農産物直売所 ろくさん

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 農産物直売所 ろくさん

住所 :

Nakamatsu, Obuse, Kamitakai District, 〒381-0209 Nagano,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Webサイト : http://www.e-obuse.com/shop.php/rokuji
Opening hours :
Saturday 9:30AM–4:30PM
Sunday 9:30AM–4:30PM
Monday 9:30AM–4:30PM
Tuesday 9:30AM–4:30PM
Wednesday 9:30AM–4:30PM
Thursday 9:30AM–4:30PM
Friday 9:30AM–4:30PM
街 : Nagano

Nakamatsu, Obuse, Kamitakai District, 〒381-0209 Nagano,Japan
Ann Hu on Google

販賣生鮮農產品、加工品、與在地名產的商店。觀光客很少,都是在地人來消費。生鮮與加工品都是本地的個體戶,上面都還會有紀錄生產者與生產地區。 觀光客來小布施屋一定要買的3項東西: 1.小布施牛乳。女兒評比第一名的牛乳。還有其他與小布施牛乳相關的加工品,例如各式餅乾、牛奶糖.. 2.高級水果的B級品。長相次佳的本地水果,可以用可划算的價格買到。例如我們以不到400日圓買到了4顆本地pink lady 蘋果。 3.農產加工品,例如果醬、冰沙。光是蘋果果醬就有很多種,標示著各製作者。價格上面會比之後在輕井澤買的有品牌果醬親民,而我買的品質很好,果醬很純、沒有加果膠。烤蘋果果醬三明治都變成蘋果派了~~真是真材實料的好貨!
Selling fresh produce, processed products, and shops in places of production. There are very few tourists, and they are all consumed by local people. Fresh and processed products are local self-employed individuals, and there will be record producers and production areas. There are 3 things that tourists must buy when they come to Xiaobu Shiwu: 1. Small cloth for milk. The daughter rated the first milk. There are other processed products related to the small cloth milk, such as various biscuits, milk sugar.. 2. Grade B of premium fruit. The best-looking local fruit can be bought at a good price. For example, we bought 4 local pink lady apples in less than 400 yen. 3. Processed products such as jams and smoothies. There are many kinds of apple jams, which mark the producers. The price above will be better than the branded jam bought in Karuizawa, and the quality I bought is very good, the jam is pure and no pectin is added. Baked apple jam sandwiches have become apple pies~~ Really good stuff!
まみ on Google

オブセ牛乳を飲むために立ち寄りました 美味しかったです 別な日に、入口横のショップでジェラート 美味しいです
Stopped to drink Obuse Milk It was delicious Another day, gelato at the shop next to the entrance Is delicious
15 ice on Google

地元の野菜果物の直売所 小布施の有名店のお菓子も置いてあります おすすめは、ビン入りのりんごジュース? 品種ごとに7種類ほど?あります 特に左側のブラムリーが大好き?✨ めっちゃスッパくてとてもおいしいです 駐車場まわりに背の低いりんごが植えられているので、一緒に写真も撮れるよ!
Local vegetable and fruit sales office There are also sweets from famous Obuse stores. We recommend bottled apple juice ? About 7 types for each variety? There is I especially love Bramley on the left side ?✨ It ’s really spicy and very delicious. Short apples are planted around the parking lot, so you can take pictures with them!
sleeping beauty on Google

You can buy fresh seasonal fruits at a reasonable price, and the flower seedlings are abundant and of good quality.
mimicry on Google

小布施の農産物が購入できます。 特にブドウの季節は思わぬ掘り出し物が出ていたりします。 贈答用レベルの物から、とてもお買い得な自宅用までありますので小布施に来たら覗いてみるのも良いかと思います。
You can buy Obuse agricultural products. Especially in the grape season, there are unexpected bargains. From gift-grade items to very affordable items for home use, I think it's a good idea to take a look when you come to Obuse.
白石明 on Google

I always stop by when I drive Shinano Road every year. I will buy big chestnuts and apples and send them to those who are indebted to me. It is a place that you should definitely stop by for tourists coming from Tokyo that are fresh and cheap. Cheap flowers are on sale next door. The surrounding area is an apple field.
a 1126 on Google

地元産野菜果物等の販売所 旬のシャインマスカットが沢山並んでいると聞いて行きましたが 日曜日の11時では遅かったようで数は少なく何となく売れ残り感が.... 仕方なく選んで持ち帰りましたがその甘さにびっくり こんなに甘いシャインマスカットは初めてで近所のスーパーで買うのとは全然違いました もう暫く出荷が続くそうなので次は開店時間に間に合うように行こうと思います
Local vegetable and fruit sales office I heard that there are many seasonal Shine Muscats lined up. It seems that it was late at 11 o'clock on Sunday, the number is small and somehow there is a feeling of unsold .... I had no choice but to choose and take it home, but I was surprised at its sweetness It was my first time to buy such a sweet Shine Muscat and it was completely different from buying it at a local supermarket. It seems that shipping will continue for a while, so next time I will go in time for the opening time
まつたろう on Google

地の果物、野菜が購入できました レジのおばちゃん、親切でした?
I was able to purchase local fruits and vegetables The cashier's aunt was kind ?

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