JGSDF Camp Mishuku - Setagaya City

4.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact JGSDF Camp Mishuku

住所 :

1 Chome-2-24 Ikejiri, Setagaya City, Tokyo 154-0001, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 154-0001
Webサイト : https://www.mod.go.jp/gsdf/station/ea/mishuku.html

1 Chome-2-24 Ikejiri, Setagaya City, Tokyo 154-0001, Japan
林玉彰 on Google

The station here is very delicate and interesting! Probably the Japan Land Self-Defense Force located in the most expensive residential area in Tokyo ?
A110 on Google

In line with the Sanjuku Sakura Festival, we walked through the rows of cherry trees.
大橋豊 on Google

1984年世田谷ケーブル火災があった当時、住んでました。あの頃民間の借り上げ回線を使用していたため大騒ぎでした。 春の桜並木の通り抜けが有名ですが、世田谷公園側の門は世田谷区で、反対側の門は目黒区です。
I lived at the time of the Setagaya Cable Fire in 1984. It was a big fuss because I was using a private loan line at that time. It is famous for the passage of cherry blossom trees in spring, but the gate on the Setagaya Park side is Setagaya Ward, and the gate on the other side is Meguro Ward.
みさこのむら on Google

There is a hospital inside and the security is strictly strict You can be relieved even if you are in the hospital ❗The general public can not enter during 一般 中 ❗ !! You can enter if you get permission before entering ❗ Let's go to see !? We are released in the flower path in spring.
姓名 on Google

自衛隊中央病院があり、大規模災害時には医療衛生面で日本を守る中枢基地となります。日々精励勤務する自衛隊に感謝! また、ここにはレーダーやレーザー、サイバー等の研究をしている防衛装備庁の研究所もあります。表に出ることは少ないですが、艦艇、航空機、戦車、ミサイルが正確精密に機能するのは、日々研究開発をしているここの人達のおかげです。博士号を持っているのに現場でバリバリ働く人も多く、地に足のついた研究所です。
With the Self-Defense Forces Central Hospital, it will be a central base that protects Japan in terms of medical hygiene in the event of a large-scale disaster. Thank you to the Self-Defense Forces for their hard work every day! There is also a research institute of the Acquisition, Technology and Logistics Agency, which conducts research on radar, laser, cyber, etc. It's rarely seen, but it's thanks to the people here who are doing research and development every day that ships, aircraft, tanks, and missiles work accurately and precisely. There are many people who work hard in the field even though they have a doctorate, and it is a research institute with a foot in the ground.
Syouzou Irie on Google

2017年駐屯地内にある史料館の彰古館を見学 平日のみ開館で2週間前までに事前申し込みが必要 展示内容は日本の幕末からの現在に至る戦役医療の史料 医療関係でない人でもかなり興味深い資料がある また広報の方が付いてくださり展示物の解説をしていただけます 一番びっくりしたのは乃木希典大将の満面の笑みをたたえた一枚の写真 乃木希典大将の写真としては珍しいのではないでしょうか 写真は事前申告すればOKとのこと もう一度見学したい史料館です
Visit the Shokokan of the historical materials center located in the 2017 garrison It is open only on weekdays and prior application is necessary by two weeks ago The contents of the exhibition are historical materials on the medical warfare from the late Edo period of Japan to the present day There are quite interesting materials even for non-medical people There is also a public relations person who can explain the exhibits The most amazing thing is a photo of Nogi Noriyuki's general smile. It may not be rare as a photograph of Nogi Noriyuki Gen. It is OK if you pre-declar the photo It is a museum that I want to visit again
スキップビート on Google

2020年4月の情報です。 自衛隊中央病院を利用するには、この駐屯地に入る手続きをする必要があります。 門の所にいる自衛隊員に聞くと教えてくれますが、けっこう細かい『面会票』というものを記入します。 面会票書く→受診orお見舞い行く→行き先に勤める職員から面会票に押印してもらう→出門時に面会票を返す…という流れです。 また、2020年4月現在は病院に入る際に入り口で検温されます。場合によっては入れないこともあるのかも。
Information for April 2020. In order to use the Self Defense Force Central Hospital, it is necessary to complete the procedure to enter this garrison. I will tell you when I ask the SDF personnel at the gate, but I will fill in a fairly detailed "meeting slip". The procedure is to write an interview form, visit a doctor or visit you, have a staff member at the destination imprint your visit form, and return it when you start. Also, as of April 2020, the temperature will be measured at the entrance when entering the hospital. It may not be possible depending on the case.
益マシ on Google

There is a big hospital inside. It's a strange feeling that there is such a large SDF garrison in the middle of the city. It's really spacious. There is a ground inside, and events such as youth baseball and soccer are also held. I was helped at this hospital for some reason. Thanks.

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