
3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact そば秋

住所 :

Kakemama, Ichikawa, 〒272-0142 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–7PM
Sunday 11AM–7PM
Monday 11AM–7PM
Tuesday 11AM–7PM
Wednesday 11AM–7PM
Thursday 11AM–7PM
Friday 11AM–7PM
街 : 〒1F Chiba

Kakemama, Ichikawa, 〒272-0142 Chiba,Japan
けいこ八木 on Google

I want to become a regular taste cheap and delicious
荻原一禎 on Google

It is a Chinese restaurant in a residential area run by an elderly couple. The thoughtfulness makes the food delicious.
kou kamata on Google

高齢のご夫婦で切盛りしています。 急いではいけません。盛りは良いので、コスパ良好です。
We are working with an elderly couple. Don't hurry. The prime is good, so the cost performance is good.
keiko abe on Google

町の中華屋さんです。 おじちゃん、おばちゃん 素晴らしいコンビに作っています。 おじちゃんとおばちゃんの人柄が味に出ています。 優しい味、でも美味しい。 野菜炒め、ボリュームが凄いですょ。 急ぎの方には、向きませんが、ゆっくりのんびり、食べる方向きです。 是非とも一度食べてみて下さいね。 タンメン、焼きそば、オムライス、何を食べても美味しいです。
It is a Chinese restaurant in the town. Uncle, aunt I am making a wonderful combination. The personalities of the uncle and the aunt are in the taste. Gentle taste, but delicious. Stir-fried vegetables, the volume is amazing. It is not suitable for people in a hurry, but it is suitable for slowly relaxing and eating. Please try it once. Tanmen, yakisoba, omelet rice, whatever you eat is delicious.
AURO xxx on Google

最寄駅は東京メトロ東西線南行徳駅 おそらく徒歩だと13分くらい お店の前に駐車場あり お店の外観は一瞬お蕎麦屋さんか?と思えなくもない 初訪問なのでお店の前に確か 五目そばとか書いてあったので ●五目そば650円を注文! 安い! 老夫婦が営まれているお店で 雰囲気がいい メニューはカレーとかもあり 大衆食堂的なメニューは一通りある 五目そばはとにかく具沢山 椎茸は一個まるまる入っている あさりの小鉢を出してくれた 嬉しい限りだ しかし安いな〜! ガンバって欲しいお店 ごちそうさまでした
The nearest station is Minami-Gyoutoku Station on the Tokyo Metro Tozai Line Probably about 13 minutes on foot There is a parking lot in front of the shop The appearance of the shop is a soba restaurant for a moment? I can't help thinking It's my first visit, so I'm sure in front of the store Because it says Gomoku soba ● Order 650 yen for Gomome soba! cheap! At a shop where an old couple runs The atmosphere is good The menu may be curry There is a general cafeteria-like menu Gomoku soba has many ingredients There is a whole shiitake mushroom He gave me a small clam bowl I'm happy But it's cheap! The store you want Gamba Thank you for the meal
김영호 on Google

I ordered ramen, gome soba, and cutlet rice with my children. This is a soy sauce-flavored ramen that children love. Gomoku soba has a salty taste and is excellent. The price is very reasonable, and it is an important shop run by a gentle grandma and grandpa.
Sinjitu Sakashita on Google

素朴な味で親しまれる地域の中華屋さんに感じました。 手頃な価格で頂けるお店です。
I felt that it was a Chinese restaurant in the area that was familiar with its simple taste. It is a shop that you can get at a reasonable price.
橋広幸之助 on Google

地域NO1のほっこり系、町中華。 和風な日本そば屋さん的な店舗で町中華なメニュー。 良心価格で丁寧な仕事。きれいな店舗。 ゆったりほっこりしたい時に最適なお店。 まだ行ってない人は今すぐ一度行くべきお店。 名物五目そばは、具沢山でお腹いっぱいになります。 素晴らしいお店です。
Area's No. 1 warm-hearted, Chinese town. A Japanese-style Japanese soba restaurant with a Chinese menu. Polite work at a conscientious price. A beautiful store. The perfect shop when you want to relax and relax. If you haven't visited yet, you should go to this shop right now. The specialty Gome Soba is full of ingredients. It's a great shop.

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