Jokoin - Iwaki

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Jokoin

住所 :

Kominato-193 Onahama, Iwaki, Fukushima 971-8101, Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Postal code : 971-8101

Kominato-193 Onahama, Iwaki, Fukushima 971-8101, Japan
ゆーすけ儀式屋 on Google

A temple that feels history. There were parts where construction vehicles were not able to see well because of obstruction.
梅津二三夫 on Google

The person who participated in the night-night bell can make money. Amazake service is also available❗
平澤孝英 on Google

Overlooking Onahama Port, the graveyard is beautiful,
アサクラカヨコ on Google

This time grandchildren had a wonderful experience (child procession) ? 3 years old, 1 year old, finally I tried my best I walked ? Finally I got lots of sweets, red rice, amulet ?
Shun Aita on Google

It is an ordinary temple on a hill
さすけねぇぞ on Google

自分の好みのお墓が出来ません?お寺さんのしきたりが有ります 又お墓上には宗派のマーク❓分かりませんが必ず上に入ります?お墓は各家の好みが有ると思いますが…
I can't make my favorite grave ? There is a tradition of temples Also, the sect mark on the grave ❓ I don't know, but it will definitely be on the top ? I think that each family has their own taste for the grave ...
Togarikun on Google

真言宗智山派 開虎山 観音寺 浄光院。 本尊は大日如来だそうです。 海が見えある小高い丘の上に建つお寺です。
Shingon sect Chiyama school Kaitorayama Kanonji Temple Jokoin. The principal image is Dainichi Nyorai. It is a temple built on a small hill overlooking the sea.
大内政雄 on Google

海が一望できる素晴らしい場所。 梵鐘はいわき市内で最も大きいそすです。 俳人「内藤露沾」が領内を巡り、風光明媚の地「小名浜」を選出した、小名浜八景が建立されています。
A wonderful place with a panoramic view of the sea. Bonsho is the largest sword in Iwaki city. The eight views of Onahama, where the poet "Ryu Naito" travels around the territory and selects the scenic land "Onahama", are erected.

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