Jukkokutoge Park - Hitachiota

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Jukkokutoge Park

住所 :

36.620772, 140.508895, Hitachiota, Ibaraki 311-0314, Japan

Postal code : 311-0314
Opening hours :
Saturday Open 24 hours
Sunday Open 24 hours
Monday Open 24 hours
Tuesday Open 24 hours
Wednesday Open 24 hours
Thursday Open 24 hours
Friday Open 24 hours

36.620772, 140.508895, Hitachiota, Ibaraki 311-0314, Japan
usarun (くー) on Google

春の季節、ここからの眺望は最高ですよ! 無料駐車場とトイレあります!
Spring season, the view from here is the best! There is free parking and toilet!
サカイマコト on Google

I returned by bicycle from Oiwa Shrine.
shinichi oonuki on Google

There are only people during the cherry blossom season.
Yuya Suto on Google

天気の良い夜は星が綺麗に見えますが、人気がなくイノシシが出ますので注意です。 トイレと駐車場もあります。
The stars look beautiful on a sunny night, but be careful as they are not popular and wild boars appear. There is also a toilet and parking.
ichicou High.B on Google

桜が咲いていたので立ち寄りました これと言って特徴のないこじんまりとした公園 手入れは良くされていますね
I stopped by because the cherry blossoms were blooming. A small park with no features to say this.
Nemoto Satoru on Google

山の上にある自然公園です。 桜の季節がもうすぐ来ます。 この公園にも沢山の桜があります。
It is a natural park on the mountain. The cherry blossom season is coming soon. There are many cherry blossoms in this park as well.
san sea on Google

2019.4.11.そろそろ桜がよい頃かと訪ねてみましたよ。展望デッキからの眺めは、、、、( ´△`) 桜が他の木に負ける感じですね。 トイレはもっと( ´△`) 行く前にコンビニで済ました方が良いでしょう。 階段や草刈りは最低限されているので、公園としてはまあまあ。来週には桜も満開になるでしょうから、お弁当持って花見も良いかもですが、ゴミはキチンと持ち帰りましょうね?
2019.4.11. I asked if it was time for cherry blossoms to be good. The view from the observation deck is ... ('△ `) It looks like the cherry blossoms lose to other trees. It would be better to finish the restroom at a convenience store before going more ('△ `). Stairs and mowing are minimal, so it's a pretty good park. Cherry blossoms will be in full bloom next week, so it may be good to have a lunch box and have a good time, but let's take trash with you.
大門輝美 on Google

近くに来た時に立ち寄ります。 付近の山への入り口になっているようで、ハイカーの方をよく見かけます。 トイレがないのが残念です。 車は十数台は停められそうです。
I will stop by when I come near. It seems to be the entrance to the nearby mountains, and I often see hikers. It's a pity that there is no toilet. It seems that more than a dozen cars can be parked.

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