慶福楼 本厚木店

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 慶福楼 本厚木店

住所 :

Izumicho, Atsugi, 〒243-0013 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Webサイト : https://keifukurou.owst.jp/
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Izumicho, Atsugi, 〒243-0013 Kanagawa,Japan
やまだロビン-はなこ on Google

数年ぶりに訪問。変わらぬ味で安心した。 中華街にもある店の本厚木店。駅から3分で本格的な料理が食べられる。 中国人ならではの家族経営で特に愛想はないが、注文品がきちんと届けば十分で、過剰なサービスや営業トークでごまかされるよりはマシ。 冬季メニューの牡蠣の鉄板焼きは、中粒の牡蠣約十個が薄切りニンニクと共に熱々の鉄板で提供される。内緒にしたいほどオススメ。 (※あくまでも個人の感想です。)
Visit for the first time in several years. I was relieved with the same taste. Hon-Atsugi store, also located in Chinatown. You can eat authentic food in 3 minutes from the station. Although it is not particularly amiable in a family business unique to Chinese, it is enough to properly deliver ordered items, rather than cheating by excessive service and sales talks. As for the oyster teppanyaki of the winter menu, about ten medium-sized oysters are served on a hot iron plate with sliced ​​garlic. Recommended so that you want to keep secret. (* This is an individual impression.)
Hadano香草 on Google

訪問日:2018.11.27 料理名:「ランチD.細切り豚肉と白菜煮込み 756円」 料 金:756円 人 数:1 目 的:通りすがり 今日は「中国料理 慶福楼 本厚木店」にやって来ました。(^O^)/ 散歩の途中で見つけたお店です。 外観が高級店のような店構えで「高そうだな~」と思いながらお店の前を通り過ぎた。。。が、入り口の看板メニューが目に止まり「えっ、ランチは安いじゃん!」ということで引き返して店内へ。(笑) お昼時とあって次々とお客さんが入ってきます。 いろいろあるランチメニューから初めてのお店だったので、一番リーズナブルなランチを注文してみました。 「ランチD.細切り豚肉と白菜煮込み 756円」は、細切りの豚肉と白菜が餡で煮込まれたものですが白菜の水っぽさが出てしまう味が薄く、テーブルセットの調味料を使用してみましたがどうも好みの味わいにはならずに残念でした。 もう少しパンチがあると良いのですが。。。 赤いチャーシュー(懐かしい)のサラダは、シャキシャキの野菜との相性もよく美味しかったです。
Visit date: 2018.11.27 Cooking name: "Lunch D. Shredded pork and Chinese cabbage stew 756 yen" Fee: 756 yen Number of people: 1 Objective: Passing by Today I came to "Chinese Cuisine Keifurou Honatsugi". (^ O ^) / This is a shop I found during my walk. The store looks like a luxury store, and I passed in front of the store thinking that it looked expensive. .. .. However, the signboard menu at the entrance caught my eye and said, "Well, lunch is cheap!" And went back to the store. (Lol) Customers come in one after another at noon. It was the first restaurant from various lunch menus, so I ordered the most reasonable lunch. "Lunch D. Chopped pork and Chinese cabbage stewed for 756 yen" is made by stewing shredded pork and Chinese cabbage with red bean paste, but the taste of Chinese cabbage is light and the seasoning of the table set is used. I tried it, but I was disappointed that it didn't taste like it. I hope there is a little more punch. .. .. The red char siu (nostalgic) salad went well with the crispy vegetables and was delicious.
伊織 on Google

Authentic Chinese cuisine at a reasonable price. We had a lunch set of dandan noodles and half fried rice. The set salad is chilly and crispy and delicious. Fried rice also has a big shrimp. There are no complaints about Dandan noodles. It was a satisfying lunch.
yoshi T. on Google

ランチで立ち寄り、定食のタンタンメン+半炒飯、冷し中華をオーダー。 とても優しい味付けで、年配の方には宜しいかと思います。
Stop by for lunch and order a set meal of tantanmen + half-fried rice and chilled Chinese food. It's a very gentle seasoning, and I think it's good for older people.
sk2 F. on Google

パイコー坦々麺はカレー風味がちょうど良く美味しかったです ただ少し揚げすぎかな? 坦々麺のスープは胡麻風味ありだけどあっさりめ  パイコー飯があれば食べてみたい 海老焼きそばは大きい海老や木耳が沢山入っていて嬉しかったです。 ホールスタッフの皆さまとても感じが良かったです。
The curry flavor of Paiko Tantan noodles was just right and delicious. Is it just a little too fried? Tantan noodle soup has sesame flavor, but it's light. I want to eat it if I have Paiko rice. I was happy that the shrimp fried noodles contained a lot of big shrimp and wood ear. The hall staff were very nice.
TNP 2 on Google

ランチでぷらっと。 ニラ饅頭はとても美味しかったです!餃子は野菜が多めの餃子。中々水を入れにきてくれないのが残念でしたが味は○
Plat at lunch. The garlic bun was very delicious! Dumplings are dumplings with a lot of vegetables. It was a pity that he didn't come to put water in the middle, but the taste is ○
kotaro abe on Google

夜ごはんを食べに来店。 先ずは、青島ビールと、盛り合わせ等を発注。 意外とあっさり目なラガービールぽい雰囲気。 店員さんいわく、大皿で2~3人前らしい。で、待ちど。 しかし、育ち盛りの子にはちょっと分量が足らないかもね。
Come to the store to eat dinner. First, order Qingdao beer and assortment. A surprisingly light lager beer-like atmosphere. According to the clerk, it's a platter for 2 to 3 people. So wait. However, it may not be enough for a growing child.
Somsak Nonkai on Google

It’s a good Chinese restaurant near the Honatsugi station. It’s yummy.

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