Joshuin - Okazaki

4/5 に基づく 4 レビュー

Contact Joshuin

住所 :

浄珠院 Kitayashiki-55 Kamiwadacho, Okazaki, Aichi 444-0201, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 444-0201
Webサイト :

浄珠院 Kitayashiki-55 Kamiwadacho, Okazaki, Aichi 444-0201, Japan
竹本ココ on Google

川口敦也(ロックらき) on Google

Pocket Stop 2 places. There are also some nearby.
ケイエイチ on Google

It is said that Ieyasu Tokugawa set up a camp at this temple to control Mikawa Ikkou Ikki.
Takeshi W on Google

ここ浄珠院は一向一揆で有名なお寺ですよね。 1563年の一向一揆では、上和田に住む大久保一党が一揆と対峙し、家康も出陣し一揆制圧のため自ら指揮を執り激戦となった。 実はその時、この浄珠院が家康公の本陣であったのです。 老臣大久保一家が軍勢を添え、浄珠院末寺及び檀徒が加わって家康公を御守護したそうです。 激しい戦の後、1564年2月になって一揆方から、この浄珠院の境内の太子堂の前で和平が交わされたのです。 そうです、三河統一の基礎を固めるきっかけとなった歴史的に重要なお寺とされているんです。 ちなみに三河一向一揆は三方ヶ原の戦いや神君伊賀越えと並び立つ家康三大の危機のひとつとして語り継がれる出来事です。 浄珠院は、人皇五十四代仁明天皇承和年中(834~848)天台宗の慈覚大使円仁の開山、清光院大海寺と称していたが、 応永年中(1394~1428)、松平家二代泰親の長子である教然良頓により、浄土宗に改宗され再興しました。 境内には三ツ木城主、松平蔵人信孝公(家康の祖父の弟)の墓があります。 また、岡崎市の銘木に指定されている、樹齢500年ともいわれる銀杏の木が所狭しとそびえています。 以下浄珠院HPより一部抜粋---------------------- 然れども後、永禄六年(1563)一向宗門徒一揆を起こし家康公に敵対した折、家康公も又、当山四辺に陣屋を構えられ、当山を本陣にされた。 老臣大久保一家が軍勢を添え、当山末寺及び檀徒が加わって御守護せり。 翌年、一向宗の一揆勢との仲介をしていた大久保浄玄(忠俊)より、先非を御放免下されば屈伏する旨を聞き、家康公は御立腹甚だしく、 一向宗の寺院残らず破却すべく御出馬せん折、浄玄(大久保忠俊)並びに当山住職利空(当山四世)が、御馬の口を止め、「大義を御考えの御身、小事に囚われ、 無益な殺生は御控え下さい」と御諫めし、捕因した一向宗僧徒を断頭に罪すべきを、当山太子堂前で神文誓書を奉りて放免し、一向の宗徒を立て置く事を許されたり。 その時、家康公より、祖父清康公、父広忠公供養の為とし、清康公、広忠公の御位牌と共に、梵鐘を一口賜る。 当山は、徳川家・松平家にゆかり深い当地きっての古刹の一つです。 また、徳川家康が三河一向一揆で誰一人断罪に処することなく和睦を結び、徳川三百年の礎を築いた平和の象徴の地でもあります。 どうぞごゆっくりお楽しみいただければ幸いです。
Joshuin is a famous temple for Ikko-ikki, isn't it? In Ikko-ikki in 1563, the Okubo Ikki party living in Kamiwada confronted Ikki, and Ieyasu also took the lead to control the Ikki, resulting in a fierce battle. Actually, at that time, this Joshuin was the headquarters of Ieyasu. It is said that the Okubo family, an old vassal, joined the army, and Joshuin Sueji and Danjin joined to protect Ieyasu. After a fierce battle, in February 1564, peace was exchanged in front of the Taishido in the precincts of this Joshuin. That's right, it is considered to be a historically important temple that helped to solidify the foundation of Mikawa unification. By the way, Mikawa Ikko-ikki is an event that has been handed down as one of the three major crises of Ieyasu alongside the battle of Mikatagahara and the god Iga crossing. Joshuin was called Seikouin Daikaiji Temple, the founder of Ennin, the ambassador of the Tendai sect, during the year of Emperor Ninmyō's 54th generation (834-848). During the year of Oei (1394-1428), it was converted to the Jodo sect and revived by the eldest son of the second generation of the Matsudaira family, Yasuchika. In the precincts, there is the tomb of Mitsugi Castle owner, Nobutaka Matsudaira (younger brother of Ieyasu's grandfather). In addition, the ginkgo tree, which is said to be 500 years old and is designated as a famous tree in Okazaki City, rises in a narrow space. Below is a partial excerpt from the Joshuin website ---------------------- However, after that, when Ieyasu was hostile to Ieyasu in the 6th year of Eiroku (1563), Ieyasu also set up a camp on all four sides of the mountain and made the mountain the main camp. The Okubo family, an old vassal, joined the army, and Toyama Sueji and Danjin joined to protect it. The following year, Ieyasu was very angry when he heard from Jogen Okubo (Tadatoshi), who had been mediating with Ikko-shu's rebellion, that he would succumb if he was released from his predecessor. In order to destroy all the temples of the Ikko sect, Jodo Shinshu, Jodo (Tadayoshi Okubo) and Toyama priest Toshiku (Fourth generation of Toyama) stopped Mima's mouth and said, Please refrain from useless murders. " Forgive me. At that time, Ieyasu gave a bite of a bonsho to the memorial service of his grandfather Kiyoyasu and his father Hirotada, along with the mortuary tablets of Kiyoyasu and Hirotada. This mountain is one of the oldest temples in the area that is closely related to the Tokugawa and Matsudaira families. It is also a symbol of peace, where Ieyasu Tokugawa laid the foundation for 300 years of Tokugawa by concluding peace with Mikawa Ikko-ikki without condemning anyone. We hope you enjoy it slowly.

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