JA農産物直売所 信州中野いきいき館

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact JA農産物直売所 信州中野いきいき館

住所 :

大字Yoshida, Nakano, 〒383-0015 Nagano,Japan

電話 : 📞 +898
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–6PM
Sunday 9AM–6PM
Monday 9AM–6PM
Tuesday 9AM–6PM
Wednesday 9AM–6PM
Thursday 9AM–6PM
Friday 9AM–6PM
街 : Nagano

大字Yoshida, Nakano, 〒383-0015 Nagano,Japan
藤伸江(のぶえ ふじ) on Google

Vegetables, mushrooms, etc. will run out in the afternoon. I want to line up before the store opens. Enoki mushroom burger and fruit sandwich are very delicious ✨
さまよう人 on Google

シャインマスカットの購入てお邪魔しました! 数も多く安いと思います! とても美味しかったです!
I bought Shine Muscat and bothered me! I think there are many and cheap! It was very delicious!
善晴 on Google

11月上旬に利用しました。リンゴを箱買いして実家に送りつけました。発送を受け付けるカウンターがあるのでとても便利です。 野菜やきのこなど様々な特産品が安く手に入るので大変魅力的な場所です。
I used it in early November. I bought a box of apples and sent them to my parents' house. It is very convenient because there is a counter that accepts shipments. It is a very attractive place because you can get various special products such as vegetables and mushrooms at a low price.
マリア on Google

豊富な果物、野菜があり他もろもろあり良かったです!☺️値段も安めでした! 休日、連休などは予想以上に混雑すると思うので早めに行くか時間に余裕を持って行った方がいいと思います。 今日9/19の10時頃行きましたが長蛇の列で感染対策で一定人数ずつしか入店出来ず待ち時間がかなりあり買い物時間10分もかかりませんでしたが退店が11時30分近くでしたので、行く方は承知の上で…笑
It was good that there were abundant fruits and vegetables and everything else! ☺️ The price was also cheap! Holidays and consecutive holidays will be more crowded than expected, so I think it's better to go early or have plenty of time. I went to the store around 10 o'clock on 9/19 today, but due to infection control, only a certain number of people could enter the store, and there was a lot of waiting time, so it took less than 10 minutes to shop, but the store left near 11:30. So, if you go, be aware ... lol
シロクマ on Google

旬の野菜やフルーツが豊富にあります。 秋はブドウにリンゴ キノコ類が沢山あります。黒あわび茸がこの辺りしかなく、しゃきしゃきして美味しいです?
There are plenty of seasonal vegetables and fruits. In autumn, there are many apples and mushrooms in the grapes. Black abalone mushrooms are only around here, and they are crispy and delicious ?
外山鈴雄 on Google

This is the Ikiikikan that I stop by every time I stay at Shiga Kogen for the third time this year. As it is directly managed by the agricultural cooperative, it has a wide variety of reasonably-priced fresh fruits and vegetables. Locally produced apples, grapes, persimmons, peaches, mushrooms, etc. have many unusual varieties that are not seen in the Kanto region every season, and the taste is sold directly from the production area, so it is fully ripe and delicious.
みんと on Google

新鮮で安い野菜や果物、キノコ、ワイン等の販売所です。 今は感染症対策でやっていませんが、週末に振舞いキノコ汁があります、セルフなので小心者は食すことができません、盛るところと食べるところは別にしてもらいたいです、いつまでも鍋を囲んでお代わりしてる人が邪魔です。 ぶどう祭(?)等があってシャインマスカットが安かったりします。
It is a sales office for fresh and cheap vegetables, fruits, mushrooms, wine, etc. I'm not doing it as an infectious disease countermeasure now, but I have mushroom juice that behaves on weekends, I can't eat it because I'm selfish, I want you to separate the place to eat and the place to eat, I will forever surround the pot and replace it The person doing it is in the way. Shine Muscat is cheap because there is a grape festival (?).
由美 on Google

開店前からの行列 たくさんの野菜や果物が多く カゴいっぱいにぶどうを買って行かれる人が多く見られた。 シャインマスカットとリーズナブルな価格から贈答品用の価格まで幅広くありました。
Procession before opening Lots of vegetables and fruits Many people went to buy grapes in their baskets. They ranged from Shine Muscat and reasonable prices to gift prices.

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