中華料理 香満堂

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 中華料理 香満堂

住所 :

Izumida, Minami Ward, 〒700-0944 Okayama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +889
Webサイト : http://tyukakomando.com/menu.html
街 : Okayama

Izumida, Minami Ward, 〒700-0944 Okayama,Japan
4th 地味 (Jimmy4th) on Google

You can choose from several kinds of daily set meals, rice and fried rice change and Saturdays and Sundays also have daily changes, so it is recommended
gui ron on Google

海老マヨの甘いマヨソースが好き 海老もプリプリ 海老マヨ定食を食べるために行く店 持ち帰りもしてみた ゴマ団子も美味しい
I like the sweet mayo sauce of shrimp mayo Shrimp Shop to go to eat prawn mayo set meal I also took it home Sesame dumplings are also delicious
ノブコム on Google

安くて、日替わりのランチも豊富なのは良いのだけど、もう一つボリューム感が足りない。 メニューによっては「食べた感」のある料理もあるとは思うので、もうひと工夫ほしい。
It's good that it's cheap and has plenty of daily lunches, but it doesn't have enough volume. I think there are some dishes that have a “feeling taste” depending on the menu, so I want another idea.
ミカ on Google

It took more than 30 minutes from ordering to coming out even though there were only two groups when I entered the store (the two groups are already eating). I was told to take some time when ordering, but if it takes so long, I wanted you to say it when you entered the store. Since I was ordering, I couldn't go home, so I wasted my waiting time. The taste is normal.
B B on Google

天津飯→もう少し酢がきいててほしい。 チャーハン→普通においしい。 坦々麺→辛みはあるけど、個人的には頂いたメニューの中で1番好きな味。 角煮丼→本場感の強い、強めの香辛料∑(゚Д゚) 餃子→普通。 春巻き→普通。 エビチリ→やや甘め。 エビマヨ→だいぶ甘め。 お値段の割にボリューム満点で味の好みが合えばコスパの良いお店だと思います☆ 駐車場は道沿いなので、やや止めるのに苦労。 総合3.5★★★
Tianjin rice → I want more vinegar. Fried rice → normally delicious. Tan-tan noodles → Although it is spicy, it is the favorite taste of the menu I personally got. Kakuni-don → Strong spices with a strong sense of authenticity. Gyoza → normal. Spring roll → normal. Shrimp → slightly sweet. Shrimp Mayo → A little sweet. I think it is a good cospa restaurant if the taste is good and the price is perfect for the price ☆ The parking lot is along the road, so it's a bit difficult to stop. Overall 3.5 ★★★
daodao 888 on Google

ランチで利用しました。 店内はテーブル席と、小上がり、そしてカウンターと用途に応じて対応できる感じで、外観から想像するよりも広いです。 清潔感があり、余裕のある席のレイアウトなのでコロナ禍でも安心して食事が出来るのがとても良かったです。 数種類のランチから、今回は一番安価だった麻婆豆腐定食を頼みました。 650円(税抜)とは思えないボリュームにびっくりしました。お味は悪くなかったですし、お米が美味しかったです。炊き加減がばっちりで、甘みのあるお米でした。 お米がおかわり自由なのは嬉しいですね。 お酒のメニューも豊富で、飲み放題もあるようなので、今度は夜に訪れたいと思いました。 2020.11.6 再訪しました。 今回は天津飯をお昼にいただきました。 たっぷりの餡が掛かった天津飯は、とても美味しかったです。 注文してから出てくるのが少し遅いですが、お味が良いのでいいですね。 paypayが使えるのは便利です。
I used it for lunch. The inside of the store is wider than you can imagine from the outside, with table seats, small rises, and a counter that can be accommodated according to the purpose. The layout of the seats is clean and has plenty of room, so it was very nice to be able to eat with peace of mind even if the corona is bad. From several types of lunch, I ordered the cheapest mapo tofu set meal this time. I was surprised at the volume that I couldn't think of as 650 yen (excluding tax). The taste wasn't bad and the rice was delicious. The rice was cooked perfectly and had a sweet taste. I'm glad that the rice is free to refill. There is a wide selection of alcoholic beverages, and there seems to be all-you-can-drink, so I wanted to visit this time at night. 2020.11.6 I visited again. This time I had Tianjin rice for lunch. The Tianjin rice with plenty of bean paste was very delicious. It's a little late to come out after ordering, but it tastes good, so it's good. It is convenient to be able to use paypay.
たこワサ on Google

岡山県警 南の直ぐ近く、交通量も多い国道30号線沿いにあります。 駐車場は6台ほど止めれます。 店内は清潔感のある広々とした空間でテーブル(6人)が3つ、カウンターは一席とばしで3人まで座れます。 お昼は会社の関係者らが男女交えて3~4人で来てました。 カウンターはすぐに埋まってしまいました。 ランチの麻婆豆腐を食べました。価格も安くご飯お代わり自由とコスパはとても良いです。 落ち着いて食べれるのでまた行きたいです。
It is located right next to the Okayama Prefectural Police South, along National Highway No. 30, which has a lot of traffic. The parking lot can park about 6 cars. The inside of the store is a clean and spacious space with 3 tables (6 people) and the counter can seat up to 3 people. At noon, the people involved in the company came with 3-4 people, including men and women. The counter was quickly filled. I ate mapo tofu for lunch. The price is cheap and the free replacement of rice and cospa are very good. I want to go again because I can eat calmly.
佐々木りょう on Google

The appearance of the shop was hard to enter in a luxury shop, but it was surprisingly reasonable, I got dinner set B, 1265 yen each is a mini size, but the volume is good! The taste is gentle and you won't get tired of it, but it's expensive to order it separately. It seems that when you're busy, the food comes out late. You should go when you have time! ️It was delicious with the illusion of a pork kakuni bowl, spicy, sweet and umami-like Chinese curry. ❓ Likes and tastes ❗ Fried rice is oily and lightly flavored, and has tastes and tastes ⁉️

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