JGSDF Camp Asaka - Nerima City

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact JGSDF Camp Asaka

住所 :

Ōizumigakuenchō, Nerima City, Tokyo 178-8501, Japan

電話 : 📞 +887
Postal code : 178-8501
Webサイト : https://www.mod.go.jp/gsdf/station/ea/asaka.html

Ōizumigakuenchō, Nerima City, Tokyo 178-8501, Japan
1958 aja on Google

自衛隊マニアではないが、仕事の関係で何度か出入りしたことがある。 大泉学園駅から路線バスで長久保行き或いは成増駅行きに乗ること20分ほどで最寄りの停留所に着くが、目の前に停まる訳ではないので少々歩かざるをえない。 住所的には練馬区大泉学園町だが、埼玉県和光市と隣接しているため、成増駅や和光市駅からでもアクセスが可能ではある。 そのせいか電話の市外局番は048となっている。 外部の人間も利用できる食堂で何度か飯を食べたが、昭和の香り漂う学食のような雰囲気だった。 同じスペースにはコンビニもあるが、隊員が帰省する際の手土産的なグッズやお菓子が品揃えしてあるのは駐屯地ならでは。 自衛隊マニアは3年に一度開催される中央観閲式を楽しみにしており、自衛隊関係者は自衛隊記念日観閲式と呼び、晴れの日のイベントとして内閣総理大臣の観閲を受けることにより、士気の高揚を図っているようだ。
I'm not a SDF enthusiast, but I've been in and out several times because of my work. It takes about 20 minutes from Oizumi Gakuen Station to Nagakubo or Narimasu Station by bus to reach the nearest stop, but it does not stop right in front of you, so you have to walk a little. The address is Oizumi Gakuencho, Nerima-ku, but since it is adjacent to Wako City in Saitama Prefecture, it can be accessed from Narimasu Station or Wakoshi Station. Because of that, the area code of the telephone is 048. I ate several times in the dining room where outside people could use it, but it was like a school meal with the scent of the Showa era. There is also a convenience store in the same space, but it is only in the garrison that the souvenirs and sweets that the members return when they return home are available. The Self-Defense Forces enthusiasts are looking forward to the central inspection ceremony that is held every three years. Seems to be trying.
Red Fox on Google

観閲式の行われる駐屯地として有名。 一般開放もされていて、無料で陸自の広報施設を見て回れる。 施設内には普段真近では見れない戦車やヘリコプター、自走砲等が直近で見学する事も出来る。 また、定期的にヘリコプターに体験搭乗出来るイベント等も開催されており、普段なかなか知る事の出来ない自衛隊の活動等を学ぶ事が出来る。 ただ、見学に特化した施設であり、中を隅々見ても1日楽しめるようなキャパシティはない。 また、レストラン等もなかったと記憶している。 あくまで自衛隊の広報であって、アミューズメントテーマパークではないのは重々承知はしているが、行く人の多くは恐らくは車で行くような施設であり、初見の人は色々と期待して行くと思うが、故に実際に行ってみると多少拍子抜けする部分もあるのは否めない。 せめて飲食が出来るような所があると嬉しく思う。 様々な局面で論議の的になる自衛隊だが、見識を広める為にもこのような施設の存在は大きいと思う。 中ではマニアックな自衛隊グッズ等も購入出来るので、チャンスがあれば行ってみても良いと思う。
It is famous as a garrison where ceremonies are held. It is open to the public and you can visit the GSDF public information facilities for free. Inside the facility, you can also see tanks, helicopters, self-propelled artillery, etc. that can not usually be seen in close proximity. In addition, there are also events that allow you to board a helicopter on a regular basis, so that you can learn about activities of the SDF, which you cannot usually find. However, it is a facility specializing in tours, and there is no capacity to enjoy the whole day even if you look inside. He also remembers that there was no restaurant. I know that it is a public information of the SDF and it is not an amusement theme park, but many people who go there are probably facilities that go by car, so I think that people who are new to you will expect various things However, it is undeniable that there are some parts that are slightly beaten when actually going. I'm glad there is a place where you can eat and drink at least. Although the SDF has been controversial in various aspects, I think that such facilities are large in order to spread insights. Inside, you can buy SDF goods that are geeky, so if you have a chance, you can go there.
理事長太郎 on Google

Admission free is great. Type 10 No. 1 or valuable. The SDF's response is also pleasant.
山下もとひさ on Google

自衛隊の車がもみじ幼稚園の黄色車線をオートバイ追い越す為におもっくそはみ出して加速してきた6月21日午後12時30分くらい。クラクションで警報したけどうちの車とはみ出したまますれ違い。 イベントの時だけ国守ってますみたいな顔して通常勤務で違反してる時点で終わってますね(*^^*) ドラレコの証拠画像添付していいならする。
About 12:30 pm on June 21, when the Self-Defense Forces car squeezed out and accelerated to overtake the yellow lane of Momiji Kindergarten by motorcycle. I warned with the horn, but I passed by because it was out of my car. It ends when I violate my regular work with a face that seems to protect the country only at the time of the event (* ^^ *) If you don't mind attaching the evidence image of the dashcam.
カカシですなぁ on Google

えっと親が自衛隊の幹部で2年ほど居たのですが 良い印象を受けました!官舎の敷地の中に保育園があります(今は廃墟です) 官舎の中にA棟とB棟が有りますが基本的に幹部で子供が3人以上じゃ無くては いけません(僕はB棟でした)ですが大隊長クラスにもなると関係ないみたいです? ちなみに朝は起床ラッパで起きます笑
Well, my parents were executives of the Self-Defense Forces for about two years. I got a good impression! There is a nursery school on the official residence (now abandoned) There are A and B buildings in the official residence, but basically you must be an executive and have 3 or more children. I can't (I was in Building B), but it doesn't seem to matter when it comes to the captain class ? By the way, I wake up in the morning with a trumpet lol
HOSHI KA77 on Google

I came to the Parade of Japan Self-Defense Force Memorial Day. The viewing ceremony is held at each base and garrison, but it is the highest viewing ceremony in Japan. I was impressed by the speech by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, Commander-in-Chief of the Self-Defense Forces, and the Inspector, who made efforts for the recent achievements of the Self-Defense Forces in responding to and supporting natural disasters. The base is open to the public and frequent tours of the Self-Defense Forces are held. It has a public relations function like the "flying public relations office" that Gacky used to do, and seems to be a key command tower to protect the Kanto region.
龍王龍馬 on Google

テレビで放映している訓練風景は、ヤラセではないが(特にレンジャー訓練)一部のトップレベルの隊員に限られる。 自衛官の底辺(特にバブル時代に入隊した者、全員では無いが)は、ハッキリ言ってゴミ。「最近の若い奴は」とよく言うが、若い自衛官の方がむしろ立派(特に女性) 入隊理由が、素晴らしい。 災害派遣を見て人を助ける仕事がしたいと言う人が多い。 バブル時代は公務員だから安定しているとか、衣食住タダで資格が取れて戦争無いから死ぬ心配もないとか言う奴が結構多かった。
The training scene on TV is not Yarase (especially ranger training) but is limited to some top-level members. The bottom of the SDF personnel (especially those who joined the bubble era, not all of them) is clearly garbage. I often say "young guys these days", but young SDF personnel are rather better (especially women). The reason for joining the army is wonderful. Many people want to do a job to help people after seeing disaster relief. In the bubble era, there were quite a few people who said that they were stable because they were civil servants, and that they could get qualifications for free, food, clothing, and shelter, and there was no war, so they wouldn't have to worry about dying.

Fantastic training facility for all athletes and Soldiers.

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