る・るぽ オレンジタウン店

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact る・るぽ オレンジタウン店

住所 :

Izumi, Higashi Ward, 〒461-0001 Aichi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Webサイト : https://tabelog.com/aichi/A2301/A230103/23026563/
街 : 区画 Aichi

Izumi, Higashi Ward, 〒461-0001 Aichi,Japan
Masayuki Okachi on Google

あんかけスパゲティは美味しいし、ママさんのお話しも楽しかったです?⤴️⤴️ ほんと、る・るぽのネーミング通り、『憩いの場所』ですね☺️ る・るぽのテラスの奥に昔?プールがあり、高級店舗付きマンションの面影が残ってます。
Ankake spaghetti is delicious and my mom's story was also fun ?⤴️⤴️ Really, it is "place of rest", as it is named, ru, ru po At the back of the Ru and Rupo terrace, there is an old-time swimming pool, and the image of a high-end condominium apartment remains.
たらいまわし on Google

あんかけスパは最高に美味しいです。ランチ時は混みますが、 その後は、雑誌や新聞を読んだりして、くつろげます。
Ankake Spa is really delicious. It is crowded during lunch, but after that you can relax by reading magazines and newspapers.
aki nona on Google

オレンジタウン一階。近隣の方、近隣で働くビジネス関係者でにぎわっているカフェレストラン。ランチタイムは外待ちの行列になってることもしばしば。安藤美姫さんのお祖父の店としても有名。 というわけで、店内は安藤美姫さんの輝かしい写真で一杯。ミキティに見守られオーダーは唐揚げあんかけスパセット(1000円)。るるぽ風あんかけスパと評されているそのソースのお味は、トマトベースぽい柔らかな第一印象から一変、がっつーーん!と胡椒風味とピリピリ。うーん、なんてデレツンなお味でしょう。たまりません。というか、ん、唐揚げ美味しい~~!!これは唐揚げ専門店とかにも匹敵する美味しさじゃないか。5個乗ったこいつを、ソースに絡めてほうばる幸せ、なんだかライス欲しくなる。レギュラーサイズは腹ペコ君にはちょっとボリュームが寂しいかも?大盛でも多分一瞬で完食できる。 勿論あんかけスパ以外にも洋食から定食他他、様々なメニューがそろっていて、そりゃ毎日きても足りないわくらい。美味しかった。
The first floor of Orange Town. Cafe restaurant which is crowded with neighbors and business people working in the neighborhood. Often, lunchtime is a long queue. It is also famous as Miki Ando's grandfather's shop. That's why the store is full of brilliant photos of Miki Ando. The order to be watched by Mikiti is a fried chicken sauce set (1000 yen). The taste of the sauce, which has been described as a rurupo style ankake spa, has changed from a soft, first impression of tomato base! And pepper and tangy. Well, what a delicious taste. I do not collect. Or rather, fried chicken! ! Isn't this just as good as a fried chicken shop? Happiness that entangled five of these guys in the source and boiled, somehow wants rice. The regular size may be a little lonely for you. You can eat it in a moment, even if it is a big success. Of course, besides the Ankake Spa, there are various menus from Western to set meals, so it's not enough to come every day. was delicious.
あい ちゃん on Google

入っても『いらっしゃいませ。』の言葉もなく…チラッと こちらを見て、何か 言葉を 言っていたけど …とても早口で 何を しゃべったのか分からず…困ってました。。。 席に案内もしてくれないし…(気づいてるはずなのに)あまりにも感じが悪く(ポニテしてた女性) そのままお店を出ました… 2度と来ないでおこう!と思いました。 せっかく行ったのに 残念な気持ちです。
Even if you enter, "Welcome. I didn't have the words ... I glanced at this and said something, but ... I didn't know what I was talking about very quickly ... I was in trouble. .. .. He didn't even guide me to my seat ... (I should have noticed it) It felt so bad (a woman who was a ponytail) I left the shop as it was ... Let's never come again! I thought. It's a shame that I went there.
Yoshi Hattori on Google

まえから気になっていた、お店に初訪問! ハンバーグのあんかけスパを食べた。 ソースの量も多くて、ハンバーグも美味しい! 再訪決定の素敵なお店でした。
The first visit to the store that I had been interested in before! I ate hamburger ankake spa. The amount of sauce is large and the hamburger is delicious! It was a wonderful shop that was decided to return.
大阪ほーくす on Google

朝早くからやってるレストラン。スケートの安藤美姫の親戚のお店。 あんかけパスタもオススメ。店の雰囲気が良いです。
A restaurant that is open early in the morning. A shop of relatives of Miki Ando of skating. Ankake pasta is also recommended. The atmosphere of the store is good.
ben on Google

I had Ankake Spaghetti, omelet rice, and Rurupo hamburger steak. It's a little Showa era, and there are many pictures of Miki Ando in figure skating, so I think it's a shop with a connection. When I googled it, it was an old man's shop. It was very delicious and I would like to visit again.
Takashi on Google

ランチでいただいたメンチカツは満足でした。ソースは胡椒が効いたピリ辛で、辛い物好きな私としては他の有名店よりも好みでした。 コスパも良かったと思います。 店員さんもフレンドリーで良い感じでしたが、忙しいときに一部の方は好みが分かれるかなと感じます。 難点はほとんど喫煙席で、知らずに入ると嫌な気分になることです。喫煙席とは知らず、隣で吸われてしまいひどい昼食でした。 一番奥にテラス席があるので、そこが良いかもしれません。
I was satisfied with the minced meat cutlet I had at lunch. The sauce was spicy with pepper, and as a spicy lover, I liked it more than other famous restaurants. I think the cost performance was also good. The clerk was also friendly and nice, but I feel that some people have different tastes when they are busy. The difficulty is that most of the seats are smoking, and if you enter without knowing it, you will feel uncomfortable. I didn't know it was a smoking seat, and I was smoked next to me, so it was a terrible lunch. There is a terrace seat at the back, so that may be good.

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