福龍 道の駅十文字店 - Yokote

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 福龍 道の駅十文字店

住所 :

Jumonjimachi, Yokote, 〒0529 Akita,Japan

電話 : 📞 +887
Postal code : 0529
Webサイト : http://yokonavi.net/s907/
Opening hours :
Saturday 10:30AM–6:30PM
Sunday 10:30AM–6:30PM
Monday Closed
Tuesday 10:30AM–6:30PM
Wednesday 10:30AM–6:30PM
Thursday 10:30AM–6:30PM
Friday 10:30AM–6:30PM
街 : Akita

Jumonjimachi, Yokote, 〒0529 Akita,Japan
いまいひろゆき on Google

フードコートで横手焼きそば、ラーメンなど食べれます。注文は直接、お店の方にして現金払い、番号札と引き換えとなります。好みの席で待ちながらマイクで呼ばれるのを待ちましょう。メニューは席にも用意されてますので席でゆっくり選べます。 地物の果物、野菜など沢山ありました。 今はブドウが旬なのでA級のシャインマスカットが沢山並んでいて購入する方も多かったです。
You can eat Yokote Yakisoba, Ramen, etc. at the food court. Orders can be placed directly at the store, paid in cash, and exchanged for a number tag. Wait at your favorite seat and wait for the microphone to call you. The menu is also prepared for the seats, so you can choose slowly at the seats. There were many local fruits and vegetables. Now that the grapes are in season, many A-class Shine Muscats are lined up and purchased.
りぃだ on Google

Eat at the roadside station, so-called food court. The new varieties are curry and soba noodles. Normal Yokote Yakisoba is the best! ! Raw vegetables are on the specially made yakisoba.
岡部貴彦 on Google

I ordered Yokote Yakisoba. There is a fried egg on it. At first, I ate yakisoba normally, and on the way, I ate fried egg yolk with noodles. You can enjoy it in two stages.
高山博之 on Google

十文字道の駅のフードコート内で移転してから初訪問。横手焼きそばで有名なお店です。 横手焼きそばはもちろん、ラーメンや定食も安くて美味しい、コスパの良さは本店でもお馴染みですね。 ここ数日の灼熱地獄に耐えきれず、敢えて横手焼きそばでなく「ざる中華」をオーダー。 全粒粉の黄色い麺は、これぞ街中の食堂のざる中華!麺のコシ、食感、喉越しとも、ざる中華を思い浮かべたそのものです(^^) 暑さはもういいので、そろそろ鍋物を食べたくなる気候をお待ちしてます( ̄▽ ̄;)
First visit after moving within the food court of the Tokaido station. This restaurant is famous for Yokote Yakisoba. Not only Yokote Yakisoba, but also ramen and set meals are cheap and delicious. The goodness of COSPA is familiar at the main store. I couldn't stand the burning hell of the last few days, and I dared to order "Zaru Chinese" instead of Yokote Yakisoba. The whole-grain yellow noodles are the best Chinese food in the cafeteria! The noodles' texture, texture, and throat are both thought of as Chinese (^^) Since the heat is already good, I am waiting for the climate where I want to eat pots soon ( ̄ ▽  ̄;)
Masaaki Suga (Gus) on Google

秋田県横手市といえば焼きそばだそうで(予習不足)、偶然入った道の駅にあった、福龍でバラ焼きそばをいただきました。 紅生姜ではなく、福神漬け。デフォルトで半熟目玉焼きが載っているのが横手焼きそばみたいです。麺は一度茹でてから焼くのでモチモチの食感が強調されている感じ。 焼きそばに福神漬けはありでしたw
It seems that Yokote City in Akita Prefecture is yakisoba (lack of preparation), so I had a rose yakisoba at Fukuryu at the roadside station where I happened to enter. Fukujinzuke, not pickled ginger. It seems that Yokote Yakisoba has a soft-boiled egg by default. The noodles are boiled and then baked, so the chewy texture is emphasized. There was Fukujinzuke in yakisoba w
Chiro S on Google

横手市内に店舗を構える福龍さんの道の駅のサテライト店です。 特製焼きそば700円を頂きました。 横手焼きそばに普通のサラダが付いてます。 普通に美味しく頂きましたが、「特製」に期待して頼んでみたところ、ちょっと名前負けしてる気がしました(笑) 次に頂くときはバラかホルモンにします。
It is a satellite store of Fukuryu's roadside station, which has a store in Yokote city. I received a special yakisoba for 700 yen. Yokote Yakisoba comes with an ordinary salad. It was delicious as usual, but when I asked for it in anticipation of "special", I felt that I was a little defeated (laughs). The next time I get it, I will use roses or hormones.
豆ふみ on Google

割と甘めのソースにふっくらした柔らかい麺で食べやすい。普通盛りでは物足りない感じでした。 ホルモンは歯応えが有るのに、噛み切りやすく、とても美味しいホルモンでした。
It is easy to eat with soft noodles that are plump in a relatively sweet sauce. I felt that the normal serving was not enough. Although the hormone was chewy, it was easy to chew and was a very delicious hormone.
taremimiusagi on Google

A self-made ramen shop in Jumonji Road Station. The same menu is about 50 yen cheaper than the next ramen shop. Payment is cash only.

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