沖縄食堂 つた家

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 沖縄食堂 つた家

住所 :

Kaiharatsukamachi, Ryugasaki, 〒301-0856 Ibaraki,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89799
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Sunday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Monday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Thursday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Friday 11:30AM–2:30PM
街 : Ibaraki

Kaiharatsukamachi, Ryugasaki, 〒301-0856 Ibaraki,Japan
おじんの徒然日記 on Google

日曜日の開店直後に入店です。 駐車場はお店の横にありますが、縦に入れて、並んじゃうと後ろの車が出られないね、、、2台か?後お店の前で、ちょっと厳しそう。今日は日曜日なので他のお店やってないので前に停めました。 店内入って、首里城復旧の募金瓶あったので、僅かですが、協力。 ゴーヤチャンプルと沖縄半そばのランチセットにしました。 他にお客さんいないので、まもなく廃絶。 ご飯、ゴーヤチャンプル、そば、漬物。 ゴーヤ久しぶり、苦味がとても良い。 そばもスープあっさりと紅生姜良いですね。 後、辛いから少しだけど言われた、一味。 多分島唐辛子と思われるのはそばの味が締まって? 税込¥1,100 千円内だったらもっとも良かったです。 ご馳走さまでした?
The store is open immediately after opening on Sundays. There is a parking lot next to the store, but if you put it vertically and you line it up, you won't be able to get behind the car. In front of the shop, it looks a bit harsh. Today was a Sunday so I stopped at another store so I didn't do it. Entering the store, there was a donation bottle for restoration of Shuri Castle, so it was a little, but cooperation. I made a goya chample and a lunch set of Okinawa half soba. Discontinued soon because there are no other customers. Rice, bitter melon, buckwheat, pickles. Bitter gourd after a long time, very good bitterness. The buckwheat noodles are also nice, soup and ginger. Later, I was told a little bit because it was spicy. Probably the island chili is because the taste of soba is tightened. Tax-included 1,100 yen It was best if it was within 1,000 yen. It was a treat.
Hiro on Google

沖縄半そばセットをいただきました。沖縄そばを本場では四度ほどしか食べたことがありませんが、納得の味。 ポークたまごのソーセージミートの焼き加減、たまごのフワフワ感、とても良かったです。
I had a Okinawa soba set. I have never eaten Okinawa soba four times at home, but it is a satisfying taste. The grilled pork egg sausage meat and the fluffy egg were very good.
オカミツ(Mitsu) on Google

東京を除くこの関東で沖縄料理が戴けるお店はそう多くはありません。 沖縄そばが食べられるお店もなかなか目にしませんが、まさかの龍ヶ崎市に本格的に沖縄の店主が切り盛りするお店が有るなんて…………と、沖縄そばが大好きな私は昔の味のまんまが好みです。 嬉しいことに、こちらは昔のまんまの鰹出汁魚介スープです‼️めちゃくちゃ味わい深いです‼️あっさりだけど出汁感がしっかり‼️夢中で飲み干してしまいます。 油の浮いたラーメン食べるより、はるかに健康的で美味しいですよ‼️
There are not many restaurants in Kanto except Tokyo where you can enjoy Okinawan cuisine. It's hard to see a restaurant where you can eat Okinawa soba, but I don't think there is a restaurant in Ryugasaki that the owner of Okinawa manages in earnest. I like soba noodles. Fortunately, this is the old bonito broth seafood soup! ️It's insanely tasty! ️It's light but the soup stock is solid! ️ I'm crazy about drinking it. It's much healthier and tastier than eating oily ramen! ️
びーママ on Google

I want to eat Okinawa soba. But it's almost time for dinner. At that time, there is half soba! This is awesome! Do you go there many times? picture? Squid sashimi! I'll ask you ~. Okinawan chili peppers are very punchy and are perfect for Okinawa soba. Be careful not to overdo it. Chanpuru was also delicious.
かな on Google

気になっていた沖縄料理の小さなお店に行ってきました。 このコロナ禍で、マスクも着けずに料理を提供したり、調理しているのはどうかなぁと思いましたが、沖縄料理は美味しかったです。 ソーキそばもお肉がジューシーで、沖縄行ったときを思い出しました。 単価が少し高かったのと、お会計が紙に合計金額を記入しただけのものだったので、気になる方はメモしたほうがいいのかも。(食べた料理の値段より高かったのですが、確認できませんでした)
I went to a small Okinawan restaurant that I was curious about. I wondered if I could serve or cook food without wearing a mask with this corona virus, but the Okinawan food was delicious. The meat of Soki soba is juicy, and I remembered when I went to Okinawa. The unit price was a little high, and the bill was just a total amount written on paper, so if you are interested, you should make a note of it. (It was higher than the price of the food I ate, but I could not confirm it)
たなつぺ on Google

