
3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact あっぷるぐりむピッツェリアしおだ野店

住所 :

Kabatake, Ueda, 〒386-1103 Nagano,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88977
Webサイト : https://appleivy.co.jp/pizzeria/
Opening hours :
Saturday 10:30AM–10PM
Sunday 10:30AM–10PM
Monday 10:30AM–10PM
Tuesday 10:30AM–10PM
Wednesday 10:30AM–10PM
Thursday 10:30AM–10PM
Friday 10:30AM–10PM
街 : Nagano

Kabatake, Ueda, 〒386-1103 Nagano,Japan
ONEHOME株式会社西軽井沢本店 on Google

Takeout is also fulfilling. Coffee in the drink bar is also good. Great value on the lunch menu! ️ Of course, the taste is also excellent.
ニャマゾン on Google

味はそこそこ。でも、以前よりかなり落ちたな。 それ以上に料理の出が遅すぎて不快なレベルだった。 接客も、とても良いとは言えないレベル。 やる気のない低レベル接客だ。
The taste is decent. But it's much lower than before. It was an unpleasant level because the food was served too late. The level of customer service is not very good. It is a low-level customer service without motivation.
りん on Google

二人のセットにしました。 ピザ・スパゲティ・ケーキどれも美味しかったです?
I made a set of two people. All the pizzas, spaghetti and cakes were delicious ?
さくらいことは on Google

味も雰囲気も「チェーン」だからもちろんいいんだけど。 久しぶりに頼まれてたテイクアウトの相談に来ながらランチにきたがやっぱりスタッフ変わってるんだよな。なんか、ちゃんとしてない。仕事出来ない奴の集り感ごすごいんだよ。それがやだくて行かないようにしたんだけどやっぱり感すごい。忙しくもない時間に注文ボタン2度も押させてきてから嫌味に「2度目なんだよね!」って、いってもわかってない。 まぁ何年かに一回でいいかな。もっとおいしいラーメン屋とかあるし、
Of course, the taste and atmosphere are "chains", so that's fine. I came to lunch while coming to the take-out consultation that I had been asked for after a long time, but after all the staff has changed. Somehow, it's not right. The feeling of gathering people who can't work is amazing. I tried not to go because it was too late, but it still feels great. I didn't understand even if I had to press the order button twice when I wasn't busy, and then said "It's the second time!" Well, maybe once every few years. There are more delicious ramen shops,
ざわわRio on Google

The hydrangea of ​​the dish is ok. You can make a large amount of pasta, but it is just right to make a large amount. Salad, pizza and pasta for 2 people, 4000 yen, and pizza and pasta are divided by 2 people. Even though it has a drink bar, I don't think the cospa is very good. The atmosphere of the shop is nice, though. However, even though the clerk is in its own way, the customers are waiting at the entrance even though the seats are vacant on Sunday afternoon, and when I see that the seats I have finished eating are hard to get rid of, I can not do much. I wonder if it is. It's not a bad shop!
エミリン on Google

ランチAセット(トンノロッソ) +ワンハンドピザ+デザートを注文? セットのサラダはボリュームもあって新鮮。パリパリのピザと、パスタも美味しい??ショーケースの中から選べるデザートは、とってもオシャレな盛り付けで思わず声が出ちゃいそうでした? 平日のひとりランチ。店員さんも適度にほっといてくれて、ゆっくり本が読めました。お腹いっぱい?
Lunch A set (Tonno Rosso) + one-handed pizza + dessert order ? The salad in the set is voluminous and fresh. The crispy pizza and the delicious pasta ?? The desserts you can choose from the showcase seemed to make a voice involuntarily with a very fashionable presentation ? Weekday lunch alone. The clerk was also relaxed and I could read the book slowly. I'm full ?
ラブオゆめゆめ on Google

