Jan-gle Akihabara 3

3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Jan-gle Akihabara 3

住所 :

Sotokanda, Chiyoda City, 〒101-0021 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8779
Webサイト : https://jan-gle.jp/hpgen/HPB/entries/3.html
街 : Tokyo

Sotokanda, Chiyoda City, 〒101-0021 Tokyo,Japan
ねみねこみ on Google

買取が高いよ。 理由はヨ〇バシの内部にここの会社が入っているから。 ヨ〇バシから間引かれない分高くなるのは必然。 是非こことヨ〇バシの買取査定で比べてみよう。
The purchase is high. The reason is that the company here is inside Yo Bashi. It is inevitable that the price will be high because it is not thinned out from Yo Bashi. Let's compare here with Yo Bashi's purchase assessment.
大和哲 on Google

Jun-gle for those who handle overseas smartphones and tablets (not the jungle of figures ...). This is the small third store. It may be a good idea to remember when the main products come out, because the headquarters have been lined up before opening, but there is no line here (to sell the same products).
くろかわ on Google

この店は外国人に優先して品を回しています。陳列前の商品を外国人に見せてから陳列しているのを何度も目撃しています。 その事実をツイッターでリプしたら店員と思われる捨てアカが火消しに来ました。スクショ保存しているので反響次第で晒します。
This store gives priority to foreigners. I have witnessed many times that products before the display are shown to foreigners and then displayed. Abandoned Aka, who seems to be a clerk, came to the end of the fire when he repels that fact on Twitter. Because I have stored it, I expose it depending on the response.
kin tro on Google

店舗なら色々確認もできるだろうが、ネット通販はやめておいた方が無難。 ヤフオクに出品されているもので、かなり大きなキズがあるのに、商品説明に記載してくれなかったせいで痛い目にあったことがある。
You can check various things at the store, but it is safer to stop online shopping. It was exhibited at Yahoo Auction, and although it had a fairly large scratch, it hurt because it was not mentioned in the item description.
綱川志穂(27) on Google

It is a shop that buys smartphones and PCs.
Shaan nawaz on Google

I went there last week, some macbook expensive with 1 week warranty.
Danang Jaya on Google

Little store with used computer and laptop and electronics. Very small place not much too look at
モハメド on Google

It has lots of new and used items, some very unique, like smartphones you can't buy normally in Japan, or novelties from Google.

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