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Contact 長町南たかの整形外科

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Izumizaki, Taihaku Ward, Sendai, 〒982-0031 Miyagi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8797
Webサイト : http://takanoseikei.com/
街 : Miyagi

Izumizaki, Taihaku Ward, Sendai, 〒982-0031 Miyagi,Japan
由奈サラダ on Google

病院の雰囲気も新しいこともあり、良い雰囲気でした。 先生も症状に関して、しっかりお話や診てくれるので安心です。 お薬などの相談にものってくれるので大丈夫だと思います。 混み具合は整形外科なので、待ちますが時間帯もあるのかなと思いました。 受付さんも看護師さんも親切に対応してくれますし、リハビリの先生も若くて親切です。症状に対しての治療や体操なども丁寧に教えてくれて、子供も安心して聞いていました。
The atmosphere in the hospital was new and the atmosphere was good. The teacher is also safe as she talks and examines the symptoms. I think it's okay to consult me ​​about medicines. The crowd is an orthopedic surgeon, so I wait, but I wonder if there is a time zone. The receptionist and the nurse are kind and helpful, and the rehabilitation teacher is young and helpful. The child carefully listened to me with the care and treatment of the symptoms and gymnastics.
鈴木幸子 on Google

高圧的な態度の医者。 なんでこんな程度で病院来たの?的なことを言われた。 重症じゃなきゃ行っちゃダメなの? 患者を見下してる。
A doctor with a high-pressure attitude. Why did you come to the hospital like this? I was told something like that. Should I go if I'm not seriously ill? I look down on the patient.
たね on Google

いつも整形外科なのにすいてます。 いついっても医師は上から目線な話し方です。事を早く済ませたい感じでしっかり話を聞いてくれず、食い気味に話して自分の見解を押し付けます。 痛いから行ってるのに、「それくらいなら大丈夫じゃないですかねぇ」とか平気で言います。足が痛いときには、洋風の生活(イスの生活)をして下さいとひょうひょうと言われました。そんなの、簡単に言われて生活変えれるほどあなたみたいに裕福ではありませんと思わずにいられませんでした。。技師の女性もレントゲン時の寝方とか、こちらは分からないのに「違う!こう!」と言った感じにサバサバ通り越して偉そうだし、怖いです。受付は、問題ない人には愛想いいけど、何かきいたり、面倒をかけると面倒くささを顔に出します。痛くて不安でいってるのに、さらに悲しくなって帰宅する、そんな病院です。
I'm always an orthopedic surgeon. The doctor speaks from the top, no matter what. He doesn't listen to me because he wants to get things done quickly. I'm going because it hurts, but I don't mind saying, "I think that's okay." When my leg hurts, I was told to live a Western-style life (chair life). I couldn't help thinking that I wasn't as wealthy as you could easily change my life. .. Even though the engineer woman doesn't know how to sleep during roentgen, she seems to pass by Saba Saba with the feeling that she said "No! Let's do it!", And I'm scared. The receptionist is friendly to people who have no problem, but if you ask something or take care of it, it will be troublesome. It's such a hospital that I feel painful and anxious, but I feel sad and go home.
K K on Google

骨折でお世話になりました。土曜日の午後にやっている整形外科が他になく、緊急だったため助かりました。 先生は、こちらからのしつこく細かい質問にもしっかりと答えてくれます。そのため、もし疑問点があれば、先生からの指示待ちだけではなく、こちらからも積極的に質問することが大切かと。 たびたびレントゲンで骨の具合を確認してくれるなど、丁寧な診療だと思います。
Thank you for your broken bone. I was saved because there was no other orthopedic surgery I was doing on Saturday afternoon and it was urgent. The teacher will answer the persistent and detailed questions from here. Therefore, if you have any questions, it is important not only to wait for instructions from the teacher, but also to actively ask questions from here. I think that it is a polite medical treatment, such as checking the condition of the bones with an X-ray often.
さくらんぼ on Google

病院の雰囲気は新しくてよかったものの 強い捻挫と言われ歩くのも大変なのに塗り薬だけの処方 前に捻挫した時違う病院でしたが包帯巻くくらいはしてくれました。 塗り薬も袋には1日1回〜2回と記載されてましたが、薬局で効かないので3、4回は塗ってくださいとのこと 強い捻挫に何故そのような薬を処方したのか理解できません。 歩くのもやっとで隣の薬局に行ったので松葉杖なくて大丈夫ですか?と心配されました。 そのことを伝えると受付の人が松葉杖の準備を始めてくれたと思いきや看護師さんが出てきて 松葉杖は固定するための一点張り その程度なら庇ったり冷やしたりしろと言われました。 庇ったら良くないと聞いたことあるのですが それでいいのでしょうか 近くに整形外科がここしかないので次行くか迷います…
Although the atmosphere of the hospital was new, it was nice It is said to be a strong sprain and it is difficult to walk, but a prescription only for ointment It was a different hospital when I was sprained before, but he even bandaged me. It was stated on the bag that the ointment was once or twice a day, but it does not work at the pharmacy, so please apply it three or four times. I don't understand why I prescribed such a drug for a strong sprain. I finally went to the next pharmacy to walk, so is it okay if I don't have crutches? I was worried. When I told that, I thought that the receptionist had started preparing crutches, and a nurse came out. The crutch is a single point for fixing At that level, I was told to keep it or cool it. I've heard that it's not good if you keep up Is that okay There is only one orthopedic surgeon nearby, so I'm wondering if I should go next ...
牛タン侍 on Google

指を怪我して診察してもらい、レントゲンを撮って異常なしと診断されました。 内出血と痛みが取れないので他の整形外科で診てもらったら骨折してました。 ここの病院のレントゲンはただのフィルムカメラなんでしょうか?
I had my finger injured and had a medical examination, and I took an X-ray and was diagnosed as having no abnormality. I couldn't get rid of internal bleeding and pain, so I had a fracture when I was examined by another orthopedic surgeon. Is the X-ray of the hospital here just a film camera?
haru chanel on Google

My parents are looking at it now, but what others are saying is true. The only merit is that it is new and has good stools. If you don't ask the teacher, you won't be able to see him properly. The response of the nurse is bad. I can't walk for the first time, but I can't get crutches out. My legs are bad, rather my legs are worse, but I look at my hands rather than my legs. Because my leg isn't broken and it's a bruise. Do you have a bruise that prevents your legs from rising, or even a slight step that causes you to stumble? It's been a month, but it doesn't improve at all. Even from the viewer's side, I can't help but work forever, which is the limit. I told my parents a second opinion, but they believe in the teacher ...

He is a doctor with a very pleasant attitude. I never looked at this and talked while looking at the monitor from beginning to end. He gave me a great number of X-rays, but he seems to be a doctor who has great judgment ability to make instant findings just by glancing at him. It was a high medical expense, but it was good to have a valuable experience. Now I am indebted to another hospital, which is slow to see X-ray images and is not very good at it.

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