Jigen-do Hall - Okayama

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Jigen-do Hall

住所 :

1-5 Korakuen, Kita Ward, Okayama, 703-8257, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8878
Postal code : 703-8257
Webサイト : https://okayama-korakuen.jp/

1-5 Korakuen, Kita Ward, Okayama, 703-8257, Japan
momizi amaki on Google

The Ninja of Jikendo is the prefectural museum and the Kannon is owned by the Ikeda family, and now the contents are empty.
masaru araki on Google

The nearby Eboshi rock has an impact.
AKI “Akiko” YOKO on Google

Parents and children at the pond were feeding on corals and turtles, and the tourists of the powerful, foreigners of the corals, seldom, took photos of the bees.
ウッジージTokyo on Google

Beautiful gardens, castles, slow flow time 時間 が
shinsuke on Google

2021年8月1日 夏の幻想庭園に行って来ましたが素晴らしい内容でした。
August 1, 2021 I went to the summer fantasy garden and it was wonderful.
渡辺裕二 on Google

現在の後楽園には、慈眼堂・弁財天堂・地蔵堂・四天王堂・稲荷宮など、江戸時代から神仏を祀った建物がいくつか残っています。中でも、後楽園の信仰の中心となっていたのが、元禄十年(1697年)に建立された慈眼堂です。 慈眼堂(観音堂)は岡山城の真北に当たる位置に建立され、如意輪観音像を祀り、藩主綱政が普門品(観音経)を写経して奉納し、国家安全・子孫繁栄が祈念されました。 また、慈眼堂近くにある鳥帽子岩という巨大な岩にもご注目。園内にある大立石と対(雄と雌)の切断し分解され運び、また当地で組まれたというから、当時の石工さん達の技に圧倒されます。
In Korakuen today, there are several buildings that have been dedicated to Shinto and Buddha since the Edo period, such as Jingudo, Benzaitendo, Jizodo, Shitennodo and Inarigu. Among them, the center of Korakuen's religion was the Jigendo built in 1697 (Genroku 10). Jingu-do (Kannon-do) is erected just north of Okayama Castle, worshiping the statue of the Kannon statue, and lord Tsunamasa devoted a copy of the Fumon (Kannon sutra) to pray for national security and prosperity of descendants. Was. Also, pay attention to the huge rock called Torihatiwa near Jingudo. It is cut and disassembled, and the pair (male and female) in the park is oversized by the masons at the time.
358 PMP on Google

