
4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kaisenzan

住所 :

Ikebukuro, Toshima City, 〒170-0014 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8989997
Webサイト : http://kaisenzan.seesaa.net/
街 : Tokyo

Ikebukuro, Toshima City, 〒170-0014 Tokyo,Japan
akio “アッキー” on Google

The stairs and the inside of the store have a small impression, but they were delicious.
宮内千鶴子 on Google

ランチの海鮮丼は兎に角その日の新鮮なお魚がこれでもか!というほどきっちり乗せられてお刺身でお腹いっぱいになるので最近はご飯は少なめにしてもらうほど、小鉢も3つもついていつも美味しくてこの前は身がたっぷり付いたあら汁でした それが990円なんて素晴らしい
The seafood bowl for lunch is just like the fresh fish of the day! It's so tightly placed that I'm full with sashimi, so lately I've had less rice, and it's always delicious with 3 small bowls. That's 990 yen, which is wonderful
Neko. nyan on Google

池袋西口(北)から徒歩3分のビル地下1階にあります。小さくて狭いです。 昼間のランチはオール990円で味噌汁と小鉢がセットで食べれます。 刺身は悪くないのですがイクラを忘れられてる。。それで魚以外のご飯、小鉢は美味しくないので残念です。値段も値段なのでネタ自体は小さくカットされてます。 1000円でこの内容ならまぁ良いのかなという気もしますがリピはないです。。
It is located on the first basement floor of the building, which is a 3-minute walk from the west exit of Ikebukuro (north). It's small and narrow. Lunch in the daytime is all 990 yen, and you can eat miso soup and a small bowl as a set. The sashimi is not bad, but I have forgotten the salmon roe. .. That's why rice other than fish and small bowls are not delicious, so it's a shame. Since the price is also a price, the material itself is cut into small pieces. I think it's okay if this content is 1000 yen, but there is no lipi. ..
A K on Google

お刺身の盛り合わせが特にオススメです! 凄いボリュームですが2人でも食べ切ってしまいます。 鮮度がよくこの値段でこのボリュームは素晴らしいです! 他にもカマ焼き、自家製さつま揚げなども美味しくて定食もあるのでお酒が飲めない・飲めない期間でも充分楽しめます。 お魚好きな方は是非。 店員さんも丁寧に対応してくれます。
Assorted sashimi is especially recommended! It's a great volume, but even two people will eat it up. The freshness is good and this volume is great at this price! Besides, grilled sickle and fried homemade satsuma-age are also delicious and there is a set meal, so you can enjoy it even during the period when you can not drink alcohol. If you like fish, please come. The clerk will also respond politely.
a s on Google

平日11:30に来店 即着席できた。 荒汁おかわり自由 大盛無料(刺身も米も多くしてくれる) 刺身と米のクオリティはいまいちだけど、コスパ考えたら良いと思います。
Visited at 11:30 on weekdays I was able to take a seat immediately. Free refills of rough soup Free of charge (more sashimi and rice) The quality of sashimi and rice is not good, but I think you should think about cospa.
亨とおる on Google

大盛無料でネタも豊富で分厚くて食べ応えあり! あら汁やその他サービスもあって990円はかなりお得! 他メニューもかなり気になる!
It's free of charge and has abundant material, and it's thick and satisfying! With arajiru and other services, 990 yen is a great deal! I'm also worried about other menus!
hefeweizen on Google

池袋駅からは10分弱、ロサ会館の向こうの通り沿い。ビルの地下にある居酒屋さんです。 伊豆下田港の釣り船から直送らしく、 メニューの品数はそれほど多くないのですが、刺身が中心で特に盛り合わせとランチの海鮮丼が名物です。 確かに新鮮で、一切れが分厚い。 海鮮丼は6種類のネタが2切れずつ+とびっこ。 ご飯は温かい酢飯で、大盛りにすると丼から溢れそうな迫力です。 お刺身はどれも新鮮、脂の乗ったネタもわさびをきかせて食べるとうまい。 味噌汁は鯛のアラでしょうか。こっくりとした濃いめの味が美味しかった。 さらに小鉢が3種類もついてきました。 きんぴら、ポテトサラダにキューちゃん。 これらは普通な味ですが、きんぴらとポテサラは手作りなのが嬉しい。 なんともサービス精神が旺盛で、ただのランチのつもりふぇ入りましたが危うく日本酒を頼むところでした。 お腹いっぱいで外に出ます。 ランチメニューは15時ごろまでのようです。 通しでやっているのは嬉しいですね。 祝日の訪問でしたが、既に居酒屋使いのお客さんが入ってきてました。 月曜日はお刺身が安かったり、 日本酒も2合以上だと割引があったりと面白いお店です。 今度は夜にゆっくり伺いたいと思います。
A little less than 10 minutes from Ikebukuro station, along the street beyond the Rosa Kaikan. It is a tavern in the basement of the building. Directly from the fishing boat at Izu Shimoda Port, The number of items on the menu is not so large, but sashimi is the main dish, and assorted and lunch seafood bowls are the specialty. Certainly fresh and thick in pieces. The seafood bowl has 6 kinds of ingredients, 2 slices each + jumping. The rice is warm vinegared rice, and if you make a large serving, it will overflow from the bowl. All the sashimi is fresh, and it is good to eat the fatty ingredients with wasabi. Is miso soup a sea bream ara? The rich and strong taste was delicious. In addition, 3 types of small bowls are included. Kinpira, potato salad and Kyu-chan. These are normal tastes, but I'm glad that Kinpira and Potato Salad are handmade. He had a strong spirit of service, and although he was just planning to have lunch, he was about to ask for sake. I'm full and go out. The lunch menu seems to be until around 15:00. I'm glad I'm doing it all through. It was a holiday visit, but there were already izakaya customers. Sashimi is cheap on Mondays It is an interesting shop where you can get a discount if you have 2 or more sake. Next time I would like to visit you slowly at night.
Aika Irie on Google

It’s a hidden place where you can have a good quality sea food. If you a first comer, I would advice you to order the Kaisendon. The portion is pretty much to be full. The price is fairly reasonable.

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