
4.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ワダハウジング和田製材株式会社

住所 :

Izumicho, Toki, 〒509-5142 Gifu,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Webサイト : https://www.wada-h.co.jp/
街 : Gifu

Izumicho, Toki, 〒509-5142 Gifu,Japan
にゃーも on Google

こちらで家を建てて4年程立ちます。とても住みやすく、冬もとても暖かく、結露もないので本当に高気密なんだなーと実感します。 間取りや、もっとこうしとけばなー、という後悔は、やはりありますが(これは、自分の問題ですが)満足しています。 社員の方々も、とても気さくで話しやすいです。 今はリベルテというプランがあるようですが、私達のときにもあればなと。タイミングの問題ですし仕方がないのですが、ちょっと残念です。今リベルテのプランで建てれる方が羨ましいな〜笑
I build a house here and stand for about 4 years. It is very livable, it is very warm in winter, and there is no condensation. I still have the regret that I should do this and that I am more satisfied (although this is my problem). The employees are also very friendly and easy to talk to. There seems to be a plan called Liberte right now, but we also need it. It's a matter of timing and I can't help but I'm a little disappointed. I'm more envious of being able to build with Liberte's plan right now ~ lol
林俊弥 on Google

I have lived in Wadahoho's house for 12 years, but there are few problems that make me very comfortable and uneasy. No matter what happens, you can get a quick response, and it is safe to say that it is a local construction company!
永坂登志晴 on Google

I went to see the model house. Since HP was written as natural and solid wood, what is the difference? To feel and feel. I went without expecting, but I was surprised at the air difference more than expected. The good fragrance and feel of wood are safe for children. The staff in charge asked me for an explanation, but I felt a good impression because I felt a sense of commitment and confidence.
佐橋幸治 on Google

決断基準の見積り内容がとても親切でした。金額の内訳に、地盤改良の可能性等他所では存在しない視点に初心者ゆえに驚いた記憶があります。金額は安くはなくても、内訳にしっかりと説明をいただき、良い勉強になりました。 大手のような知名度を上げるための広告費を取らない所が最大の値引きだと思います。今では築6年になりますが、変わらず快適に過ごさせて頂いてます。
The estimate of the decision criteria was very kind. In the breakdown of the amount of money, I remember that I was surprised because I was a beginner because of the viewpoint that does not exist elsewhere such as the possibility of ground improvement. Even though the amount of money was not cheap, I had a good explanation with the breakdown and it was a good study. I think the biggest discount is where you don't take advertising costs to raise your name recognition like major companies. It's been 6 years now, but I'm still comfortable.
佐橋美奈 on Google

The response is very good and the after-sales service is perfect. If you have any troubles, you can consult anything you can consult. Home comfort is also great. A characteristic of my home is that it is a little warm in any house and can be heated with one heating even in cold winter.
masae asai on Google

ワダハウジング さんには、家の設計段階から現在まで、10年以上大変お世話になっております。女性ばかりの家ですので、何かと相談の連絡をさせていただいてますが、いつも迅速で丁寧に対応してくださいます。本当に頼りなる優しい工務店さんです。これからもよろしくお願いします?
Mr. Wada Housing has been indebted to us for more than 10 years from the design stage of the house to the present. Since it is a house with only women, I will contact you for consultation, but always respond promptly and politely. It is a really reliable and gentle construction shop. Thank you for your continued support ?
Yusuke Tanahashi on Google

こちらで家を建てて2年半となりました。とても快適に過ごせており、大変満足しています。 特に今年の冬は寒いですが、家を建てる際に断熱性能をアップしてもらったこともあり、非常に暖かいです。数百メートル離れた実家と比べると、家に入った時の暖かさが全く違うことがわかりました。 唯一気になる点としては、冬のみ塗り壁にひびが現れることです。湿気の多い夏は全く現れず、乾燥した冬のみひびが所々現れます。それだけ夏の湿気を家が吸収してくれているということですが。 総合的に見て、ワダハウジングさんで家を建てて良かったと思います。
It's been two and a half years since I built a house here. I am very comfortable and very satisfied. It's especially cold this winter, but it's very warm because I had the insulation performance improved when I built the house. Compared to my parents' house, which is several hundred meters away, I found that the warmth when I entered the house was completely different. The only thing I'm worried about is the appearance of cracks on the plaster walls only in winter. Humid summers do not appear at all, and only dry winters appear in places. That's how much the house absorbs the humidity of summer. Overall, I'm glad I built a house with Wada Housing.
桜餅 on Google

ワダハウジングさんの家に住み始めて2年ほどになりますが、木の家は暖かく快適に過ごせています。 若干騒音が気になる場所に建てた我が家ですが、防音性能が高いのかほぼ聴こえず。 唯一気になる点は無垢の床の掃除しにくさでしょうか。 床と床の隙間に水系をこぼした時の絶望感が半端無いです。 そんな気になる点はありますが、個人的には無垢床の手触りが気に入っており、大満足のお家です。 問題が起きた時にすぐに駆けつけて下さるのも助かりますね。
It's been about two years since I started living in Wada Housing's house, but the wooden house is warm and comfortable. I built my house in a place where noise is a little worrisome, but I can hardly hear whether it has high soundproofing performance. The only thing I'm worried about is the difficulty of cleaning the solid floor. There is no sense of despair when the water system is spilled in the gap between the floors. There are some points to worry about, but I personally like the feel of the solid floor, and I am very satisfied with the house. It's also helpful to be able to rush in immediately when a problem arises.

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