A temple in front of Sawa no Ike. It looks like history.
pomodoro -t on Google

【空のお堂】 岡山後楽園は岡山藩の藩主を歴任した池田家から岡山県へ譲渡されたもんじゃけぇど、 全てが譲渡されたわけじゃのうて、 池田家にとって重要な物は除かれとるんじゃて。 その象徴的な施設が、後楽園の鬼門に当たる北東の位置にある『慈眼堂』じゃ。 茶畑の横あたりじゃ。 立派な山門を持つお堂じゃけぇど、 実は本尊が収められとらん空堂じゃ。 本来祀られとった本尊は、池田家が管理しとるらしいで。 (※非公開) 【慈眼堂】 さて、慈眼堂にゃあ本来、何が収められとったんか調べてみたところ…。 ここにゃあ二体の観音像が収められとったらしいで。 そもそも慈眼堂は池田綱政が還暦を迎えた際に、厄祓いとして建てられたお堂じゃ。 池田家、領民の繁栄を願うた観音像は池田家所有の物と、 岡山市の寺院・法界院より寄進された物の二体が収められとったと言うことじゃ。 正月、5月と9月の22日は家老も参拝し、33年ごとに法界院へ移されて領民にも参拝できるようにされとって、 池田家が、でぇれぇ厚ぃ信仰を寄せとったか…言うことが判るなぁ。 【烏帽子岩・大立石】 慈眼堂の近くにゃあ鳥帽子岩という巨大な岩があるんじゃ。 ・烏帽子岩 へぇでもよう見たら…この岩にゃあ沢山の切れ目が入っとる事に気づくじゃろう。 こりゃあ大けぇ岩を運ぶ為の手段がなかった当時に用いられた手法で、 大けぇ岩ぁ切って移動が可能なサイズにして、 設置先でもっぺん組み直して元の姿に復元するいうもんじゃ。 いっぺん切ってあるたぁ言ぅても…迫力のある岩じゃ。 園内にゃあ他に『大立石』呼ばれる巨岩があるんじゃけぇど、 こちらも同じゅうにして運んでこられたそうじゃ。 この二つの岩はどっちも、 陰陽石と呼ばれる岩じゃ。 子孫の繁栄を願い、 男性と女性の性器に模した岩を飾ったんじゃて。 (〃▽〃) □アクセス★★★ 岡山後楽園へのアクセス ・JR岡山駅より徒歩で25分 ・路線バス/「JR岡山駅」東口バスターミナル1番乗り場「後楽園前」下車すぐ (乗車時間は約10~15分) ・路面電車/「岡山駅前」から「東山行き」に乗車「城下」下車、徒歩10分 ・自動車/岡山ICから東に約20分 ※駐車場?️料金/1時間100円 □開園時間★★★ ・3/20~9/30 7:30-18:00 ・10/1~3/19 8:00-17:00 ※入園は閉園時間の15分前まで⚠️ □入場料金★★★ 共通券 (後楽園/県立博物館)520円 (後楽園/岡山城)580円 (後楽園/岡山城/林原美術館)980円
[Sky Hall] Okayama Korakuen was transferred to Okayama Prefecture from the Ikeda clan, who was the lord of the Okayama domain. Not everything was transferred, Things that are important to the Ikeda family are excluded. The symbolic facility is "Jigen-do", which is located in the northeast of Korakuen's demon gate. It's next to the tea plantation. It's a temple with a magnificent gate, Actually, it's a torankudo where the principal image is stored. It seems that the Ikeda family manages the principal image that was originally enshrined. (※private) [Jigen-do] By the way, I tried to find out what was originally stored in Jigen-do. It seems that two Kannon images were stored here. In the first place, Jigen-do is a hall that was built as an apotropaic magic when Tsunamasa Ikeda reached his 60th birthday. The statue of Kannon, who wishes for the prosperity of the Ikeda family and the people, is owned by the Ikeda family. It means that two bodies donated by the temple and Hokaiin in Okayama City were stored. On New Year's Day, May and September 22nd, the elders also worship, and every 33 years they are moved to the Hokaiin so that they can also worship the territory. Did the Ikeda clan get a lot of faith? [Uba Rock / Otateishi] There is a huge rock called Torihata Rock near Jigen-do. ・ Uba Rock If you look at it, you'll notice that there are a lot of cuts in this rock. This is the method used at the time when there was no means to carry large rocks. Cut a large rock and make it a size that can be moved It's a matter of reassembling the top at the installation site and restoring it to its original shape. Even if I say it's cut all at once ... It's a powerful rock. There is another giant rock called "Otateishi" in the park, but It seems that this was also carried in the same way. Both of these two rocks It's a rock called Yinyang stone. Wishing the prosperity of the offspring, I decorated rocks that imitated the genitals of men and women. (〃 ▽ 〃) □ Access ★★★ Access to Okayama Korakuen ・ 25 minutes on foot from JR Okayama Station ・ Route bus / "JR Okayama Station" East Exit Bus Terminal No. 1 bus stop "Korakuen-mae" (Riding time is about 10 to 15 minutes) ・ From the tram / "Okayama station square", take the "bound for Higashiyama" and get off at "Castle", then walk for 10 minutes. ・ Approximately 20 minutes east of the car / Okayama IC * Parking lot ?️ Fee / hour 100 yen □ Opening hours ★★★ ・ 3 / 20-9 / 30 7: 30-18: 00 ・ 10/1 ~ 3/19 8: 00-17: 00 * Admission is up to 15 minutes before closing time ⚠️ □ Admission fee ★★★ Common ticket (Korakuen / Prefectural Museum) 520 yen (Korakuen / Okayama Castle) 580 yen (Korakuen / Okayama Castle / Hayashibara Museum of Art) 980 yen

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