Jukon - Hiroshima

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Jukon

住所 :

10-18 Mikawacho, Naka Ward, Hiroshima, 730-0029, Japan

電話 : 📞 +889
Postal code : 730-0029

10-18 Mikawacho, Naka Ward, Hiroshima, 730-0029, Japan
徳永孝道 on Google

It is a shop that offers a wide variety of small dishes at low prices. Lunch is open until around 2:30 pm, and izakaya time is from 5:30 pm to around 11:30 pm. The general and his wife are struggling in the kitchen, so wait for a delicious dish to arrive.
Kenichi Ota on Google

いつも満腹、安価でメニュー豊富な料理を楽しんでます。日替りのおすすめがあり悩まず助かります。 時短営業中もランチから夜まで休まず営業しているそうです。
I am always full, enjoying cheap and menu-rich dishes. There is a daily recommendation so you don't have to worry. It seems that it is open from lunch to night even during the short hours.
紺野一彦 on Google

Providing delicious local food at a reasonable price. Good shop (^^)
Ryuhei Yasuda on Google

At-home bar. There were many menus, and many cheap small plates after the 300 yen war were also displayed in the menu in front of the store, so when I tried to disturb, it was the correct answer.
Iku S on Google

All the dishes were delicious ~ ♪ A set of small bowls is advantageous ~ ♪ Beer is cheap and soft drinks 100 yen are surprised! It was a great satisfaction! !
月山優貴 on Google

安くて旨い❗ いっぱい食べて、いっぱい飲めて、また行きたくなる、お店です。 メニューも豊富。 このような、お店は重宝したいですね。
Cheap and delicious ❗ It's a shop where you can eat a lot, drink a lot, and want to go again. The menu is also abundant. I want to find a store like this useful.
お茶 on Google

夕食にお好み焼きを食べに行くつもりで歩いている時発見したお店。誰かの紹介や口コミを見てで入った訳じゃなかったけど、結果大当たり!夕食の時間帯だったので他のほとんどのお客さんは飲みながらの食事だったけど一人だったので、定食だけで済ませた。兎に角メニューが豊富で「孤独のグルメ」の主人公井之頭五郎の様に注文するのにあれこれ悩んだが、結局店先の案内板に出ていた牡蠣天ぷら定食と牛すじの煮込むを注文。定食はこのボリュームでこの価格は凄い!(多分)日替わりだろう小鉢が3つ(この日はひじき、ゴボウのきんぴら、切り干し大根)が嬉しい。いつものホテルとは違うところに泊まると、新しいお店の発見がある。こいういうお店での食事はお腹も精神的にも満たされる。店内にJポップの懐メロが流れているのもいいなぁ。店員さん(お母さん)の気さくな対応もいい! 広島に来た時には必ず又来よう。
A shop I found while walking with the intention of going to eat okonomiyaki for dinner. I didn't enter by looking at someone's introduction or word of mouth, but the result was a big hit! Since it was dinner time, most of the other customers had a drink while eating, but since they were alone, they only had a set meal. I was worried about ordering like Goro Inogashira, the main character of "Gourmet of loneliness" because of the abundant horn menu, but in the end I ordered the oyster tempura set meal and stewed beef tendon that appeared on the information board at the storefront. The set meal is this volume and this price is amazing! (Maybe) I'm glad that there are 3 small bowls that change daily (hijiki, burdock kinpira, and dried daikon radish on this day). If you stay in a place different from your usual hotel, you will discover a new shop. Meals at these stores are both hungry and mentally satisfying. It's nice to see J-pop old-fashioned melody in the store. The friendly response of the clerk (mother) is also good! When you come to Hiroshima, be sure to come again.
- JJ - jun on Google

Fantastic Izakaya can have small plates you can choose from as low as 300 yen! 'Koiwashi no Tempura' is the one you have to have.

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