Jun and Spice - Yuzawa

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Jun and Spice

住所 :

Oikatacho-4 Shimoinnai, Yuzawa, Akita 019-0112, Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Postal code : 019-0112
Webサイト : https://junandspice.jimdosite.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–3:30PM
Sunday 11AM–3:30PM
Monday 11AM–3:30PM
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday 11AM–3:30PM
Thursday 11AM–3:30PM
Friday 11AM–3:30PM

Oikatacho-4 Shimoinnai, Yuzawa, Akita 019-0112, Japan
CNR cap on Google

A retro cafe quietly standing in the countryside (^^) I was healed by the smile of my wonderful wife (^^)
Kiyoshi Kimura on Google

You will be healed in a homely atmosphere. When I told him what type of coffee I liked, he brewed it with beans that matched it.
篠原ひろ子 on Google

The quiet atmosphere makes you feel like a home-like shop atmosphere. Both the Neapolitan, soup, and coffee I received today are very deliciously back home. It is a shop that I want to visit again.
きのこ on Google

行こうと思ったら、冬季は前日までの完全予約制とのこと。 Facebookまで見たから分かったものの、ここだけ見て行くと悲しいことになるので、ご注意ください。 行けてないので、とりあえず評価は3としておきます。
If you want to go, it's a complete reservation system until the day before in winter. I understand it from looking at Facebook, but please be aware that it will be sad if you look only here. I can't go, so I'll give it a rating of 3 for the time being.
ママベアータ on Google

A very friendly wife? It's probably a family-only shop with a total of three people, and it's a restaurant-like place in an ordinary house. Each bowl is fashionable, and it takes longer than usual to serve the food, but I was able to wait comfortably because of the concern for the beans. Of course, the food was delicious. However, I was worried that the amount of soup was small and it was lukewarm.
秋田食べ日記 on Google

