surrounding facilities so that there will be less trouble. When visiting by four-wheeled vehicle, please think that it is almost impossible to turn around unless you come here, if you are not accustomed to driving to some extent on the road, you may have a lot of trouble if you are in a matchmaking state by car. Maybe. I think that you can get here without much trouble with a two-wheeled vehicle, but it is not recommended to pass with multiple cars considering the difficulty of face-to-face traffic.
m moto (風来坊) on Google

It's a dead end, but it's a quiet and nice place, with a promenade from the end.
木村木村 on Google

ちょっと不思議な雰囲気な空間。インスタ映えします。 ガッツがあれば普通車でも行けます。自分はチキンなんで、途中に止めて歩いて行きました。
A space with a slightly mysterious atmosphere. It looks great on Instagram. If you have guts, you can go by ordinary car. I'm a chicken, so I stopped on the way and walked.
Tatsuya Nishitani on Google

自動車の転回も余裕でできそうなちょっとした広場になっています。 遊歩道の入口にもなっていてちょこちょこ人が来るのでここ居座ってなにかやるってわけには行かない感じでした。 道のりの殆どは舗装路ですが、終点近くのトンネルからは結構ぬかるんでますので、雨が降ったあとはノーマルタイヤだとちょっときついかもです。
It's a small open space where you can easily turn your car. It's also the entrance to the promenade, and there are a lot of people coming here, so I felt like I couldn't just sit here and do something. Most of the road is paved, but it is quite muddy from the tunnel near the end point, so it may be a little tight with normal tires after it rains.
岩城仁 on Google

It's a normal climbing entrance, but you can also take a walk from Tsukizaki Station on the Kominato Railway as if you were hiking.
小出浩丸 on Google

林道月崎1号線の終点の広場とその手前の岩を貫くトンネルなんだか穴なんだか。ここの付近から登山道的なハイキングコース(キノココース)がつながります。(5~10月までは山蛭注意!)しかし、なんでこんな中途半端なトンネルを作ったのか意味不明。切通しでも迂回でも十分なはず。謎のパワースポット。 車はここで旋回できますが・・・できれば歩いて(せめてバイクか自転車で)来てください。自然のパワーを全身で感じられますよ。
A tunnel that runs through the open space at the end of the forest road Tsukizaki Line 1 and the rock in front of it. A hiking trail (mushroom course) is connected from this area. (Be careful of mountain leeches from May to October!) However, it is unclear why such a halfway tunnel was made. It should be enough to cut through or detour. A mysterious power spot. Cars can turn here, but if possible, come on foot (at least by bike or bicycle). You can feel the power of nature with your whole body.
スナッチちゃんねる on Google

神秘的な場所です。 時が止まってるような、無心になれるような、とても癒されます。 真夏は虫が多そうなのとちょっと暑すぎそうです。 車で来てた人がいましたが軽自動車で来た方が良いです。 普通車だと道が細くて来れないかもしれないです。 私はバイクで行きました。 詳しくは私の名前のチャンネルでYouTube動画を上げてますので参考に。
It's a mysterious place. It's soothing, like the time has stopped and you can feel innocent. Midsummer seems to be a little too hot as there are many insects. Some people came by car, but it's better to come by light car. If it is a normal car, the road may be narrow and you may not be able to come. I went by motorcycle. For details, please refer to the YouTube video posted on the channel of my name.
Sanjeev Kumar (Sanju) on Google

Nice place to click photos with your vechile car, motorcycle or anything.

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