Able Network Okayamaminamiten BRUNO Estate Agents - Okayama

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Able Network Okayamaminamiten BRUNO Estate Agents

住所 :

1-30 Fukuhamacho, Minami Ward, Okayama, 702-8035, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 702-8035
Webサイト :

1-30 Fukuhamacho, Minami Ward, Okayama, 702-8035, Japan
川北雄二 on Google

ペット飼育で物件が少なく困っていましたが、無事良い所を見つけて頂きました!ありがとうございます! また知り合いの部屋探しの際はコチラのお店を紹介させて頂きます!
I was in trouble because there were few properties for pet breeding, but I was able to find a good place safely! Thank you! Also, when looking for a room for an acquaintance, we will introduce you to this shop!
1991 rito on Google

When I heard about looking for a room, it seems that the female staff member who was serving customers next to me was looking for a room for welfare, but it was 32,000 yen, but the deposit was 37,000 yen including the parking lot and common service fee for one month. It's not that my welfare is bad when I hear that I'm going to pay a key money for 2 months and then I'm going to pay for the key, but I felt dark when I thought that taxes were being spent on such things. The male staff was polite, but I just didn't want the female staff to be in charge.
なた on Google

Despite the sudden request from here, I am very glad that the store manager kindly responded. By reconfirming the property I had given up (due to the number of parking lots), I was able to make a successful contract. Also, even though the time was late, it was very good that I understood my intention and proposed another property until the end. I didn't have time to move, so I was saved. Also, I am very glad that you exchanged contracts smoothly.
ちい on Google

初来店の時、店長さんがとても誠実に接客してくれたので安心しました!その後も毎回、いろんなことに丁寧、迅速に対応して頂き、 思っていたよりすごくスムーズに契約まで進むことができました!感謝してます!
When I first visited the store, I was relieved that the store manager served me very sincerely! After that, every time after that, I would like you to respond politely and promptly to various things. I was able to proceed to the contract much more smoothly than I expected! I am grateful!
yuuk nari on Google

無事に引っ越しが終わりました! 店長さまに対応して頂きました! 案内では気を使って頂き女性のスタッフで 見学しましたが、とても感じの良い方でした。 契約も店長さまにして頂きスムーズに最後まで終える事が出来ました! スタッフ皆様いい感じだったと思います!
The move is over! We had the store manager respond! Please be careful in the guidance and the female staff I visited, but he was a very nice person. The contract was also made by the store manager, and I was able to finish it smoothly! I think all the staff were happy!
miru on Google

Thank you for moving twice. While the person in charge was busy, he responded promptly and comfortably to this urgent request, and the procedure proceeded smoothly. I didn't have to worry because I would reply to any questions as soon as I contacted them. Thank you for your polite and quick response. If I move again in the future, I would definitely like to use it.
福島万理 on Google

息子の就職のために初めての部屋探しでしたが、SUUMOアプリから岡山南店にご縁を頂きました! サクサクとよい物件を紹介していただき、大変満足です! 安心して息子が一人暮らしと仕事もがんばれそうです!
It was my first time looking for a room for my son's employment, but I got a connection from the SUUMO app to the Okayama Minami store! I'm going to do my best!
ミルキーちゃん on Google

初めてのお部屋探しで不安なことだらけでしたが、本日無事引越しすることが出来ました! 店長さんが紳士に対応してくださったお陰で色々スムーズに事を進めて下さり感謝です。 対応もとてもご丁寧で嫌な気持ちに何一つなりませんでした。 本当にありがとうございましたm(_ _)m
I was worried about finding a room for the first time, but I was able to move safely today! I am grateful that the store manager has been able to proceed smoothly in various ways thanks to the support of the gentleman. The correspondence was very polite and I didn't feel unpleasant at all. Thank you very much m (_ _) m

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