Jodoji - Onomichi

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Jodoji

住所 :

20-28 Higashikubocho, Onomichi, Hiroshima 722-0043, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8887
Postal code : 722-0043
Webサイト :

20-28 Higashikubocho, Onomichi, Hiroshima 722-0043, Japan
みつばちマーヤ on Google

細い道を入り…ここ歩道?·入っていいの?Uターンできないし…車いいのよね?など不安になりながら(笑)辿り着くまで心配でした。 御朱印をいただきましたが 日付が入っていません…こういうパターン初めてです(´༎ຶོρ༎ຶོ`)
Enter a narrow road ... A sidewalk here? · Can I enter? I can't make a U-turn ... A car is good, isn't it? I was worried until I got there (laughs). I received a red stamp, but the date is not entered ... This is the first pattern like this (´ ༎ ຶ ོ ρ ༎ ຶ ོ `)
こげぱん on Google

主人が小津安二郎さんのファンで「東京物語」の舞台になった場所に行きたいと半ば無理やり連れていかれたこの場所。 もんのすごい狭い道でひゃー!と悲鳴をあげながら行きました。。 しかしついてみると景色良くとても気持ち良い場所でした。 事前情報一切無しで行った為、鳩を大切にされている??のか大量の鳩の絵馬と鳩達。。鳩の餌が売っており、懐っこい鳩達が餌を貰いに人間を追いかけまくるという地獄絵図を見ました笑 子供も餌あげたいなぁなんて言っていましたが、申し訳ありませんがなんの病気を持っているか分からないので止めさせました…。。ごめんな。。 しかし風情よく小津安二郎さんが何故ここを映画スタートの舞台にしたのか…何となく分かるような感じがしました。
This place where my husband was a fan of Yasujiro Ozu and was half-forced to go to the place where "Tokyo Monogatari" was set. It ’s a very narrow road! I went while screaming. .. However, when I followed it, it was a very pleasant place with a nice view. Do you value pigeons because you went without any prior information? ?? A large number of pigeon votive tablets and pigeons. .. I saw a hellish picture of pigeon food being sold and nostalgic pigeons chasing humans for food lol I said that my child wants to feed, but I'm sorry but I don't know what kind of illness I have, so I stopped it ... .. I'm sorry. .. However, I felt like I could understand why Yasujiro Ozu set this as the stage for the start of the movie.
O. K on Google

観音霊場として訪問。 駐車場が境内にあるとのことで看板の通りに進んだ。私の車は国産の大きめのセダン!ギリギリ通れる幅でした。コーナーセンサー鳴らしながら通る感じです。自信のない方はバス用の駐車場かコインパーキングに停めた方がよいと思います。対向が来たらアウトです。 寺はすごく立派で尾道の水道の景色と相まっていい雰囲気。
Visited as a Kannon sacred place. I heard that there is a parking lot in the precincts, so I proceeded according to the signboard. My car is a large domestic sedan! It was just wide enough to pass through. It feels like passing while ringing the corner sensor. If you are not confident, you should park your car in the bus parking lot or coin parking lot. It is out when the opposite comes. The temple is very splendid and has a nice atmosphere combined with the view of the Onomichi Channel.
STU 238 on Google

2016年ブラタモリ参上 本堂や境内土地など足利氏ゆかりの国宝。 尾道に来たら絶対にはずせない場所の一つ 他は千光寺、西国寺、御袖天満宮(大林映画「転校生」のメインロケ地の石段があります) またここから歩いて10分ほどの海徳寺の入り口坂はあの大林映画尾道新三部作「ふたり」のメインロケ地の事故現場であり是非映画をみて訪れるとひっそりとそのまま残っていて感動します。 寺の東出口から500mくらい急坂を歩いて登ると浄土寺山展望台に20分で到着、尾道水道をはさむ尾道市街地が正面千光寺山展望台より高くまた味がある、標高187m. つるの剛士が旅ランという番組で3年ほど前にきました。
2016 Bura Tamori visit National treasures related to Ashikaga such as the main hall and the land in the precincts. One of the places you can't miss when you come to Onomichi is Senkoji Temple, Saigokuji Temple, Misode Tenmangu Shrine (there is a stone staircase in the main location of the Obayashi movie "Transfer Student") Also, about a 10-minute walk from here, the entrance slope of Kaitokuji Temple is the accident site of the main location of the Obayashi movie Onomichi new trilogy "Futari", and if you visit the movie, you will be impressed by the fact that it remains quietly. .. If you walk up a steep slope about 500m from the east exit of the temple, you will reach the Jodojiyama Observatory in 20 minutes. Takeshi Tsuruno came on a program called Journey Run about three years ago.
くるえらくわっぱ on Google

国宝の本堂をはじめ歴史ある感じです。正月三ヶ日だからか不明ですが、本堂と阿弥陀堂は中まで入って参拝できます。 三ヶ日の間、ご朱印は阿弥陀堂の中でいただけます。書き置きのみでした。 山門出てからの景色は素晴らしく、坂の町だと感じる景色です。
It has a historical feel, including the main hall of the national treasure. I don't know if it's the 3rd day of the New Year, but you can go inside the main hall and Amidado to worship. For three days, you can get the red stamp in Amida-do. It was only written down. The scenery after leaving the mountain gate is wonderful, and it feels like a hill town.
nankin ikatako on Google

I can feel the history.
Minato U on Google

very historical place.
Shalom Alexandra on Google

It blows my mind that in many places around the world you will be hard pressed to find a building built before the 16th century, and yet here in this small compound they were all completed in the 12th century, with restorations completed by the 13th century. It's magnificently old and well preserved. It shows how culturally advanced the Japanese were, and how much care they put into preserving their history. Lovely place with a great view overlooking the town as well. Less touristy. I love it beyond words.

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