韓国語スクールJOY STUDY

4.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 韓国語スクールJOY STUDY

住所 :

Higashishinsaibashi, Chuo Ward, 〒542-0083 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8899
街 : Osaka

Higashishinsaibashi, Chuo Ward, 〒542-0083 Osaka,Japan
Hyungbem Cho on Google

Mr. Young Tae is very interesting!
A-CHU on Google

The teacher was kind and I enjoyed the lesson.
木下ゆき on Google

The teachers are friendly and the classes are interesting and easy to understand, so you can enjoy learning!
이재훈 on Google

모르는거 물어볼수도 있고 편하게 얘기할 수 있어서 좋은거 같네요 가볍게 얘기하러가기 좋아요!!
I can ask you what you don't know or you can talk to me It's good to go talk lightly !!
鈴木智行 on Google

人見知りですが、 先生が親しみやすいので楽しく通っています。 話すのが恥ずかしかったですが 段々 言葉を覚えて話せるようになって すごく嬉しいです!
I am shy, but The teacher is friendly and I enjoy going. I was embarrassed to speak I started to learn and speak words I am very happy!
치코리타 on Google

キム先生が面白くてかっこいいです? 自分に合ったペースで勉強できます!
Kim is funny and cool ? You can study at a pace that suits you!
松本恵 on Google

It is also a place where you can learn Korean easily and teach Korean language that you can immediately use, such as Korean culture, with the teaching of kind teachers. If you want to learn Korean, I would recommend it.
윤グク on Google

매주 토요일에 스터디 참석하는데 선생님이 유우머감각도 좋으시고 재밌게 한시간반정도 놀다갈수 있어서 좋네요. 스터디비도 500엔인데 음료수도 제공해주셔서 별도로 마실거 안챙겨가도 돼서 좋아요
I attend the study every Saturday, and it's nice that the teacher has a good sense of humor and can have fun playing for about an hour and a half. The study fee is also 500 yen, but it’s good that you don’t have to bring a drink

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