Kagoyasatteten - Satte

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kagoyasatteten

住所 :

1 Chome-14-27 Naka, Satte, Saitama 340-0115, Japan

電話 : 📞 +887
Postal code : 340-0115
Webサイト : https://sumibiyaki-kagoya.com/

1 Chome-14-27 Naka, Satte, Saitama 340-0115, Japan
新藤弘 on Google

The employees are very friendly and energetic. You should go drinking once ?
谷口勝 on Google

Yakitori and liquors are cheap and reasonably delicious, and they are a strong ally of the pocket-money dads!
安田優斗 on Google

When ordering food such as yakitori, it was kept waiting for 20 minutes or more normally! I do not want to come again as things to eat do not come basically at all
shingo mihara on Google

平日に行ったけどまぁまぁ人居ました ビールおいしい 焼き鳥もおいしい 店員さんのサービスも良かったです。 また行きたいです。
I went there on weekdays but there were people Beer delicious Yakitori is delicious The service of the clerk was good. I want to go again.
hatchan on Google

古き良き残された愛煙家の天国でしょうか。焼き鳥を焼く煙にまぎれて吸いたい放題で、私のような嫌煙家の来る店では無いなと思いました。 焼き鳥も焼きたてだから美味しく感じるのは当たり前で、冷めたらかなりイマイチ系の焼き鳥です。レバーもあえて豚レバー。焼き鳥屋で鶏レバーが無いのは目を疑います。ホントに美味しい焼き鳥は冷めても美味しいものですが…。ぼんじりあるならレバーも鶏でしょうに…。また、さんざん大ジョッキビールを飲んだ後ですが、生絞りグレープフルーツサワーを頼んだら、最初から泡の1つも立たない位、炭酸が抜けていて気持ち悪くなりました。唯一、22時頃あがってしまうバイトの子らが初々しかったです。
Is it a heaven for a good old smoker? All you want to smoke is the smoke of yakitori, and I thought it wasn't a smoke-free shop like me. Yakitori is also freshly baked, so it is natural to feel delicious. The liver is also a pork liver. I suspect that there is no chicken liver at the yakitori shop. Yakitori, which is really delicious, is delicious even when cooled. If there is a bonfire, the liver will also be a chicken ... Also, after drinking a large mug of beer, when I ordered raw squeezed grapefruit sour, I felt sick because carbon dioxide was missing because no foam was formed from the beginning. The only ones who were up at around 22:00 were the first.
亀ちぁん(tabekamechan) on Google

【2016.04訪問】 接客が・・?
[Visit 04.2016] Waiting on customers...?
高橋信人 on Google

I went there for the first time in a long time, but after all the yakitori was delicious. However, there is an acrylic board, so it's hard to hear, so I wonder if it's unavoidable that the voice naturally grows louder.

20時ぐらいに到着。 とりあえず推してると思われる赤星を注文。。。 売切れです。って言われました? まぁ売り切れなら仕方ないですがまだ20時早くないですか? 料理は可もなく不可もなくっていったところですね。
Arrived around 20:00. I ordered Akaboshi, which seems to be recommended for the time being. .. .. It is sold out. I was told ? Well, it can't be helped if it's sold out, but isn't it still early at 20:00? The food was neither good nor bad.

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