K's Denki HAMAMATSU-ICHINO - Hamamatsu

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー


住所 :

1981-1 Tennocho, Higashi Ward, Hamamatsu, Shizuoka 435-0052, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 435-0052
Webサイト : https://www.ksdenki.com/shop/s/s0514112

1981-1 Tennocho, Higashi Ward, Hamamatsu, Shizuoka 435-0052, Japan
あしゅねる姉さん on Google

冷蔵庫の買い替えを検討して行った。 メーカー販売員がいたので、今の冷蔵庫の状況と次の冷蔵庫の要望などを会話していた。 しばらく会話していると突然、店員が割り込んできて名刺を渡してきた。 メーカー担当者も話の途中でどこかへ行ってしまった。 安い買い物ではないのでメーカー担当者とじっくり相談して購入したかった。 購入しないと判断されたのか、素っ気ない対応に切り替わった。 この店舗での購入はなくなりましたね。
I considered replacing the refrigerator. There was a maker salesperson, so I was talking about the current situation of the refrigerator and the request for the next refrigerator. After talking for a while, a clerk suddenly interrupted me and handed me a business card. The person in charge of the manufacturer also went somewhere in the middle of the story. It's not a cheap purchase, so I wanted to consult with the person in charge of the manufacturer and purchase it. Perhaps it was decided not to purchase it, but it was switched to a casual response. You no longer buy at this store.
oosugi masahisa on Google

平日の18:00過ぎに伺いました。 お客さんはまばらで買い物しやすい印象です。 携帯電話の機種変更ができたら…と思って来店しました。 docomo、Softbankのスタッフはフロアにおり、『いらっしゃいませ~』と応対されてました。 私の契約はauなので、auのブースに行きますと、店員さんは男性一人、彼だけが座っています。 目が合いましたら、反らされます。 声をかけるべきか迷いましたが、諦めました。 携帯電話売場にお客さんはいませんが、お忙しかったようです。 お忙しい中、お邪魔して申し訳ございませんでした。
I visited after 18:00 on weekdays. Customers have the impression that they are sparse and easy to shop. I came to the store thinking that I could change the model of my mobile phone. The staff of docomo and Softbank were on the floor and responded with "Welcome ~". My contract is au, so when I go to the au booth, there is only one male clerk and he is sitting. If your eyes meet, you will be warped. I was wondering if I should call out, but I gave up. There are no customers in the mobile phone section, but he seems to have been busy. We apologize for the inconvenience while you are busy.
Masa Tiger on Google

パナソニックのドラム式洗濯機を買いました。商談中、熱心に商品を説明してくれた人はメーカー派遣の人だと後で知りました。 その後、洗濯機の調子が悪く、店を訪れた際、その方がいたので、それを説明しようとしたところ、自分は関係ない・・・と無視され、逃げていってしまいました。店の印象としてはとても感じ悪いです。
I bought a Panasonic drum-type washing machine. During the negotiation, I later learned that the person who enthusiastically explained the product was a person dispatched by the manufacturer. After that, the washing machine wasn't working well, and when I visited the store, he was there, so when I tried to explain it, I was ignored because I didn't care ... and ran away. The impression of the store is very bad.
M on Google

こちらの店舗に限らず、ケーズデンキさんはどこの店舗も親切で良心的なので、安心して利用できます。 広すぎる売り場でも、店員さんは何がどこに陳列されているか把握されている様で気持ちよく買い物出来ました。
Not limited to this store, K's Denki is kind and conscientious at any store, so you can use it with confidence. Even in the oversized sales floor, the clerk seemed to know what was displayed and where, so I was able to shop comfortably.
KNJ on Google

広いスペース内にカテゴリー別に商品が陳列されています。 商品の品揃えとしては豊富だと思います。 特価品コーナーの設置もあり、要チェックです。
Products are displayed by category in a large space. I think there is a wide selection of products. There is also a bargain corner, so check it out.
平野健二 on Google

I changed to a smartphone (cheap) last November. The store's response was very good, but I would recommend a foreign model. I have been using a domestic manufacturer for more than 10 years, but I just bought a foreign one. After all, handling was complicated in this year (68 years old), and I went to this store to change to the original model around this time, but I was surprised at the amount of money. However, the correspondence was very good and polite explanation, so I decided to leave it for the time being. Elderly people too! If you want to change it, domestic production is still good. I tought.
on Google

楽天モバイルやUQなどのキャリア変更を検討しており、説明を聞こうと伺いました。 店員さんが忙しそうだったり店員同士で話していたりで話かけれなかったのでパンフレットを見ようと見ていたところ男性の店員さんが、『楽天なら説明いたしますよ』と言ってくださったので、『よくわからないので、仕組み等を説明していただけますか?』と聞いたら『来店予約いただいていますか?』と。 契約をすると決めていたわけでもないのでいいえと答えたら来店予約の方のみの受付となっておりますのでと追い返されました。 来店予約必須なら調べなかった自分が悪いので素直に引き返したのですが、あの店員さんには納得がいきません。 説明しますと言ったのは自分では?? こちらはパンフレットのみでどうすればいいかあとで伺おうと思っていたのに自分で言っておいて追い返すのは腹が立ちました。 ウェブを確認したら来店予約必須というわけではなくおすすめと記載。 すぐに他店に行ったらお待ちはいただきますが、説明はできるとのこと。 契約するわけではないから予約しなくても説明なら僕らも契約をとりたいのでしますとのこと。 ありえません 接客の勉強や自分で言った言葉に責任を取るなどできるようになってから働いてはいかがでしょう? 二度と行きません
We are considering changing carriers such as Rakuten Mobile and UQ, and asked to hear an explanation. The clerk seemed to be busy or I couldn't talk to each other, so when I was looking at the pamphlet, a male clerk said, "I'll explain if it's Rakuten." I don't know, can you explain how it works? When asked, "Do you have a reservation for visiting the store?" "When. I didn't decide to sign a contract, so if I answered no, I was repelled because only those who made reservations for visiting the store were accepted. I didn't check if it was necessary to make a reservation for a visit, so I turned back obediently because I was bad, but that clerk wasn't convinced. Did you say I'll explain? ?? I was thinking of asking what to do with only the pamphlet, but I was angry to say it myself and turn it back. After checking the web, it is stated that it is not mandatory to make a reservation and it is recommended. If you go to another store immediately, you will have to wait, but you can explain. Since we do not make a contract, we would like to make a contract if it is explained without making a reservation. impossible Why don't you work after you can study customer service and take responsibility for the words you say? Will never go
my kt on Google

The clerk's response was very good and I was able to shop comfortably. The price was very good and I was able to buy it at a lower price than the lowest price on the net. It also comes with a 5-year warranty, so you can rest assured in case of emergency. The clerk who responded was very knowledgeable and I learned a lot. In the future, I would like to consult with you first when shopping for home appliances.

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