Jomon Limestone Cave - Gujo

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Jomon Limestone Cave

住所 :

Hachimancho Akuda, Gujo, Gifu 501-4205, Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Postal code : 501-4205
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 9:30AM–4PM
Sunday 9:30AM–4PM
Monday 9:30AM–4PM
Tuesday 9:30AM–4PM
Wednesday 9:30AM–4PM
Thursday 9:30AM–4PM
Friday 9:30AM–4PM

Hachimancho Akuda, Gujo, Gifu 501-4205, Japan
ちくパン on Google

懐中電灯を借りることになりますが、中でライトを消すと本当に真っ暗で平衡感覚がなくなりますね……。 大滝鍾乳洞よりこっちのほうが新鮮味があり楽しかったです。 それと、先行していたカップルが楽しそうで羨ましかった……!! ちなみに洞窟内は撮影禁止
You will have to rent a flashlight, but if you turn off the light inside, it will be really pitch black and you will lose your sense of balance. This one was more fresh and fun than the Otaki Limestone Cave. Also, the couple who was ahead seemed to be happy and envious ...! !! By the way, shooting is prohibited inside the cave
鈴木サブロー on Google

大滝鍾乳洞とセットで入場券が販売されてたので行ってみました。 懐中電灯を受付でもらってその明かりのみで探索する鍾乳洞でした。 写真撮影は禁止でしたのでありませんが普通の鍾乳洞と思っていくとビックリしますよ。 小さいお子さんと行く場合はちゃんと手を繋いであるかないと危険かな。 ホントに真っ暗なので怖がって中に入れないかもです。 普通じゃない鍾乳洞体験がしてみたい人にはお勧めです。
The admission ticket was sold as a set with Otaki Limestone Cave, so I went there. It was a limestone cave where I got a flashlight at the reception and searched only with that light. It wasn't forbidden to take pictures, but I'm surprised to think of it as a normal limestone cave. If you go with a small child, it's dangerous if you don't hold hands properly. It's really pitch black so I might be scared and can't go inside. Recommended for those who want to experience an unusual limestone cave.
Taka Take on Google

普通の鍾乳洞と思って行くと意表をつかれます 懐中電灯で進む冒険アドベンチャー、ボリューム雰囲気共に大満足、料金も500円と格安でした。
If you think of it as an ordinary limestone cave, you will be surprised. I was very satisfied with the adventure adventure with a flashlight and the volume atmosphere, and the price was as low as 500 yen.
oyaji higezura on Google

懐中電灯のみの洞窟探検❗真っ暗でビビるけど終わった後の達成感が最高( ̄▽ ̄)b
Cave exploration with only a flashlight ❗ It's pitch black and I'm afraid, but the feeling of accomplishment after the end is the best ( ̄ ▽  ̄) b
t h on Google

めちゃくちゃ暗いです!(笑) 懐中電灯+スマホのライトがあれば便利です! アップダウンが激しいのと、身長高い方は中腰が続きます! また最後の出口周辺に小さいコウモリの大群が、、、、笑いました(笑)
It's insanely dark! (Lol) It is convenient if you have a flashlight + smartphone light! The ups and downs are intense, and taller people continue to have a middle waist! Also, a horde of small bats laughed around the last exit (laughs).
みどりのKERO on Google

皆さんが書かれているように照明のない真っ暗闇の鍾乳洞です。 とんでもない強力なライトを持参したのでかなり楽しめました。 縦に割れた後に溶食したり析出したりしてできた洞窟で、割れ目の奥の方には綺麗に鍾乳石や石筍がたくさんあります。 貸していただける昭和の懐中電灯では光量が少なく見えません。また、豆電球なので白い石灰岩も黄色く見えます。 LEDスポットライトの大光量の物と、面光源で180度を照らせる光源を持って行くことをお勧めします。
It is a pitch-black limestone cave without lighting as you write. I brought a ridiculously powerful light so I enjoyed it a lot. It is a cave formed by erosion and precipitation after cracking vertically, and there are many beautiful stalactites and stalagmites in the back of the crack. The amount of light cannot be seen with the Showa flashlight that you can lend. Also, since it is a miniature bulb, the white limestone looks yellow. It is recommended to bring a large amount of LED spotlight and a light source that illuminates 180 degrees with a surface light source.
長谷川博一 on Google

規模では近くの大滝鍾乳洞に負けるが、この鍾乳洞は洞内に照明がなく、懐中電灯で照らしながら見学するという形です。 ちょっとした地底探検気分が味わえるので子連れで遊びに行くにはいいかも。
On a scale, it loses to the nearby Otaki Limestone Cave, but this limestone cave has no lighting inside, and you can observe it while illuminating it with a flashlight. You can feel a little underground exploration, so it might be a good idea to go out with your children.
親玉悪野 on Google

毎年この時期になると家族で出かけます。最初に大滝鍾乳洞に行き縄文鍾乳洞と流しそうめんのセットを購入。 ケーブルカーで鍾乳洞の入口まで行きいざ中へ・・・ そこはまさに別世界で中の気温は約18度ととても快適です。中には上から落ちてくる滝もあり中々のスポットだと思います。 鍾乳洞を出たらいざ流しそうめんを堪能、何故かここで食べるそうめんはめちゃくちゃ美味しく、トッピングはごまとわさびのみだがそれで十分。 腹ごしらえが出来た後はマス釣り場に向かっていざ勝負。ここの釣り堀は糸が細くてすぐに切れてしまうのが特徴でなかなか釣り上げるのが難しい。 だがコツを掴めば釣り上げることは可能です。釣った魚はその場でさばいて焼く事も出来ます。 次はいざ縄文鍾乳洞へ車で3分位の場所に移動、ここの特徴は鍾乳洞の電気がついていない為懐中電灯片手に中に入って行く。懐中電灯がないと視界はゼロ!なかなかスリルが味わえます。 出口付近には珍客が・・・何かは行ってからのお楽しみ
Every year at this time of year, I go out with my family. First, I went to Otaki Limestone Cave and bought a set of Jomon Limestone Cave and Nagashi Somen (Flowing cold noodles). Take the cable car to the entrance of the limestone cave and go inside ... It's a very comfortable place with a temperature of about 18 degrees Celsius in another world. There is also a waterfall that falls from above, so I think it's a middle spot. When you leave the limestone cave, you can enjoy somen noodles, somen that you eat here is really delicious, and the toppings are only sesame and wasabi, but that's enough. After getting hungry, head to the trout fishing spot. The fishing pond here is characterized by the thin thread that breaks quickly, making it difficult to fish. However, if you get the hang of it, you can catch it. You can also judge and bake the fish you catch on the spot. Next, I moved to the Jomon limestone cave about 3 minutes by car, and the feature here is that the limestone cave is not turned on, so I went inside with a flashlight in one hand. No visibility without a flashlight! You can enjoy the thrill. There are rare guests near the exit ... Enjoy after doing something

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