Joyfull - Satte

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Joyfull

住所 :

2 Chome-10-18 Higashi, Satte, Saitama 340-0114, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88788
Postal code : 340-0114
Webサイト :

2 Chome-10-18 Higashi, Satte, Saitama 340-0114, Japan
福地修 on Google

I have been in the way for a long time. It's beautiful, the menu is rich, and it's delicious and reasonably priced. I will come again ?.
平尾良子 on Google

幸手にジョイフルがあることをしらなく20年ぶりにジョイフルへ。駐車場も店内も広々としていて良かったです。夜に行ったのですがリーズナブルな料金にビックリ!味も美味しかったですしけっこうボリュームがあってお腹いっぱいでした。ガ○トよりいいかな~と思いました。 子供がドリンクバーを注文。あまり種類がないと言ってました。 次回はランチを食べに行きたいと思います。
For the first time in 20 years I went to joyful without knowing that I had a joyful. It was good that the parking lot and the shop were spacious. We went at night but were surprised at reasonable rates! The taste was also delicious and it was quite full and full. I thought it was better than G *. Children order drink bar. He said that there was not much kind. Next time I want to go for lunch.
勝田靖則 on Google

昨日家族で食事に行きましたが…店に入るなり「混んでるので食事の提供は30〜40分かかります!」と言われ店内を見るとガラガラでした。テーブルは3分の1程度のお客さんの数で混んでる様子はないのに…店員のやる気ゼロ!オマケに頼んだ物も忘れられてて最悪でした。 正月休みで混むのがわかってるならそれなりの店員の確保をするべきだと思う! 不愉快な思いをさせられました。
I went to eat with my family yesterday, but as soon as I entered the store, I was told, "It takes 30 to 40 minutes to serve the meal because it is crowded!" And when I looked inside the store, it was rattling. The table doesn't seem to be crowded with about one-third of the number of customers ... but the clerk has no motivation! It was the worst because I forgot what I asked for as a bonus. If you know that it will be crowded during the New Year holidays, I think you should secure a decent clerk! It made me feel uncomfortable.
F C on Google

was delicious. It was a clean shop.
なまず on Google

訪れたのは23:00。ジョイフルの営業時間はラストオーダー24:30で、閉店は25:00。 では実際どうだったか? 24:10頃にラストオーダーを聞きにきて、同時にエアコンを停止。どんどん冷えていく店内に耐えられず、24:30に退出した。 時間通りに閉店したいのは判るが、寒さに凍えさせて追い出すような状況を作るのは如何なものか?本部の設定した営業時間と業態がそぐわないのであれば、幸手店の営業時間変更を申請したら良い。 もっとダメな可能性としては、本部がこの方針を指示していた場合だ。自らが設定した営業時間を守れない(守るつもりがない)ような企業が、コンプライアンス遵守の精神を持ち合わせられるのか疑わしい。(ホームページに掲げている大仰なお題目は全て眉唾物と言うこと) 私を悪質クレーマーと謗りたければ、そうすれば良い。だが、ここに書かれた私の体験が事実である事も認識してほしい。
I visited at 23:00. Joyful is open at 24:30 last order and closes at 25:00. So how was it actually? I came to hear the last order around 24:10 and stopped the air conditioner at the same time. I couldn't stand the cold weather and left at 24:30. I know I want to close the store on time, but what about creating a situation where it freezes in the cold and is kicked out? If the business hours set by the headquarters do not match the business format, you can apply to change the business hours of the Satte store. A worse possibility is if the headquarters had instructed this policy. It is doubtful that a company that cannot (or does not intend to) keep the business hours set by itself can have the spirit of compliance. (All the big titles on the homepage are eyebrows) If you want to call me a malicious claimer, do so. But please also be aware that my experience described here is true.
K I on Google

コロナ対策で席を離して案内してます。 ランチ時で混雑していたが、チャキチャキした店員さんが1人でフロアを廻していた。 とても感じが良い方でした。
I will guide you away from your seat as a measure against corona. It was crowded at lunch time, but a cheerful clerk was walking around the floor alone. He was a very nice person.
はるちゃん on Google

格安ランチが食べられます❗️ 税込500円、600円などがあり何種類かあります‼️ 何回か行ったのですが毎回、狭い2人席に案内されます? 私の後に来た人はみんな2人なのに4人席に座っているのに? 4人席に行きたいと言ったけど駄目でした? 年1くらいしか行かないから諦めます✌️
You can eat a cheap lunch ❗️ There are several types such as 500 yen including tax and 600 yen! ️ I went there several times, but each time I was guided to a small seat for two people ? There are two people who came after me, but they are sitting in four seats ? I said I wanted to go to a seat for 4 people, but it didn't work ? I only go about once a year so I give up ✌️
Yuki on Google

お値段は安めの和食も洋食も食べれるファミリーレストランです。店内は広くきれいで席もたくさんあります。この日この時間はすごく空いていました。お料理は美味しかったです。いただいたサイコロステーキのカフェごはんは私には適量でした。サラダとスープが元々付いています。スープバーは3種類で、コーンスープしか飲まなかったですが、粉のカップスープの味でした。 店員さんの丁寧な言葉とは裏腹の、言葉が伴っていない下を向いて作業しながらのお会計対応はちょっと残念に思いました。 クレジットカードも対応です。
It is a family restaurant where you can eat both Japanese and Western dishes at a low price. The inside of the store is large and clean, and there are many seats. This time was very free on this day. The food was delicious. The dice steak cafe rice I received was an appropriate amount for me. Originally comes with salad and soup. There were 3 types of soup bars, and I only drank corn soup, but it tasted like powdered cup soup. Contrary to the polite words of the clerk, I was a little disappointed with the accounting while working facing down without words. Credit cards are also accepted.

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