すし処 椛(もみぢ)・すし丼処 楓(かえで)

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact すし処 椛(もみぢ)・すし丼処 楓(かえで)

住所 :

Ikebukuro, Toshima City, 〒171-0014 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +897
Webサイト : https://restaurant.ikyu.com/109323
街 : Tokyo

Ikebukuro, Toshima City, 〒171-0014 Tokyo,Japan
野上典子 on Google

本当は店内で利用したかったのですが… 今回はテイクアウトを利用。 受け取り予定時間より早く着いてしまうと、カウンター席に座らせてくれ冷たいお茶を出してくださり料理が出来上がるまで待たせてくれました。 こじんまりとした店内ですがとても落ち着いた雰囲気。 スタッフの方々の心のこもった対応にも嬉しくなりました。 テイクアウトしたのは、ミニばらチラシ弁当1450円(税込)。 ばらチラシをはじめマグロの巻物、卵焼きや焼き魚やミニ桜餅の甘物も入った贅沢で幸せな気分になれるお弁当でした。 持ち歩きの時間も確認して保冷剤もつけてくださりありがとうございました。 どれもとても美味しくいただきました。 今度は店内でゆっくり美味しいお寿司を頂きにお邪魔したいと思います。 大変な時期ですが、どうか頑張ってください。 応援したくなるお店でした!
I really wanted to use it in the store, but ... This time we will use takeout. When I arrived earlier than the scheduled delivery time, they let me sit at the counter and served me cold tea and waited until the food was ready. It's a small store, but it has a very calm atmosphere. I was also pleased with the cordial support of the staff. I took out a mini rose leaflet lunch 1450 yen (tax included). It was a luxurious lunch box that included rose leaflets, tuna scrolls, fried eggs, grilled fish, and sweets from mini-sakura mochi. Thank you for checking the carry time and putting on the ice pack. All were very delicious. Next time, I would like to invite you to slowly enjoy delicious sushi in the shop. It's a difficult time, but please do your best. It was a shop I wanted to support!
宇井和朗 on Google

池袋の名店です。10年以上前のやすだ時代から利用しています。しかし大将はキサクで素晴らしい。このレベルなお寿司屋さんはコースオンリーがセオリーですが、単品注文も可能で時間も11時〜1時「深夜」まで対応可能なのは凄すぎます。 写真はありませんが、ネギトロが絶品です。
It is a well-known store in Ikebukuro. I have been using it since the Yasuda era over 10 years ago. But the general is kisaku and wonderful. At this level, sushi restaurants are course-only, but it is also possible to order separately and it is too great to be available from 11:00 to 1:00 "midnight". There are no pictures, but Negitoro is excellent.
MC on Google

Besides bowls, simmered dishes, grilled dishes, Negitoro? I got it. The tuna is also very delicious and recommended! The omelet was also fluffy and made me feel happy. He served the seaweed on the way, so he wrapped the Negitoro. This is delicious again. When the flavor and texture of seaweed are added, it becomes a completely invincible set.
佐藤崇洋 on Google

オススメで行ったところです。 良かった点と改善した方が良い点を上げたいと思います。 1.店内の雰囲気は良い 2.ビールは開けてから時間がたったのかな?という味。あとグラスのラベルはお客様に向けるべきでは? 3.お造りにはワサビはつけなかったのですが、『おまかせコース』なので特に言いませんでしたが、個人的に欲しかったかなと。ツマの種類は多くて個人的に良。 4.自店の日本酒の特徴は知ってて欲しいし教えて欲しいかなと。料理に合わせて日本酒は呑みたいし、個々に特徴もあるので。あとこれも個人的にですが、本醸造の特徴のキレ味で口の中をさっぱりしたいので最後のシメで呑みたかったです。 5.茶碗蒸しが出てきたのですが、これが一番残念な気持ちでした。火が通り過ぎて巣が出来てました。お出汁の風味も少し弱かったように思えました。『巣』は一番ダメなのでは?茶碗蒸しの大事な口当たりも固くては台無しかなと。失敗も仕事をしていれば出てくるものですが、失敗してこれはお客様には出してはいけないと思います。 6.一発目の握りのサビが少しキツかった。握ってる時にサビを追加していたような。 7.握りのシャリの大きさを大きいか小さいか気にかけてくれましたが、個人的にネタの大きさに合わせてなんぼなのではないでしょうか?お寿司は一口で食べることが一般的だと思っており、ネタとシャリの大きさのバランスが一口に入れた時の口当たりや風味の感じ方に繋がって美味に繋がると思ってますので。 8.海苔がいいのが入ってきたとオススメされましたが、確かに海苔は美味しかったが、海苔の量が多すぎて海苔の風味がネタに勝ってしまっている。ネタが美味しかったので勿体ないなあと思いました。 9.たまにネタの厚さが均一でないときがあった。嬉しいと言えば嬉しいが、先に書いた通りバランスが大事だと思ってますので。 10.ネタはどれも美味しかったです。そしてお漬け物も美味しかったし、ごぼうが美味しかったので、ごぼう巻も作っていただきました。 11.デザートのお酒のチョコレートも良かったです!特にホワイトチョコとの相性は抜群でした! 12.日本酒のサービスも嬉しかったです!呑んだ事のない有名な銘柄でしたのでとても嬉しく思いました。 握りで更に印象つくようなものを食べれたら更に★をつけたいと思いました! 職人でもなく、生意気な事ばかり申してしまいましたが、お鮨屋さんでのお食事が本当に好きなので、住んでいる地域の通っている複数のお鮨屋さんではあまりネガティブな事がないので綴らせていただきました。 何か気になる事がありましたからご返信お待ちしております。
I went there by recommendation. I would like to raise the points that were good and the points that should be improved. 1. The atmosphere inside the store is good 2. Has it been a while since the beer was opened? The taste. And should the glass label be aimed at the customer? 3. I didn't add wasabi to the sashimi, but I didn't say anything because it was an "Omakase Course", but I wonder if I personally wanted it. There are many types of knobs and it is good for me personally. 4. I want you to know the characteristics of your own sake and tell me about it. Sake is like a drink to match the food, and each has its own characteristics. Also, personally, I wanted to refresh the mouth with the sharp taste that is characteristic of this brew, so I wanted to swallow it at the last squeeze. 5. Chawanmushi came out, which was the most disappointing feeling. The fire passed and a nest was formed. The flavor of the soup stock also seemed to be a little weak. Isn't the "nest" the worst? I wonder if the important taste of chawanmushi is hard and ruined. Failures can come out if you work, but I don't think you should make mistakes and give this to your customers. 6. The rust on the first grip was a little tough. It seems that I was adding rust when I was holding it. 7. He was concerned about whether the size of the sushi rice was large or small, but I personally think it's the size of the sushi rice. I think that it is common to eat sushi in one bite, and I think that the balance between the size of the ingredients and the size of the sushi rice will lead to the taste and flavor when you put it in a bite, which will lead to deliciousness. 8. It was recommended that good seaweed came in, but the seaweed was delicious, but the amount of seaweed was too large and the flavor of the seaweed was superior to the material. The material was delicious, so I thought it was a waste. 9. Occasionally, the thickness of the material was not uniform. I'm happy to say that I'm happy, but as I mentioned earlier, I think balance is important. 10. Everything was delicious. And the pickles were delicious, and the burdock was delicious, so I asked them to make a burdock roll. 11. The chocolate of the dessert liquor was also good! Especially, the compatibility with white chocolate was outstanding! 12. I was happy with the sake service! I was very happy because it was a famous brand that I had never swallowed. I wanted to add more ★ if I could eat something that would make a lasting impression with my grip! I'm not a craftsman, I just said cheeky things, but I really like eating at sushi restaurants, so there aren't many negative things at multiple sushi restaurants in my area. I spelled it. I am looking forward to your reply because I have something to worry about.
うまかっちゃん on Google

