Jingasa - Tsuyama

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Jingasa

住所 :

1 Chome-90 Minamimachi, Tsuyama, Okayama 708-0881, Japan

電話 : 📞 +898
Postal code : 708-0881

1 Chome-90 Minamimachi, Tsuyama, Okayama 708-0881, Japan
przc _ on Google

本日は津山駅前。 近くにこちらのお店があったので入ってみました。 この時期虫が多く、さっと入ってもかなりの虫が入ってきて奥様が困ってました。 カウンター5席、4人掛けの小上がり1つとこじんまりしていますが 綺麗な店内です。ご主人曰く50年やっていると言っていましたので おそらく移転しております。 せっかくなので ホルモンうどん 2人前 板わさ 焼き油揚げ を注文。 飲み物は瓶ビールと日本酒、焼酎のみです。 男3人でしたが、ホルモンうどんのボリュームがすごく たった3品で満腹になりました。 美味しいホルモンうどんでした。
Today is in front of Tsuyama station. There was this shop near me so I went there. There were a lot of insects at this time, and even if I entered quickly, a lot of insects came in and my wife was in trouble. There are 5 seats at the counter, one small lift for 4 people It is a beautiful store. My husband said that he had been doing it for 50 years, Probably moved. Because I’m sorry Hormone udon 2 servings Plate wasabi Fried tofu Order. Drinks are only bottled beer, sake, and shochu. There were 3 guys, but the volume of hormone udon is really I was full with only 3 dishes. It was a delicious hormone udon.
Seishou Hakusa on Google

The other day, I went twice with my wife. I loved okonomiyaki and ordered it twice. Plenty of vegetables and beef egg. We ask for salt mackerel, dashi tofu and sake. My wife is a beer party with vegetables, tofu, yakisoba, etc. Thanks to moms and masters who like to talk, you can relax. I went to drink even when it was done before, the previous shop (old address: 1-110, Minamimachi, Tsuyama-shi) has been done until December 31, 2017, the shop here is 2018 It seems to be from January 4th. It is closer to Tsuyama Station and behind Toyota Rental Lease. A lively bar.
ジジ子 on Google

先日旅行の際に伺いました。15時ごろだったと思いますが常連の方が和気藹々とされてました。 一見で入った私達のために、常連さん達が座敷を開けてくださいました。 優しげな大将にホルモンうどんとホルモン焼きそばを作っていただきました。 とても美味しかったです。 車だったので呑めませんでしたが、次はお酒を呑みながらまったりしたいお店です。 帰りがけに女将さんが来られ『どこから来られたの?』と気さくに話しかけてくださいました。 店を後にして近くで買い物していたらまた女将さんとばったり会いました。 初めて行ったお店なのに 『先ほどはありがとうございました』と声をかけてくださり本当に嬉しかったです。 今度は近くに宿をとって、のんびり呑みながらほかのメニューもいただきたいと思います。
I visited you on a trip the other day. I think it was around 15:00, but the regulars were more harmonious. Regulars opened the tatami room for us at first glance. I had a gentle general make hormone udon and hormone yakisoba. It was very delicious. I didn't drink it because it was a car, but next is a shop where I want to relax while drinking alcohol. On the way home, the landlady came and asked, "Where did you come from? "He kindly talked to me. When I left the store and was shopping nearby, I met the landlady again. Even though it was my first time to visit I was really happy to hear that you said, "Thank you very much." Next time, I would like to take an inn nearby and have another menu while taking a leisurely drink.
megamama momok on Google

路地の奥にある、ちょっとわかりにくい場所に興味を惹かれて、友達と突入したのですが、 ホルモン焼きそばは、私の知ってる ホルモン焼きそばでなく、具材が普通の焼きそばにホルモン入れた感じ。 あまり普段入ってないはずのピーマンが入ってて、正直がっかり。 おつまみに、鳥からとゲソ天頼んだけど、どちらも、全く期待外れでした。 ゲソ天ってスーパーの?と思った?
I was fascinated by a slightly confusing place in the back of the alley and rushed in with a friend. I know the horumonyaki soba It's not like hormonal fried noodles, but the ingredients are ordinary fried noodles with hormones. To be honest, I was disappointed with the peppers that I shouldn't normally have. I asked for a snack from a bird, but both were totally disappointing. Is Gesoten a supermarket? I thought ?
yaan mi on Google

The hormone is sweet and it goes well with udon. Hoshi meat is also delicious! Healed by the general and the landlady.
s madcap on Google

津山駅前なんだけど、少し目立たない所にある「陣笠」さん。 店内が見えないので入るの少しばかり勇気がいりますが、えいやっ!っとばかりに気合いを入れてお邪魔すると、とても気さくにお迎えしてくださる大将と奥さん。 決して広いとは言えない店内でカウンターに5人くらいかな、あと4〜6人くらいのお座敷。 目の前にサーブされた焼きそば定食は なかなかのボリュームで、満腹満足ごちそうさまー そうそう、店舗隣に駐車場もありますよー
It's in front of Tsuyama station, but "Jinkasa" is in a place that is a little inconspicuous. I can't see the inside of the store, so it takes a little courage to enter, but hey! The general and his wife welcome you very kindly when you get in the way. There are about 5 people at the counter in the store, which is by no means large, and a tatami room for about 4 to 6 people. The yakisoba set meal served in front of you It's quite a volume, and it's a satisfying feast. Oh yeah, there is also a parking lot next to the store!
ちゃんしんば on Google

津山駅前の陣笠って鉄板焼屋で晩飯。ちょうどトヨレンの裏になるかな。今回はお好み焼きとそば飯と玉子スープw お好み焼きは広島風でマヨはかけずに脇に盛ってある。たいして気にはならなかたがツレ曰く、野菜をもう少し刻んで欲しかったw そば飯(黒皿)はこの店オリジナル?野菜入りでご飯少なめやた。 美味しいんやけどおぃら的にはご飯がたべたかたんでちと物足りなかたかなww ツレが焼き飯食べてたんやけど、次はそっちかなぁ
We had dinner at a teppanyaki restaurant in front of Tsuyama station. Is it just behind Toyoren? This time, okonomiyaki, sobameshi, and egg drop soup w The okonomiyaki is Hiroshima-style and is served aside without mayonnaise. The person who didn't really care about it said that he wanted the vegetables to be chopped a little more w. Is the sobameshi (black plate) original at this restaurant? I had a little rice with vegetables. It's delicious, but I think the rice was eaten and it wasn't enough. Ww I was eating fried rice, but I wonder if that's the next one.
Y T on Google

お昼に時間がなく、飛び込みで入りました。 津山で食べたかったホルモンうどん(単品1,000円)を注文。 思ってたよりもモツがたくさん入ってて驚きました。 個人的には少しうどんが柔らかかったかな。 味はおいしかったです。ご馳走様でした。 お店の方は親切でほっこりするお店でした。
I didn't have time for lunch, so I jumped in. I ordered the hormone udon (1,000 yen per item) that I wanted to eat in Tsuyama. I was surprised to find more offal than I expected. Personally, I think the udon was a little soft. The taste was delicious. It was a treat. The shop was kind and warm.

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