
4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 八大龍王総本殿

住所 :

Kakamiogasecho, Kakamigahara, 〒509-0104 Gifu,Japan

街 : Gifu

Kakamiogasecho, Kakamigahara, 〒509-0104 Gifu,Japan

八大龍王さまをお祀りする神社です。この他にも「八大白龍王神社」や「八大龍王正本殿」があり、苧ヶ瀬池周辺は龍王信仰が盛んなのがわかります。 この神社の本殿は、苧ヶ瀬池の沖合いにあり、まさに龍王さまをお祭りしているといった感じです。
It is a shrine that talks about the 8 major dragon kings. Other than this, there are "the eight great white dragon king shrine" and "the eight great dragon king regular main hall", and it is understood that the dragon king faith is active around the Kagase pond. The main shrine of this shrine is located off the shore of the Kamagase pond and it feels like it is a festival of dragons.
ohitorisama go on Google

龍が祀られてる神社 天井画がカッコいい、北側にも八大白龍があるがこちらが関係がわからない? おがせ池に祠?があります。 どちらもお参りしたけど景色もよくて気持ちいい空間です
A shrine where a dragon is enshrined The ceiling painting is cool, and there are eight major white dragons on the north side, but do you know the relationship? A shrine in Ogase Pond? there is. I visited both of them, but the scenery is nice and it is a comfortable space.
堀田みさ子 on Google

車は、池の周辺に 数十台 とめられます。 公衆トイレも、 本殿に向かって 右の公園内や 本殿に向かって 左の方に進むと あります。 ここで、 鯉の餌の 麩(ふ)を購入することができ、池の鯉に 餌をあげると 鯉が たくさん集まってきて 口をパクパクあけて 食べます。 ファミリーや カップルで 楽しんでいる姿を よく見かけます。 人間が食べることの出来る『卵』や『お菓子』を購入することも出来ます。 池に向かって 左へ徒歩 1分程の所に、 『みつわや』さんがあり、名物の 100円 お好み焼きや 団子、たません等を 食べることもできます?
Dozens of cars are parked around the pond. Public toilets In the park on the right toward the main shrine Go to the left toward the main shrine. here, You can buy carp food fu, and when you feed the carp in the pond, a lot of carp gather and you can eat it with your mouth open. I often see families and couples having fun. You can also buy "eggs" and "sweets" that humans can eat. About a 1-minute walk to the left toward the pond, There is "Mitsuwaya", and you can also eat the famous 100 yen okonomiyaki, dumplings, and sardines ?
塚本理未(にゃーこ) on Google

