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Contact 岩崎山

住所 :

Iwazaki, Komaki, 〒485-0011 Aichi,Japan

街 : 区画 Aichi

Iwazaki, Komaki, 〒485-0011 Aichi,Japan
Niwa Tomoko on Google

It is a small mountain, perfect for a walk for a while (* ^^ *)
ラッコ男爵 on Google

Perfect for a walk!
齋藤寛之 on Google

駐車場が欲しい。 神社見る価値あり。
I want a parking lot. Worth seeing the shrine.
Akkey IIDA on Google

It seems that a stone with the same engraving as the stone wall of Nagoya Castle has been found. I wonder if this is the place of origin for some of the stone walls of Nagoya Castle.
k f (K.FUJIMARU) on Google

昔、小牧長久手の戦いの時砦が築かれた所です。 山頂に三等三角点「岩崎」があります。
In the past, the fort was built during the battle of Komaki Nagakute. There is a third-triangle point "Iwasaki" on the summit.
ohitorisama go on Google

54.9メートルの小さな山 ストーンヘンジみたいな謎の岩がある
54.9 meters small mountain There is a mysterious rock like Stonehenge
緑の風 on Google

The mountain where Kumano Shrine is located. Large rocks feel sacred. The place I went to Inttori when I was a child (more than 30 years ago). Certainly it was a beetle, but it is a mystery whether it can be taken now. There are many Jizo. If you go up the stairs to the top, the scenery is good.
為五郎 on Google

天正12年(1584年)の小牧長久手の戦いの時に秀吉方がここに砦を築いたそうです。 徳川、織田連合軍の拠点である小牧山を望むことができる最前線の砦で、 稲葉一鉄が4千の兵を率いて布陣したと伝わっています。
It seems that Hideyoshi built a fort here during the battle of Komaki Nagakute in 1584. It is said that Intetsu Ichitetsu headed up 4,000 soldiers at the forefront fort overlooking Mt. Komaki, the base of the Tokugawa and Oda coalition forces.

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