【かふぇ潤&spice(湯沢市)の平打ちナポリタン力士盛り】 2021.5.29 『ゆっくり秋田スタンプラリー2021』協賛店である『かふぇ潤&spice』に行ってきた。 場所は湯沢市下院内。もうちょっと頑張ると山形県境。思えば遠くへ来たもんだ。でも、以前スタンプラリー協賛店であった『いぶりがっこ本舗 雄勝野きむらや』が近くにあったため、土地感はあった。 駐車場は前述のきむらや〜院内郵便局の途中にある。5台くらいはとめられそう。駐車場の向かいにある小路を進むと… お店があった。 ご自宅を改装…いや、ほとんどしてない。(装飾は豪華です)ほぼ家。 靴を脱いで、奥の方へ通される。 お店は親子2人(母:調理担当 息子:配膳担当)で切り盛りしていた。 メニューを見て、食べ日記さんの心を掴んだのは… 平打ちナポリタン『力士盛り』(1,000円)。 これを見て、なんだか試されているような気がした。『力士のような体型の食べ日記よ、これを食べずにどうする!?』と… ナポリタンは数日前に食べたばかりだが、平打ち(フェットチーネ)を使ったナポリタンは珍しいと思ったので、注文。 単品メニューに+300円でAセット(サラダ、スープ、デザート)、+500円でBセット(サラダ、スープ、デザート、コーヒーor紅茶)にすることができる。カフェはコーヒーで締めたいと思い、Bセットにした。 力士盛り到着。 分厚いベーコンが2枚。これはインパクトがある。 なお、このベーコンは『ポルミート』(大仙市)のものを使用している。 秋田では『う〜マイケル!』のCMでおなじみだ。 なお、CMに出ているのは会社代表のタベルスキ・マイケルさん。何その苗字。養子にしてください(・ω・) 麺もしっかり太麺。なお、ベーコンは厚切りだけでなく、細切りのものもしっかり紛れ込んでいた。 うーマイケルなナポリタンであった。 そしてデザート。 何このボリューム。セットにつける量じゃないよ(・・;) ウエハース付きバニラアイス、クリームがたっぷり乗ったスポンジケーキ、ベリーソースがかかったバナナ等…力士盛りで別腹すら残っていなかった食べ日記さんにさらに追い撃ちをかけてくる!でも美味しいから全部たべたよ! なお、コーヒーは種類を選べる。(6種類) 食べ日記さんはネパールコーヒーをチョイス。注文してからガガガっと豆を挽く音が聞こえた。挽きたてを提供している。コーヒーは息子さん担当のようだ。 ネパールコーヒーは、他の地域のものに比べて苦味、酸味は抑えられていて、飲みやすく感じた。 +500円でここまで出してくれるなんてお得すぎる…大満足。ゆっくり秋田スタンプラリーにチャレンジしているラリーストたちよ!ここはスタンプをもらうだけでなく、お食事も楽しむことをオススメする。
[Kafe Jun & spice (Yuzawa City) flat-beating Neapolitan wrestlers] 2021.5.29 I went to "Cafe Jun & spice" which is a sponsor of "Slowly Akita Stamp Rally 2021". The place is in the Yuzawa City House of Representatives. If you do your best, you will reach the border of Yamagata prefecture. When I think about it, I've come a long way. However, there was a sense of land because "Iburigakko Honpo Yukatsuno Kimuraya", which was a stamp rally sponsorship store before, was nearby. The parking lot is in the middle of the aforementioned Kimuraya-in-hospital post office. About 5 cars are likely to be stopped. Follow the alley opposite the parking lot ... There was a shop. Refurbished your home ... No, I haven't done much. (The decoration is gorgeous) Almost home. Take off your shoes and let it pass to the back. The shop was run by two parents (mother: in charge of cooking, son: in charge of serving). What caught the heart of Eating Diary when I saw the menu ... Flat-beating Neapolitan "Rikishi prime" (1,000 yen). Seeing this, I felt like I was being tested. "Eating diary with a body like a sumo wrestler, what do you do without eating this! ?? "When… I just ate Napolitan a few days ago, but I thought it was rare to use Fettuccine, so I ordered it. You can make A set (salad, soup, dessert) for +300 yen and B set (salad, soup, dessert, coffee or tea) for +500 yen. I wanted to close the cafe with coffee, so I chose B set. Arrival of wrestlers. Two thick bacon. This has an impact. This bacon is from "Pormeat" (Daisen City). In Akita, "U-Michael! 』CM is familiar. In addition, the company representative, Mr. Taberski Michael, appears in the commercial. What that last name. Please adopt (・ ω ・) The noodles are also thick. The bacon was not only thickly sliced, but also finely sliced. Wow, it was Michael Napolitan. And dessert. What this volume. It's not the amount to put on the set (...;) Vanilla ice cream with wafers, sponge cake with plenty of cream, bananas with berry sauce, etc ... I will chase after the eating diary who was full of wrestlers and did not even have a separate stomach! But it's delicious so I ate it all! You can choose the type of coffee. (6 types) Eating diary chooses Nepalese coffee. After ordering, I heard the sound of grinding beans. We offer freshly ground. Coffee seems to be in charge of his son. Nepalese coffee had less bitterness and acidity than those in other regions, and I felt it was easy to drink. It's too profitable to get this far for +500 yen ... I'm very satisfied. Rallyists who are slowly challenging the Akita Stamp Rally! We recommend that you not only get stamps here, but also enjoy your meal.
まきこ on Google

素敵なレストランで、気持ちのいい定員さんなので、また・期待ですし! 雑貨の好きな人には、打って付けなお店でした(。◕‿◕。) 本日のランチメニューです。
It's a nice restaurant with a pleasant capacity, so I'm looking forward to it again! For those who like miscellaneous goods, it was a perfect shop (.◕‿◕.) Today's lunch menu.
りぃだ on Google

I happened to find it while traveling in the hospital, but it's a cafe, but it's a private house? The Madams in the neighborhood are enjoying it as a hobby, and it's really at home. Lunch is 700 yen, and coffee, salad, and dessert are 1200 yen. I got keema curry because it's just spice, but I also have pasta. The fried vegetables are delicious. Coffee is brewed not only with blends but also with selectable drip. The dessert is also unexpectedly delicious and the black honey is irresistible.

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