ランチで行きました。マグロが大好きなので本当に美味しく、また、板前さんはじめお店の方々皆さんが、初めて行ったにも関わらず凄く丁寧、親切に接してくださり最高の時間を過ごせました。 後日再訪しました。 先月が誕生日でしたが気持も時間も余裕がなく過ぎてしまい、しかし年に一度だしと思いネットから予約をしました。用途で記念日誕生日に印をつけ予約をしたところ、本当に椛さんで素敵な時間を過ごす事ができました。どのお料理も大変美味しかったです。大袈裟かもしれませんが、美味しい物や人の暖かさで元気が出るとはこのことだ、と思い感動しました。ありがとうございます。
I went for lunch. I love tuna so it's really delicious, and even though I went there for the first time, Mr. Itamae and all the people at the restaurant treated me very politely and kindly, and I had the best time. I visited again at a later date. Last month was my birthday, but I didn't have enough time and feelings, but I thought it was once a year and made a reservation online. When I made a reservation by marking the anniversary birthday for the purpose, I was able to spend a wonderful time with Mr. Kabuki. All the dishes were very delicious. It may be exaggerated, but I was impressed by the fact that delicious food and the warmth of people make me feel better. Thank you very much.
T K on Google

美味しかった! カウンターで奥の個室でしたが、寿司ネタの説明から苦手、アレルギーの確認など手厚くてサービスも良かったです>> また行きたいと思います!
was delicious! It was a private room in the back at the counter, but I was not good at explaining sushi, and the service was good, such as checking allergies >> I think I want to go again!
Yuko A on Google

美味しかったです。 ホスピタリティーが高く、お店の雰囲気も良かったのですが、 私以外の客が全て親子連れで、 うるさくてお料理の説明がやや聞こえづらく 騒がしかったのが難点。 時間を選んで、また行きたいと思ったお店です。
It was delicious. The hospitality was high and the atmosphere of the shop was good, All the guests except me are with parents and children It's noisy and the explanation of the food is a little hard to hear The difficulty was that it was noisy. It is a shop that I wanted to go to again after choosing the time.
Shine Kim on Google

참치덮밥 (まぐろちらし寿司御膳) 음식이 나왔을때 드는 생각 아! 아름답다 점심한정 메뉴로 가성비가 참 좋은 듯 2천엔에 이 정도 퀄리티면 훌륭함 그 자체 계란말이는 역시 맛있고 서비스?로 받은 김도 훌륭하다 역시 이런 덮밥은 밥이 맛있으면 끝난거다 거기에 친절하고 고급진 느낌 사진엔 없지만 국과 후식이 추가로 나온다 지금은 점심 저녁 예약제로 진행하므로 예약 필수 다음에는 저녁 정식 먹으러 가보고 싶다
Tuna Rice Bowl What do you think when food comes out? Ah! beautiful with lunch menu Seems very good value for money With this quality for 2,000 yen great in itself Egg rolls are also delicious. The seaweed I received for service is also excellent. After all, this rice bowl is over when the rice is delicious. There is a friendly and classy feel to it. It is not in the photo, but soup and dessert are additionally served. Reservations are required as we are currently taking reservations for lunch and dinner. Next time I want to go to dinner

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