Jeep Okayama - Okayama

3.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Jeep Okayama

住所 :

2-番14号 Fukuhama Nishimachi, Minami Ward, Okayama, 702-8034, Japan

電話 : 📞 +889
Postal code : 702-8034

2-番14号 Fukuhama Nishimachi, Minami Ward, Okayama, 702-8034, Japan
濡れ衣 on Google

Repair of a car purchased by a dealer outside the prefecture, etc. It is said that at Okayama dealers it is impossible to repair such as initial registration 40,000. I will never use it at this dealer twice
名前無し on Google

ここで購入したか問われ、他店で購入したユーザーにはサービス、価格など冷遇される。メーカーに非がある事で困っていても親身に相談にものらずあしらわれた。他店ディラーでは対応できた。 ディラーを名乗る以上どこで購入しようがそのメーカーを扱っている責任がありアフターの対応もそのメーカー全体のイメージダウンにもなりえる事を考えた方がいい、少なくともここではアフターに不安が残り買う気にもなれない。
When asked if they purchased here, users who purchased at other stores will be treated coldly in terms of service and price. Even if I was in trouble because there was something wrong with the manufacturer, I was treated without any consultation. Other store dealers were able to handle it. As long as you call yourself a dealer, you are responsible for handling the manufacturer no matter where you buy it, and you should consider that after-sales support can also reduce the image of the manufacturer as a whole. I can't be.
yoshi on Google

旅の途中に立ち寄りましたが 他のジープディーラーより親切でした! 手持ち台数が沢山あるので 此処で色んな比較が出来て便利でした!人気車種なので値引きは期待出来ませんが それでも他より安かった
I dropped in on my journey but I was more kind than other Jeep dealers! There were lots of hand-held units so it was convenient to make various comparisons here! Because it is a popular car type you can not expect discounts, but it was still cheaper than the others
門屋憲夫 on Google

JEEPは岡山ではここしかなく購入をしました。 以前より雰囲気が変わってすごく良くなったと感じました。明るくなったと思います。 点検に伺った時も対応が良く関心しました。隣のMINIと変わらず頑張っているのだと思いました。
JEEP was purchased only here in Okayama. I felt that the atmosphere changed and it became much better than before. I think it has become brighter. When I visited the inspection, I was very interested in the response. I thought I was doing my best like the MINI next door.
上田良子 on Google

移転されたようで、足を運びました。 前よりも店舗が明るく、スタッフも増え良くなりました。 お目当ての車はコロナの影響で全く入ってこないようです。久々に試乗しましたが乗り心地が無茶苦茶良くなり感動しました!
It seems that it has been relocated, so I went there. The store is brighter than before, and the number of staff has increased. The car I'm looking for doesn't seem to come in at all due to the influence of Corona. I took a test drive after a long time, but I was impressed by how comfortable the ride was!
Brian O'Conne on Google

The other day, I made a phone reservation for a test drive at a new store and went to the test drive, but I couldn't get the test drive. I was convinced that there were many people with low ratings. The sales person explained it easily and enthusiastically, and gave me a quote politely, but I felt distrust whether it was a miscommunication or intentional. Even if I bought it, I felt uneasy that after-sales service would be a sloppy response, so I thought I couldn't buy it here. This is a problem for the only authorized dealer in the prefecture.
りんりん“りんのすけ” on Google

初回登録に40000円かかります。 なんの費用なのかもわからないし、検査も点検もそれがないとできないらしいので、他に行きましょう
もりみ on Google

態度が不快。うんうんって友達じゃないんだけど。 メンテで久々にディーラー持っていこうと思って連絡したら私が車のことを分からないかのような態度。ここで買ってもメンテは他をおススメします。不快になるだけです。
The attitude is unpleasant. Yeah, I'm not a friend. Attitude as if I didn't know about the car when I contacted him to bring the dealer for a long time in maintenance. Even if you buy it here, maintenance recommends others. It just makes you uncomfortable.

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