2ヶ月ぶりに、食べに行ってきました。ボーノセットのピザは、エリンギとベーコンの和風ネギしょうゆ、パスタは半熟たまごとベーコンのカルボナーラ、追加で冷製スープパンプキンをいつもいただいてます。 ピザは、しつこくなく、二枚食べたいくらいです。ピザがあっさりしているので、パスタはしつこくないけど、濃厚なカルボナーラがちょうどいい組み合わせです。何年もこのセットを食べてます。 コロナ対策も、しっかりできていて、お邪魔したのが、2時頃のせいもあって、お客さんも少なく、とても快適でした。また来ます。 令和3年6月5日草木○○○が外に並ぶ程、行列ができて混んでいたので、こちらに来ました。 クッチーナセットを注文しました。チーズフォンデュと、シザーサラダとエリンギとベーコンのピザ、明太子とイカのパスタを注文しました。カボチャの冷製スープは、相変わらず美味しいですが、パスタは、カルボナーラのほうが美味いと思います。お客さんも少なかったので、快適でした? 令和3年11月13日久しぶりにお邪魔しました。いつも日曜日のランチに来ますが、土曜日のランチのほうが安く食べられる気がします?今日はパンプキンスープと、LunchメニューのパスタAのカルボナーラ、ドリンクバー、サラダ付き、ピッツァランチのキングサイズのエリンギピザ、ドリンクバーサラダ付きを食べてきました。最近パスタは他のお店でたべましたが、あまり美味しくなかったので、今日は、いつもよりよけいに、美味しく感じました。やっぱり、ピザ、パスタは、ピッツェリアがうまい?
I went to eat for the first time in 2 months. For Bono set pizza, I always have Japanese-style green onion soup with eringi and bacon, for pasta, I always have a soft-boiled egg and bacon carbonara, and an additional cold soup pumpkin. I don't like pizza, I just want to eat two. The pizza is light, so the pasta isn't too persistent, but the rich carbonara is just the right combination. I've been eating this set for years. The measures against corona were well done, and it was very comfortable because there were few customers because it was around 2 o'clock. I will come again. June 5, 3rd year of Reiwa I came here because there was a line and it was so crowded that the plants ○○○ lined up outside. I ordered a Kutchina set. I ordered cheese fondue, Caesar salad, trumpet and bacon pizza, and mentaiko and squid pasta. Cold pumpkin soup is still delicious, but I think carbonara is better for pasta. There were few customers, so it was comfortable ? November 13, 3rd year of Reiwa I visited you for the first time in a long time. I always come to lunch on Sunday, but do you feel that lunch on Saturday is cheaper? Today I ate pumpkin soup, pasta A carbonara from Lunch menu, drink bar, with salad, pizza lunch king size eringi pizza, and drink bar with salad. I ate pasta at other restaurants recently, but it wasn't very delicious, so today I felt it was even better than usual. After all, pizzeria is good for pizza and pasta ?
良江(有 Yoshie) on Google

エリンギとベーコンのピザがどうしても食べたくて3人で行きました。2~3人で行くとお得なセットみたいのがありますが どしても食べたくなるようなケーキも無かったし フリードリンクも席から離れ往復するの面倒くさいので 食べたい物単品で注文しました。 ピザは薄いカリカリのピザで 乗ってる具材とそれぞれ相性よくて美味。 連れが頼んだパスタも美味しかったので満足。 チーズフォンデュも食べたくてシーザーサラダとポテトも別注。 チーズフォンデュはメニューに追チーズ(300円)ってあったのでポテト余ったから頼んでみたけど 別の物も頼まんとダメと言われて なんかシステムがわからん メニューに詳しく書いておくべきだと思う。 それと すぐ皿片付けたがるのも 嫌だった パスタのソースが美味しくて そこにポテトつけて味わい尽くしたいじゃん。 すぐなんもかも片付けたがって こっちが卑しいみたいじゃん 卑しいんだけど。 食事は美味しかったのだけど ちょっと不納得。 追記 約1年ぶりに再訪 今回は4人で タリアータが美味しくて 皆でつまむのおすすめ チーズフォンデュは前回嫌な思いしたから お代わりしないつもりで4種のチーズ入りを食べてみた ぱすたはイベリコ豚とキノコのしょうが味 とても美味しかったの イベリコ豚ってひと味違うのね イベリコ豚ってすごい キノコとベーコンの和風リゾットも絶品で リゾットってなんでこんなに美味しいのかしら…ね 色んな出汁が染み込んで染み込んで 〆に食べたけど?止まらい美味しさです お皿をすぐ下げにきてくれるけど タリアータのソースもとても美味しいので これだけは引き上げさせないで パスタやリゾットにちょい足しするのが 私達の流儀。 デートじゃないなら セットコースにしないで ドリンクなんかも飲まんで ガツガツあれこれ頼む方が楽しいです。
The three of us went there because we really wanted to eat the pizza of eringi and bacon. There is a great deal if you go with 2 or 3 people, but there was no cake that you would want to eat, and free drinks are troublesome to go back and forth from your seat. I ordered a single item that I wanted to eat. The pizza is a thin, crispy pizza that goes well with the ingredients on board and is delicious. The pasta that my companion ordered was delicious, so I was satisfied. I also wanted to eat cheese fondue, so I ordered Caesar salad and potatoes. Cheese fondue had additional cheese (300 yen) on the menu, so I asked for it because there was a surplus of potatoes. I was told that I shouldn't ask for another thing, and I don't understand the system. I think it should be written in detail on the menu. I also didn't want to get rid of the dishes right away The pasta sauce is delicious and I want to add potatoes to it to taste it. It seems that this one is lowly because I want to get rid of everything right away. The food was delicious but a little unsatisfactory. Postscript Revisited for the first time in about a year This time with 4 people Taliata is delicious and recommended for everyone to pick up I didn't like cheese fondue last time I tried eating 4 kinds of cheese with the intention of not replacing it Pasta tastes like Iberian pig and mushroom ginger Iberian pig is a bit different, isn't it? Iberian pig is amazing Japanese-style risotto with mushrooms and bacon is also excellent I wonder why risotto is so delicious ... It's soaked in various soup stocks. I ate it at the end, but it's so delicious that it doesn't stop ? They will come to lower the plate right away The sauce of Taliata is also very delicious so don't let it go up Adding a little to pasta and risotto Our style. If it's not a date, don't make it a set course It's more fun to drink and ask for a lot of drinks.

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