龍雲との出会いも下の方に書いてます☺️ 昔、苧ヶ瀬池の龍神さまが現れ。祖母の実家の庭に苧ヶ瀬池の龍神さまが行き来出来る様に社を作れと言われたのが切っ掛けで、祖母の実家の庭に社がある話を2019年母が亡くなった時に叔母に教えてもらいました。 私が幼い頃から祖父母に連れてってもらってた理由を知りました。 一時期行けなかったのですが8年前(2010年)の結婚を機に報告と来れなかった事を謝りました。 その時、突然1時間位どしゃ降りに。。。 (歓迎してくれたようです) 危なかった瞬間は沢山ありましたがマンションの入り口にトラックが突っ込んだのには寒気がしました。目の前で起こったし。 ふと、少し道を変えて帰ろうと思わなかったら後ろからトラックにぶつけられマンションの入り口で潰されてたかもしれないので、守ってくれて感謝と。 お墓参りや大事なお出掛けがあると晴れさせてくれたり、ショッピングモールの駐車場とか満車で困ってると、すぐに停める事ができたりする小さな幸せも感謝しました。 今は旦那にお願いして連れてってもらってます。 昔見た白蛇が付いた様な石は何処に行ったのか? 今あるのとは違うんだよね~ 2020/09/30に何故か行かなきゃいけないと思い立ち、少し遅めの時間になりますが参拝へ行きました? (友達の事もあって苦手な運転頑張りました?) 八大龍王様の本殿で参拝し鯉に餌やり。 手水洗いでパワーストーンの清めをして、息子とゆっくり歩きながら八大白龍大神様の本殿へ? 参拝する前に朱印するのは間違っていますが小銭がなくてろうそくを買う序でに朱印を貰いました。 その時、中にいらっしゃる方が私に話しかけてきました。 「豊田の方が龍雲の写真が撮れたとゆうので送ってくれたんです。今さっき‼️届いたんですよ?」と見せてくれました☺️ これをいち早く見せる為に私の心が掻き立てられたのかと思いました? (導きと言うものです?) こんなにピッタリのタイミングでって凄いですよね? 参拝をして、また話をしていたら。 「良かったら本殿に上がってゆっくり見てってください」と言ってくれたので上がらせてもらい、もう一度参拝。 一番に写真を撮らせていただきました☺️ 時間がゆっくり流れる場所は心地よいので息子も大人しく、本殿に居る方をじいじと呼んでおりました?(違うんですけど、、、) 本殿の方がトイレに行くと言うので留守番をしていると導かれた方がもう1人現れました? 「本当は明日大きな蝋燭を立ててお参りをする日だったのだけど来れない事情が出来て今日来たんです」って☺️ だから、空かさず「導かれましたね?今さっき龍雲の写真が届いたんですよ?凄いです☺️」と話をして本殿に上げ、おじいさんが帰ってくるまで写真を見ていました☺️ その人も有り難く写真を撮っていきました? なんだか嬉しい日でした☺️ そのあと気が付きましたが。 私も豊田の方が龍雲を写真に撮った日はふと、空を見ていて空に西の空に向かって写真を撮っていたのです。 それも、なんとなく龍神さまがいそうな気がすると思って。 理由は遠くで雷が凄く光りゴロゴロとあちこちで稲光が見えたから稲光を撮ろうと思ってたけど晴れ間が見えて良い感じに光が差していた雲を撮りました。 龍雲は撮れませんでしたが。 同じ日に同じ方角でした。 これも凄いと即インスタに載せてしまいました? 龍神さまは常に思い感じてますが、この時は本当に凄くて有り難い日でした☺️ 20年以上行けてなかった八大龍王様の本殿の本殿(古い方)に参拝もして来ました☺️ 昔の記憶では黒い石に白い蛇が巻き付いているような石が置いてあったと思うんだけど、新しい本殿にも白龍さんの方にもないんだよね、、、 どこへ行ってしまったのかな?? あれは凄かったなぁ~☺️恋しい❤️
The encounter with Ryuun is also written at the bottom ☺️ A long time ago, the dragon god of Lake Ogase appeared. I was told to build a company so that the dragon god of Lake Ogase could come and go in the garden of my grandmother's parents'house, and when my mother died in 2019, I told my aunt that there was a company in the garden of my grandmother's parents' house. I was taught. I found out why my grandparents took me from an early age. I couldn't go for a while, but I apologized for not being able to report it after my marriage eight years ago (2010). At that time, suddenly it went down for about an hour. .. .. (It seems that they welcomed me) There were many dangerous moments, but I felt chills when the truck rushed into the entrance of the condominium. It happened in front of me. Suddenly, if I didn't want to change the way a little and go home, I might have been hit by a truck from behind and crushed at the entrance of the condominium, so thank you for protecting me. I was also grateful for the little happiness that made me clear when I visited a grave or had an important outing, and that I could stop immediately when the parking lot of a shopping mall was full. Now I'm asking my husband to take me. Where did the stone with the white snake that I saw in the past go? It's different from what it is now ~ I thought I had to go for some reason on 2020/09/30, so it was a little late, but I went to worship ? (I did my best to drive because I was not good at it because of my friends ?) Worship at the main shrine of the eight great dragon kings and feed the carp. Clean the power stones by washing with water, and walk slowly with your son to the main shrine of the eight great white dragons ? It is wrong to stamp it in red before worshiping, but I got it in the beginning when I bought a candle because I didn't have any change. At that time, a person inside spoke to me. "Toyota said that he was able to take a picture of Ryuun, so he sent it to me. I just received it! I wondered if my heart was agitated to show this quickly ? (It's called guidance ?) It's amazing that the timing is so perfect ? If you were worshiping and talking again. He said, "If you like, please go up to the main shrine and take a look slowly." So let me go up and worship again. I took the first picture ☺️ The place where time flows slowly is comfortable, so my son is also quiet, and the person who is in the main shrine was called the old man ? (It's different, but ...) Another person who was led to be away from home appeared because the main shrine said that he would go to the bathroom ? "Actually, it was a day to worship with a big candle tomorrow, but I came today because I couldn't come." ☺️ So, without emptying, I said "I was guided ? I just received a picture of Ryuun ? It's amazing ☺️" and raised it to the main shrine, and I was watching the picture until my grandfather returned ☺️ Thankfully that person also took pictures ? It was a nice day ☺️ I noticed after that. On the day when Toyota took a picture of Ryuun, I was looking at the sky and taking a picture toward the west sky. I think it feels like there is a dragon god. The reason is that the thunder shined so much in the distance and I could see lightning here and there, so I was thinking of taking a picture of the lightning, but I could see the clear sky and took a picture of the clouds where the light was shining nicely. I couldn't shoot Ryuun. It was the same direction on the same day. This is also amazing and I immediately posted it on Instagram ? Ryujin always feels it, but this was a really great and thankful day ☺️ I also visited the main shrine (older one) of the main shrine of the eight great dragon kings who could not go for more than 20 years ☺️ In my old memory, I think there was a stone with a white snake wrapped around a black stone, but neither the new main shrine nor Mr. Hakuryu has it ... Where have you gone? ?? That was amazing ~ ☺️ I miss you ❤️
おとらさん on Google

