Iya Shrine - Ayabe

4.3/5 に基づく 3 レビュー

Contact Iya Shrine

住所 :

Uenocho-76 Hirosecho, Ayabe, Kyoto 629-1256, Japan

Postal code : 629-1256

Uenocho-76 Hirosecho, Ayabe, Kyoto 629-1256, Japan
きいろいとり虎命 on Google

At the place where I climbed the stairs, there is a small shrine, but there is a shrine but the rock of the stone behind the shrine is amazing.
アセダイスケ on Google

京都府綾部市広瀬町の神社。丹波國何鹿郡。式内社。主祭神は、大日靈賣尊こと天照大神、月夜見尊、素盞嗚尊。山家城址公園の一部とも言える。丹波道主命が、何鹿郡に来た際、甲ケ峯の麓に宮を造り祀ったのが始め。天正年間、火災により焼失、文化7年(1810)、現在地の磐座に遷座、再建したもの。明治3年にも焼失後、再建している。 最初の印象は、山の上にある小さな社といった趣きで、よく見ると、すぐ裏手に磐座が見える。往時は、見渡しの良い場所であったに違いないと感じた。 現地は、山家城址公園を目指す。京都縦貫道・京丹後わちIC出口を右折、国道27号線を3.1Km、右手に山家城址公園入口の案内看板が出ているので右折。道なりに800mを進んでいくと、山家城址公園が見える。右手に駐車場がある。トイレ完備。
A shrine in Hirose-cho, Ayabe City, Kyoto Prefecture. Ikaruga-gun, Tanba Province. Shikinai company. The main deities are Amaterasu Omikami, Tsukuyomi-no-Son, and Susanoo-no-Son. It can be said that it is a part of Yamaga Castle Ruins Park. When Tanba no Michinushi came to Ikaruga-gun, he built a palace at the foot of Kogamine and worshiped it. It was burnt down by a fire during the Tensho era, and was relocated and rebuilt in the current location of Banza in 1810. It was rebuilt after being burnt down in 1897. The first impression is that it looks like a small shrine on the top of a mountain, and if you look closely, you can see the Banza in the back. I felt that it must have been a good place to see in the past. The site aims at Yamaga Castle Ruins Park. Turn right at the Kyoto Jukan Expressway / Kyotango Wachi IC exit, turn right on Route 27 for 3.1 km, and turn right at the signboard for the entrance to Yamaga Castle Park on your right. Follow the road for 800m and you will see Yamaga Castle Ruins Park. There is a parking lot on the right. Equipped with toilet.
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Ita Shrine

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