沖縄の人参しりしりが食べたくて再訪。今回はソーキそばと人参しりしりのセット。人参が柔らかくダシが効いていて美味しい。毎日食べれますね。ソーキそばもラフテーが柔らかくジューシーでめちゃめちゃ旨い。おかみさんも暖かい人柄で雰囲気も落ち着き良いです。 オーナー様 コメントありがとうございます。フーチャンプル,今度食べに伺います。
I visited again because I wanted to eat Okinawan carrots. This time, a set of Soki soba and carrots. The carrots are soft and the dashi stock is effective and delicious. You can eat it every day. Soki soba is also rafute soft, juicy and insanely delicious. The mother has a warm personality and the atmosphere is calm. Owner, thank you for your comment. Fu Chanpuru, I'm going to eat next time.
caz01 on Google

This shop is run by beautiful sisters who are thought to be from Okinawa. Warm customer service, reasonable prices, authentic taste, abundant menu, I'm likely to go every day if I'm near my house ? I will definitely come back soon ?
池本紀 on Google

2021.12.12 汁6 ソーキそば 麺7 980円 具8 総合8/10点 【スープ】 沖縄そばらしい和風だしベースのスープ。強い味は感じないが、繊細なスープながら紅生姜の味が映えていい感じ。おもしろかったのが、追加で島とうがらしの粉末があり、これをかけて味変ができるのだが、これがとにかくヤバ辛い。チョロっとかけただけでまあまあ辛くなる。確実に試し試しかけるのがいい。これをかけると風味が増していい感じ。とにかく辛さが凶悪すぎて面白い。 【麺】 こちらも沖縄らしいうどんと中華の間ぐらいの麺。冠水の風味はあまりなく、油コーティングの本場の麺と思われる。コシもぼちぼちあり、満足感があり、何より良かったのが、麦が甘く香っており、上質な麺という印象。 【具】 肉がとにかく良かった。硬めの軟骨がゴリゴリ入ったソーキの味付けが素晴らしく、コクがあって濃厚な口当たり。ちょっと硬めのコリコリの食感も面白い。ご飯欲しくなる。黒糖なのか甘みが素晴らしく、肉の力強さも感じる見事な一品。沖縄そば800円の角煮もなかなかうまいが、ソーキは味付けが1段上な印象。 【総評】 沖縄生まれのご姉妹がやられている本場の味が楽しめるみせ。旦那さんのおっちゃんのテンションがとにかく高い。メニューも試したくなるものがいっぱい。色んな意味で、沖縄旅行した感が今まで行った沖縄料理やで一番だった。
2021.12.12 Soup 6 Soki soba Noodles 7 980 yen Ingredient 8 total 8/10 points 【soup】 Japanese-style soup based on Okinawa soba. I don't feel a strong taste, but the taste of red pickled ginger is nice even though it is a delicate soup. What was interesting was the additional powder of island pepper, which can be sprinkled on to change the taste, but this is just spicy. Just sprinkle it on and it will be so spicy. You should definitely try it. When this is applied, the flavor increases and it feels good. Anyway, the spiciness is too bad and interesting. 【noodles】 This is also Okinawan noodles between udon and Chinese food. The flavor of the noodles is not so submerged, and it seems to be the authentic noodles with oil coating. The noodles are chewy and satisfying, and the best thing is that the wheat is sweet and fragrant, giving the impression of high-quality noodles. [Ingredients] The meat was good anyway. The seasoning of Soki with hard cartilage is wonderful, and it has a rich and rich mouthfeel. The texture of the slightly hard crunchy is also interesting. I want to eat. It's a wonderful dish that has a wonderful sweetness, probably brown sugar, and you can feel the strength of the meat. Kakuni of 800 yen for Okinawa soba is also quite good, but the impression that Soki is one step higher in seasoning. [Overview] Enjoy the authentic taste of Okinawan sisters. The tension of my husband's uncle is high anyway. There are many menus that you will want to try. In many ways, the feeling of traveling to Okinawa was the best Okinawan food I've ever been to.

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