八大龍王真言は、「オン・メイギャシャニエイ・ソワカ」 一周1350mのおがせ池の周辺には、多くのパワースポットがあり、龍にまつわる寺社が多く存在しています。 私の場合、1時間程度で4箇所の参拝ができました。 ○八大龍王本殿 ○八大白龍大神 ○苧ヶ瀬池神社 ○薬王院 その中で、八大龍王は、天龍八部衆に所属する竜族の八王でいわば、 龍の親方衆です。 ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓ 難陀(なんだ)龍王 跋難陀(ばつなんだ)龍王 娑羯羅(しゃがら)龍王 和修吉(わしゅきつ)龍王 徳叉迦(とくしゃか)龍王 阿那婆達多(あなばだった)龍王 摩那斯(まなし)龍王 優鉢羅(うはつら)龍王 ↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑ 八大龍王は、元は豊穣と疫病を齎す水神であり、 八大龍王は、全員合わせての御利益となり、盛りだくさんです。 「出世栄達」・「商売繁盛」・「勝負運向上」・「五穀豊穣」・「除災招福」・「恋愛成就」・ 世の一切の苦難・病難・願望・悩みごと・すべての人の幸を誘いていただけます。 奈良時代の宝亀年間(770年頃)おがせ池は一晩でできたといいます。 それ以降、どんなときにもこの池だけは、水が枯れることはないと伝えられています。 それだけのこの池には多くの言い伝えがあります。 「池の呑まれた惣八郎」 池に吸い込まれた惣八郎という村人が、池の中の大蛇の腹の中にあった太刀を抜き、大蛇を助けたという。 それ以降、苧ヶ瀬周辺は日照りで悩ませられることはなくなった。 「天に昇りそこなった大蛇」 苧ヶ瀬の池に二千年も生きた大蛇が住んでいた。 大蛇は天に昇って龍になることができると言われていました。 大蛇は天に昇ろうとしたところを、村人に見られたため、大蛇は 龍になることができなかった。
The Mantra of the Eight Dragon Kings is "On Meigashaniei Sowaka" There are many power spots around Ogase Pond, which is 1350m around, and there are many temples and shrines related to dragons. In my case, I was able to visit 4 places in about an hour. ○ Eight Great Dragon King Main Hall ○ Eight Great White Dragons ○ Lake Ogase Shrine ○ Yakuouin Among them, the eight great dragon kings are the eight kings of the dragon tribe belonging to the Tenryu Eight Legions. It is the master of the dragon. ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓ Difficult Dragon King Nanda Dragon King Shagara Dragon King Vasuki Dragon King Tokushaka Dragon King Anaba Tatsuta (It was Anaba) Dragon King Manashi Dragon King Yuhatsura Dragon King ↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑ The eight great dragon kings were originally water gods who brought about fertility and plague. The eight great dragon kings are a lot of benefits for all of them. "Prosperity", "Prosperity of business", "Improvement of luck", "Abundance of five grains", "Blessing for disaster relief", "Fulfillment of love", You can invite all the hardships, illnesses, aspirations, worries, and happiness of everyone in the world. It is said that Ogase Pond was built overnight during the Houki period (around 770) in the Nara period. Since then, it has been reported that the water will never die in this pond at any time. There are many legends in this pond. "Sohachiro swallowed by the pond" It is said that a villager named Sohachiro, who was sucked into the pond, pulled out the sword in the belly of the big snake in the pond and helped the big snake. Since then, the area around Ogase has not been bothered by the sun. "A big snake that failed to rise to heaven" A large snake that lived for 2,000 years lived in Ogase Pond. It was said that the snake could rise to heaven and become a dragon. The villagers saw the snake ascending to heaven, so the snake was I couldn't become a dragon.
長谷川博一 on Google

苧ヶ瀬池の畔にある神社です。 小さいですが美しい神社です。
It is a shrine on the shore of Lake Ogase. It's a small but beautiful shrine.
yuuta ishikawa on Google

I was curious to see it in the photo, and when I was heading toward Inuyama, I walked from Ogase station. The scenery with mountains behind the big pond is wonderful. It looks good to visit as a tourist spot. On the day I visited, the office was closed because it seemed to be a holiday, but I visited the dragon god.

Found eight dragons.

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